Anthony Coleman plays 'The Mordecai Gebertig Blues'
Brian Schiff | Detroit Mi. USA | 11/28/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Anthony Coleman's interpretation of Mordecai Gebertig will get anybody's attention by the second tune, 'Mamenyu An Eytse'(Yiddish for 'Mama,I Need Your Advice');he locks you in for some very nice melody-then drops the roof on your head.Gebertig coulda been a very big name composing tunes for say,The Yiddish Theatre;instead the former carpenter became known for songs such as 'S'Brent('Our Town Is Burning')which encouraged revolt against the Nazi's.But the composer of'Shmutsige Magnaten'(...dirty tycoons...from 'Avreml the Thief')was murdered by the Nazi's in 1942.Coleman recorded this album live in a synagogue in Gebirtig's hometown of Cracow,Poland.Hopefully, he'll take this memorable concert on the road."