Wie Schon Leuchtet Der Morgenstern, BWV 1: Chor: 'Wie Bin Ich Doch So Herzlich Froh' - Wiener Sangerknaben/Chor Viennensis/Hans Gillesberger
Ach Gott, Vom Himmel Sieh Darein, BWV 2: Chor: 'Ach Gott, Vom Himmel Sieh Darein' - Wiener Sangerknaben/Chor Viennensis/Hans Gillesberger
Ach Gott, Vom Himmel Sieh Darein, BWV 2: Recitativo: 'Sie Lehren Eitel Falsche List' - Kurt Equiluz
Ach Gott, Vom Himmel Sieh Darein, BWV 2: Aria: 'Tilg, O Gott, Die Lehren' - Paul Esswood
Ach Gott, Vom Himmel Sieh Darein, BWV 2: Recitativo: 'Die Armen Sind Verstort' - Max Van Egmond
Ach Gott, Vom Himmel Sieh Darein, BWV 2: Aria: 'Durchs Feuer Wird Das Silber Rein' - Kurt Equiluz
Ach Gott, Vom Himmel Sieh Darein, BWV 2: Chor: 'Das Wollst Du, Gott, Bewahren Rein' - Wiener Sangerknaben/Chor Viennensis/Hans Gillesberger
Ach Gott, Wie Manches Herzeleid, BWV 3: Chor: 'Ach Gott, Wie Manches Herzeleid' - Wiener Sangerknaben/Chor Viennensis/Hans Gillesberger
Ach Gott, Wie Manches Herzeleid, BWV 3: Choral Recitativo: 'Wie Schwerlich Lasst Sich Fleisch Und... - Wiener Sangerknaben/Hans Gillesberger/Paul Esswood/Kurt Equiluz/Max Van Egmond...
Ach Gott, Wie Manches Herzeleid, BWV 3: Aria: 'Empfind Ich Hollenangst Und Pein' - Max Van Egmond
Ach Gott, Wie Manches Herzeleid, BWV 3: Recitativo: 'Es Mag Mir Leib Und Geist Verschmachten' - Kurt Equiluz
Ach Gott, Wie Manches Herzeleid, BWV 3: Aria: 'Wenn Sorgen Auf Mich Dringen' - Wiener Sangerknaben/Hans Gillesberger/Paul Esswood
Ach Gott, Wie Manches Herzeleid, BWV 3: Chor: 'Erhalt Mein Herz Im Glauben Rein' - Wiener Sangerknaben/Chor Viennensis/Hans Gillesberger
Track Listings (19) - Disc #2
Ich elender Mensch, wer wird mich erloesen
O Schmerz, o Elend, so mich trifft
Solls ja so sein
Ach lege das Sodom der suendlichen Glieder
Hier aber tut des Heilands Hand
Ich Elender Mensch, Wer Wird Mich Erlosen, BWV 48: Aria: 'Vergibt Mir Jesus Meine Sunden' - Kurt Equiluz
Ich Elender Mensch, Wer Wird Mich Erlosen, BWV 48: Chor: 'Herr Jesu Christ, Einiger Trost' - Wiener Sangerknaben/Chor Viennensis/Hans Gillesberger
Ich Geh Und Suche Mit Verlangen, BWV 49: Sinf - Concentus Musicus Wien/Nikolaus Harnoncourt
Ich Geh Und Suche Mit Verlangen, BWV 49: Aria: 'Ich Geh Und Suche Mit Verlangen' - Ruud Van Der Meer
Ich Geh Und Suche Mit Verlangen, BWV 49: Recitativo Ed Arioso: 'Mein Mahl Ist Zubereit'' - Ruud Van Der Meer/Peter Jelosits
Ich Geh Und Suche Mit Verlangen, BWV 49: Aria: 'Ich Bin Herrlich, Ich Bin Schon' - Peter Jelosits
Ich Geh Und Suche Mit Verlangen, BWV 49: Recitativo: 'Mein Glaube Hat Mich Selbst So Angezogen' - Peter Jelosits/Ruud Van Der Meer
Ich Geh Und Suche Mit Verlangen, BWV 49: Aria (Duetto): 'Dich Hab Ich Je Und Je Geliebet' - Peter Jelosits/Ruud Van Der Meer
Nun Ist Das Heil Und Die Kraft, BWV 50: Chor: 'Nun Ist Das Heil Und Die Kraft' - Wiener Sangerknaben/Chor Viennensis/Hans Gillesberger
Jauchzet Gott In Allen Landen, BWV 51: Aria: 'Jauchzet Gott In Allen Landen!' - Marianne Kweksilber
Jauchzet Gott In Allen Landen, BWV 51: Recitativo: 'Wir Beten Zu Dem Tempel An' - Marianne Kweksilber
Jauchzet Gott In Allen Landen, BWV 51: Aria: 'Hochster, Mache Deine Gute' - Marianne Kweksilber
Jauchzet Gott In Allen Landen, BWV 51: Chor: 'Sei Lob Und Preis Mit Ehren' - Marianne Kweksilber
Jauchzet Gott In Allen Landen, BWV 51: Aria: 'Alleluja!' - Marianne Kweksilber
Track Listings (20) - Disc #3
(Caro) Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan
(Alto, Tenore) Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan
(Soprano) Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan
(Basso) Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan
(Alto) Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan
Was Gott Tut, Das Ist Wohlgetan, BWV 100: Chor: 'Was Gott Tut, Das Ist Wohlgetan' - Knabenchor Hannover/Heinz Hennig/Collegium Vocale, Gent/Philippe Herreweghe
Nimm Von Uns, Herr, Du Treuer Gott, BWV 101: Chor: 'Nimm Von Uns, Herr, Du Treuer Gott' - Tolzer Knabenchor/Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden
Nimm Von Uns, Herr, Du Treuer Gott, BWV 101: Aria: 'Handle Nicht Nach Deinen Rechten' - Kurt Equiluz
Nimm Von Uns, Herr, Du Treuer Gott, BWV 101: Recitativo-Chor: 'Ach! Herr Gott, Durch Die Treue Dein' - Wilhelm Wiedl
Nimm Von Uns, Herr, Du Treuer Gott, BWV 101: Aria: 'Warum Willst Du So Zornig Sein?' - Philippe Huttenlocher
Nimm Von Uns, Herr, Du Treuer Gott, BWV 101: Recitativo-Chor: 'Die Sund Hat Uns Verderbet Sehr' - Kurt Equiluz
Nimm Von Uns, Herr, Du Treuer Gott, BWV 101: Aria (Duetto): 'Gedenk An Jesu Bittern Tod!' - Wilhelm Wiedl/Paul Esswood
Nimm Von Uns, Herr, Du Treuer Gott, BWV 101: Chor: 'Leit Uns Mit Deiner Rechten Hand' - Tolzer Knabenchor/Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden
Herr, Deine Augen Sehen Nach Dem Glauben, BWV 102, Prima Parte: Chor: 'Herr, Deine Augen Sehen... - Tolzer Knabenchor/Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden
Herr, Deine Augen Sehen Nach Dem Glauben, BWV 102, Prima Parte: Recitativo: 'Wo Ist Das Ebenbild' - Philippe Huttenlocher
Herr, Deine Augen Sehen Nach Dem Glauben, BWV 102, Prima Parte: Aria: 'Weh Der Seele' - Paul Esswood
Herr, Deine Augen Sehen Nach Dem Glauben, BWV 102, Prima Parte: Arioso: 'Verachtest Du Den... - Philippe Huttenlocher
Herr, Deine Augen Sehen Nach Dem Glauben, BWV 102, Seconda Parte: Aria: 'Erschrecke Doch, Du... - Kurt Equiluz
Herr, Deine Augen Sehen Nach Dem Glauben, BWV 102, Seconda Parte: Recitativo: 'Beim Warten Ist... - Paul Esswood
Herr, Deine Augen Sehen Nach Dem Glauben, BWV 102, Seconda Parte: Chor: Heut Lebst Du, Heut... - Tolzer Knabenchor/Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden
Track Listings (27) - Disc #4
Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich
Doch bin und bleibe ich vergnuegt
Leite mich in deiner Wahrheit
Zedern muessen von den Winden
Nach Dir, Herr, Verlanget Mich, BWV 150: Chor: 'Meine Augen Sehen Stets Zu Dem Herrn' - Knabenchor Hannover/Heinz Hennig/Collegium Vocale, Gent/Philippe Herreweghe
Nach Dir, Herr, Verlanget Mich, BWV 150: Chor: 'Meine Tage In Dem Leide' - Knabenchor Hannover/Heinz Hennig/Collegium Vocale, Gent/Philippe Herreweghe
Susser Trost, Mein Jesus Kommt, BWV 151: Aria: 'Susser Trost, Mein Jesus Kommt' - Sebastian Hennig
Susser Trost, Mein Jesus Kommt, BWV 151: Recitativo: 'Erfreue Dich, Mein Herz' - Max Van Egmond
Susser Trost, Mein Jesus Kommt, BWV 151: Aria: 'In Jesu Demut Kann Ich Trost' - Paul Esswood
Susser Trost, Mein Jesus Kommt, BWV 151: Recitativo: 'Du Teurer Gottessohn' - Kurt Equiluz
Susser Trost, Mein Jesus Kommt, BWV 151: Chor: 'Heut Schleusst Er Wieder Auf Die Tur' - Knabenchor Hannover/Heinz Hennig/Collegium Vocale, Gent/Philippe Herreweghe
Tritt Auf Die Glaubensbahn, BWV 152: Con - Concentus Musicus Wien/Nikolaus Harnoncourt
Tritt Auf Die Glaubensbahn, BWV 152: Aria: 'Tritt Auf Die Glaubensbahn' - Thomas Hampson
Tritt Auf Die Glaubensbahn, BWV 152: Recitativo: 'Der Heiland Ist Gesetzt' - Thomas Hampson
Tritt Auf Die Glaubensbahn, BWV 152: Aria: 'Stein, Der Uber Alle Schatze' - Christoph Wegmann
Tritt Auf Die Glaubensbahn, BWV 152: Recitativo: 'Es Argre Sich Die Kluge Welt' - Thomas Hampson
Tritt Auf Die Glaubensbahn, BWV 152: Duetto: 'Wie Soll Ich Dich, Liebster Der Seelen, Umfassen?' - Christoph Wegmann/Thomas Hampson
Schau, Lieber Gott, Wie Meine Feind, BWV 153: Chor: 'Schau, Lieber Gott, Wie Meine Feind' - Tolzer Knabenchor//Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden
Schau, Lieber Gott, Wie Meine Feind, BWV 153: Recitativo: 'Mein Liebster Gott' - Stefan Rampf
Schau, Lieber Gott, Wie Meine Feind, BWV 153: Aria: 'Furchte Dich Nicht, Ich Bin Mit Dir' - Thomas Hampson
Schau, Lieber Gott, Wie Meine Feind, BWV 153: Recitativo: 'Du Sprichst Zwar, Lieber Gott' - Kurt Equiluz
Schau, Lieber Gott, Wie Meine Feind, BWV 153: Chor: 'Und Ob Gleich Alle Teufel - Tolzer Knabenchor//Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden
Schau, Lieber Gott, Wie Meine Feind, BWV 153: Aria: 'Sturmt Nur, Sturmt, Ihr Trubsalswetter' - Kurt Equiluz
Schau, Lieber Gott, Wie Meine Feind, BWV 153: Recitativo: 'Getrost! Mein Herz, Erdulde Deinen... - Thomas Hampson
Schau, Lieber Gott, Wie Meine Feind, BWV 153: Aria: 'Soll Ich Meinen Lebeslauf' - Stefan Rampf
Schau, Lieber Gott, Wie Meine Feind, BWV 153: Chor: 'Drum Will Ich, Weil Ich Lebe Noch' - Tolzer Knabenchor//Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden
Track Listings (16) - Disc #5
Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht
Auf, Sterbliche, lasset ein Jauchzen ertoenen
So bald, als dir die Sternen hold
Es streiten, es siegen die kuenftigen Zeiten
Bedenke nur, begluecktes Land
Die Zeit, Die Tag Und Jahre Macht, BWV 134A: Aria: 'Der Zeiten Herr Hat Viel Vergnugte Stunden' - Michael Chance
Die Zeit, Die Tag Und Jahre Macht, BWV 134A: Recitativo: 'Hilf, Hochster, Hilf' - Michael Chance/Paul Agnew
Die Zeit, Die Tag Und Jahre Macht, BWV 134A: Chor: 'Ergetzet Auf Erden' - The Amsterdam Baroque Chor/Ton Koopman
Durchlauchtster Leopold, BWV 173A: Recitativo: 'Durchlauchtster Leopold' - Lisa Larsson
The Organ Works; 16 CDs; Ton Koopman Volume 9, 11 Discs
The Keyboard Works (I) The Well-Tempered Clavier, English & French Suites, Partitas etc; 11 CDs; Curtis, Ross, Wilson, Ruzickova Volume 10, 11 Discs
The Keyboard Works (II) Goldberg Variations, Toccatas, Fugues, Italian Concerto, etc; 11 CDs; Staier, Barchi, Leonhardt, von Asperen, Baumont, and others Volume 11, 13 Discs
The Chamber Music Violin Sonatas & Partitas, Flute Sonatas, Works for Lute, Art of Fugue, Musical Offering, etc; 13 CDs; Harnoncourt, Pianca, Tachezi, Brggen, Zehetmair, and others Volume 12, 10 Discs
The Orchestral Works The Concertos & Orchestral Suite; 10 CDs; Il Giardino Armonico, Harnoncourt, Leonhardt« less
Volume 1, 15 Discs
Sacred Cantatas Nos. 1-14, 16-47; 15 CDs; Harnoncourt/Leonhardt Volume 2, 15 Discs
Sacred Cantatas Nos. 48-52, 54-69, 69A, 70-99; 15 CDs; Harnoncourt/Leonhardt Volume 3, 15 Discs
Sacred Cantatas Nos. 100-117, 119-140,143-149; 15 CDs; Harnoncourt/Leonhardt Volume 4, 15 Discs
Sacred Cantatas BWV 150-159, 161-188, 192, 194-199; 15 CDs; Harnoncourt/Leonhardt Volume 5, 11 Discs
Secular Cantatas App. Sacred Cantatas; 11 CDs; Koopman, Harnoncourt, Koopman, Goebel and others Volume 6, 14 Discs
The Sacred Vocal Works Masses,Magnificat, Passions, Oratorios; 14 CDs; Harnoncourt, Koopman, Corboz and others Volume 7
, 7 Discs
The Motets, Chorales & Songs Kirnberger Chorales,Schemelli Songs, Quodlibet Volume 8, 16 Discs
The Organ Works; 16 CDs; Ton Koopman Volume 9, 11 Discs
The Keyboard Works (I) The Well-Tempered Clavier, English & French Suites, Partitas etc; 11 CDs; Curtis, Ross, Wilson, Ruzickova Volume 10, 11 Discs
The Keyboard Works (II) Goldberg Variations, Toccatas, Fugues, Italian Concerto, etc; 11 CDs; Staier, Barchi, Leonhardt, von Asperen, Baumont, and others Volume 11, 13 Discs
The Chamber Music Violin Sonatas & Partitas, Flute Sonatas, Works for Lute, Art of Fugue, Musical Offering, etc; 13 CDs; Harnoncourt, Pianca, Tachezi, Brggen, Zehetmair, and others Volume 12, 10 Discs
The Orchestral Works The Concertos & Orchestral Suite; 10 CDs; Il Giardino Armonico, Harnoncourt, Leonhardt
CD Reviews
It is beautiful music. Its not only for experts.
Chianne Cards | Seattle, WA USA | 02/05/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I grew up trying to play a guitar, adoring the Beatles and The Doors. Now jazz and classical music has my attention. I love good music. This is good music. I don't think Bach ever did a crummy song. You don't have to be an expert ear to enjoy Bach. This HUGE CD project takes a year to hear...I'm almost half through it. If you plain love Bach, this is a fabulous collection. Some of the critics must have the type of ears that hear minute faults. Or they actually learned to play an instrument. I didn't. I just can't get enough of Bach! This music covers religious singing (in German, that adds to the mystical quality) that is definitely cathedral choir quality- it sends shivers through me - and operatic music, grand organs, polyphonic and counterpoint orchestral melodies that sound intelligent and clever and miraculous to me (I had to ask someone who knew about music about what the parts that I love are called). I'm one of the musically ignorant, but I'm glad I bought this. It is GRAND music. Turn it up and enjoy."
A wonderful collection - including WONDERFUL organ works
Gontroppo | 12/19/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In contrast to the review by "A Bach Lover", I assert that Ton Koopman's performance in this set is wonderful. I do encourage you to buy the sampler and listen to Toccatta and Fugue in Dmin. This is the only performance of the piece I've ever heard where the performer actually tried to recreate not just the notes on the page, but the SPIRIT of the music--Koopman tries to actually get inside Bach's head. There are many nuances and articulations that performer-composers leave unwritten in a piece, especially Bach. The question then arises "Given what's written, what would he have actually played?" A particular trill articulation may have different meanings to different people, and perhaps have even been played differently every time Bach himself performed the piece. That single little trill mark at the beginning of Tocata and Fugue in Dmin may have just been a note Bach made to himself to play "some embelished series of notes"--or it may have indicated the precise A-G-A triple note series traditionally played--we will never know. While you may disagree on precisely what interpretations Bach may have used, there is no right or wrong in music--it is about the spirit. For the spirit and effort of trying to answer the question "Now what would Bach have actually played?", Ton Koopman should be applauded. Besides that, the organ works are very clear recordings on wonderful Baroque Dutch and German instruments which are just a thrill to listen to."
Treasure chest of great music
Bach fan | New York | 11/30/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This complete Bach edition from Teldec really is an event of epic proportions. It goes back to the beginnings of the "original instrument" movement. And it comes right up to the present, with some new performances by exciting names in Bach performance today. There's no way this could be the "definitive" version of Bach's music--no matter how great a "Hamlet" you;ve seen, there's always another great interpretation waiting in the wings. But it's amazing just to have the works at your fingertips like this, and with some real highlights (especially in the choral music and keyboard volumes), this will delight you for years to come."
A Treasure Trove
Jason Hurd | San Francisco, California | 03/07/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This set is the culmination of several decades of work on the part of the West German record label Teldec (formerly known as Telefunken-Decca). With their early-music subdivision Das Alte Werk (similar to DG's Archiv or Decca's L'Oiseau-Lyre), Teldec have been in the forefront of exploring the world of period instruments and authentic performance practice, with special emphasis on the works of J.S.Bach. The lion's share of recordings here was originally made for Das Alte Werk, with the odd exception here and there licensed from other labels in order to fill in the gaps. The centerpiece of the set is the famous recording of the 199 church cantatas by Nikolaus Harnoncourt and Gustav Leonhardt. If you're not familiar with the cantatas, there's a whole world of drama, color and expression right here waiting for you. You'll also be surprised to learn how many of the "tunes" you know from popular arrangements, like "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" and "Sleepers Awake" are actually movements from cantatas. The names of Harnoncourt and Leonhardt pop up again and again; they were both mainstays of the Teldec roster. Leonhardt gives us his 1965 Goldberg Variations on a Dulcken harpsichord whose every tone is like a bell, and Harnoncourt's "home" recording of the Cello Suites (never intended for general release) shows the ferment of a great musical mind. Ton Koopman gives us his provocative and controversial re-thinkings of the organ works, and Thomas Zehetmair's performances of the unaccompanied violin sonatas and partitas are like dramatic scenes spoken by a solo violin. Here are the uniquely bizarre Brandenburg Concertos by Il Giardino Armonico; the rhetorical and transparent performance of the motets conducted by Harnoncourt (perhaps his best-ever recording); Leonhardt's relaxed and smiling versions of the harpsichord concertos; Alice Harnoncourt's tawny, leonine performances of the sonatas for violin and harpsichord; Harnoncourt's chiaroscuro-filled performance of the Christmas Oratorio, and so on. This set is one of the most worthwhile CD buys you could make. You will never be bored with this to dip into over the years."