Album Description2008 debut album by a four piece, from Santa Cruz, CA, whose joyous Folk Pop has been compared to Sufjan Stevens, The Decemberists and Beirut. A bedroom band put together by 22-year-old Dylan McKeever, Antarctica Takes It! recorded the songs on The Penguin League straight onto a friend's laptop, using the computer's internal microphone. No problem if you're a straightforward Rock 'N' Roll band, but Dylan's songs boasted an array of accordions, glockenspiels, cellos, ukuleles, trumpets, harmonicas and pianos. The result should have been extremely lo-fi - and in places it is (you can actually hear the instruments battling for airpace at some points). But, overall, thanks to Dylan's patience and prodigious talent, The Penguin League conjures a tiny orchestra out of thin air. How Does It Feel.