Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 1. Kommt, ihr Tochter, helft mir klagen
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 2. Da Jesus diese Rede vollendet hatte
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 3. Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 4. a. Da versammleten sich die Hohenpriester - b. Ja nicht auf das Fest - c. Da nun Jesus war zu Bethanien - d. Wozu dienet dieser Unrat - e. da das Jesus merkete
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 5. Du lieber Heiland du
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 6. Bass und Reu
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 7. Da ging hin der Zwolfen einer
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 8. Blute nur, du liebes Herz
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 9. a. Aber am ersten Tage der sussen Brot - b. Wo willst du, dass wir dir bereiten - c. Er sprach: Gebet ihn in die Stadt - d. Und sie wurden sehr betrubt - e. Herr,bin ich's
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 10. Ich bin's, ich sollte bussen
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 11. Er antworlete und sprach
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 12. Wiehol mein Herz in Tranen schwimmt
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 13. Ich will dir mein Herze schenken
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 14. Und da sie den Lobgesang gesprochen hatten
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 15. Erkenne mich, mein Huter
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 16. Petrus aber antwortete
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 17. Ich will hier bei dir stehen
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 18. Da kam Jesus mit ihnen zu einem Hofe
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 19. O Schmerz! hier zitter das gaqualte Herz
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 20. Ich will bei meinem Jesu wachen
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 21. Und ging hin ein wenig
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 22. Der Heiland fallt vor seinem Vater nieder
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 23. Gerne will ich mich bequemen
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 24. Und er kam zu seinen Jungern
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 25. Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh' allzeit
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 26. Und er kam und fand sie aber schlafend
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 27. a. So ist mein Jesus nun gefangen - b. Sind Blitze, sind Donner in Wolken verschwunden
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 28. Und siehe, einer aus denen
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 29. O Mensch, bewein' dein Sunde gross
Track Listings (23) - Disc #2
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 30. Ach! nun ist mein Jesus hin
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 31. Die aber Jesum gegriffen hatten
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 32. Mir hat die Welt truglich gericht't
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 33. Und wiewohl viel falsche Zeugen herzutraten
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 34. Mein Jesus schweigt zu falschen Lugen stille
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 35. Geduld, Geduld!
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 36. a. Und der Hohepriester antwortete - b. Er ist des Todes schuldig - c. da speieten sie aus in sein Angesicht - d. Weissage uns, Christe
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 37. Wer hat dich so geschlagen
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 39. a. Petrus aber sass draussen im Palast - b. Wahlich, du bist auch einer von denen
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 40. Erbarme dich
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 41. Bin ich gleich von dir gewichen
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 42. a. Des Morgens aber hielten alle Hohenpriester - b. Was gehet uns das an - c. Und er warf die Silberlinge in den Tempel
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 43. Gebt mir meinen Jesum wieder
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 44. Sie hielten aber einen Rat
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 45. Befiehl du deine Wege
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 45. a. Auf das Fest aber hatte der Landpfleger - b. Lass ihn kreuzigen !
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 46. Wie wunderbarlich ist doch diese Strafe
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 47. Der Landpfleger sagte
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 48. Er hat uns allen wohlgetan
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 49. Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 50. a. Sie schrieen aber noch mehr - b. Lass ihn kreuzigen ! - c. Da aber Pilatus sahe - d. Sein Blut komme uber uns - e. Da gab er ihnen Barrabam los
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 51. Erbarm es Gott
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 52. Konnen Tranen meiner Wangen
Track Listings (16) - Disc #3
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 53. Da nahmen die Kriegsknechte - b. Gegrusset seist du, Judenkonig - c. Und speieten ihn an
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 54. O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 55. Und da sie ihn verspottet hatten
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 56. Ja! freilich will in uns das Fleisch und Blut
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 57. Komm, susses Kreuz
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 58. a. Und da sie an die Statte kamen - b. Der du den Tempel Gottes zerbrichst - c. Desgleichen auch die Hohenpriester - d. Andern hat er geholfen - e. Desgleichen schmaheten ihn
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 59. Ach. Golgatha, unsel'ges Golgatha
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 60. Sehet Jesus hat die Hand
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 61. a. Und von der sechsten Stunde - b. Der rufet dem Elias - c. Und bald lief einer unter ihnen - d. Halt, lass sehen - e. Aber Jesus schriee abermals laut
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 62. Wenn ich einmal soll scheiden
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 63. a. Und siehe da, der Vorhang im Tempel zerriss - b. Wahlich, dieser ist Gottes Sohn gewesen - c. Und es waren viel Weiber da
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 64. Am Abend da es kuhle war
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 65. Mache dich, mein Herze, rein
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 66. a. Und Joseph nahm den Leib - b. Herr, wir haben gedacht - c. Pilatus sprach zu ihnen
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 67. Nun ist Herr zur Ruh gebracht
Passio D.N.J.C. secundum Matthaeum, BWV244: 68. Wir stezen uns mit Tranen nieder
Johann Sebastian Bach's monumental St. Matthew Passion was first performed on Good Friday in 1727 at the St. Thomas Church in Leipzig. It is the largest single composition Bach ever wrote, both in terms of length and in te... more »rms of instrumental and vocal forces. It requires two choruses, two orchestras, four vocal soloists for the arias and vocal soloists for each of the various character parts. Philippe Herreweghe's 1999 recording of Bach's masterpiece features a stellar cast and was a perennial catalog bestseller. This re-issue, without the now-obsolete CD-ROM that was offered with its previous incarnation, will be welcome to Bach fans everywhere.« less
Johann Sebastian Bach's monumental St. Matthew Passion was first performed on Good Friday in 1727 at the St. Thomas Church in Leipzig. It is the largest single composition Bach ever wrote, both in terms of length and in terms of instrumental and vocal forces. It requires two choruses, two orchestras, four vocal soloists for the arias and vocal soloists for each of the various character parts. Philippe Herreweghe's 1999 recording of Bach's masterpiece features a stellar cast and was a perennial catalog bestseller. This re-issue, without the now-obsolete CD-ROM that was offered with its previous incarnation, will be welcome to Bach fans everywhere.
CD Reviews
A voice teacher and early music fan
George Peabody | Planet Earth | 07/19/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
There is no doubt in my mind that the forces Herreweghe has employed here are some of the best in the 'Passion' business. Aside from this, however, one cannot eliminate the fact that there are two other (and no doubt more) major recordings of this work that stand on their own merit,which, for the most part is as 'good' or as 'bad' as this one. The three that I own including this this one (I reviewed on customer reviews) and refer to are: Gardiner's 1988 recording with the outstanding Monteverdi Choir that sparkles and shines as only they can; the 1994 Cleobury King's College Choir, whose soloists are superb etc, etc. etc. So it all amounts to YOU, and what turns YOU on!
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), a Lutheran, was specifically asked by St. Thomas Church, Leipzig, to supply a non-theatrical Passion. In this context 'passion' stands for the act of passive suffering, of watching and occasionally empathizing in the suffering of Christ, a development which began in the Middle Ages when the church took steps to popularize the Bible. When sung, the role of the Evangelist would be a tenor(Bostridge on this recording) and that of Jesus by a Bass (Selig on this recording). As various instruments were added they began to be associated with certain roles and as in opera any dramatic action in the text occurred during the recitative. The chorus has two functions: to participate in the action and then to reflect upon it, such reflection provided by the chorales which were familiar Lutheran hymns.
The St. Matthew Passion was composed for the Good Friday service at St.Thomas Church in Leipzig in 1727. As time went on Bach revised and added other pieces and subsequently this Passion became the grandest and largest of his works. He used a Double Chorus, included a third soprano group for the opening and close of Part one, two orchestras split so that they either accompanied the first or second chorus, four soloists who carry specific parts and a number of other singers who have other roles. The Gospel of Matthew, Chapters 26 & 27, plus traditional Lutheran chorales and meditative peoms (by Henrici also known as Picander) provide the text. The Evangelist narrates the action scene by scene.
Although the work as a whole is somewhat heavy and sombre there are some lighter moments to treasure, and none more delightful than the soprano aria in Part One 'Ich will dir mein herze schenken'(I will give my heart to Thee), sung here by Sibylla Rubens. Part two contains one of the best known and much loved arias from the work 'Erbarme dich, mein Gott' (Have mercy,my God) for alto and violin obligato and pizzicato bass; beautifully rendered by Andreas Scholl. The death is terse but dramatic as is the earthquake following with the heartrending cry 'Wahrlich dieser ist Gottes Sohn gewessen' (Truly this was the son of God). It all ends with a Sarabande-like chorale bidding Jesus to rest in peace.
The performance, itself, is excellent and beyond reproach. Ian Bostridge is all that one would desire in a tenor Evangelist, which is a sense of the dramatic, clear precise diction and that empathic sonorous sound that is uniquely his. Andreas Scholl presents one of his most emotional performances; sometimes I find that he is too laid-back for my taste, but not in this recording!!!All of the soloists are excellent and Herreweghe does a great job of pulling it all together in one cohesive and glorious production.
The packageing of this edition is first-class; the booklet includes all the information that one may need to fully comprehend this monumental work of Bach's; in French, English and German.
You should allow yourself an entire day to explore and experience and absorb all of the information. OR JUST SIT BACK AND ENJOY THIS TRULY INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC OF JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH."
Fr�d�ric, from Montreal, Canada
F. D. Bousquet | Montreal, Qu�bec, Canada | 02/06/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
What can I say that the other reviewers hasn't, not much quite frankly. I'm a neophyte in the classical music world... I was overwhelmed, to tears sometimes, by the beauty of the music which must be, in part, because of the quality of the interpretation. You can't go wrong with this one!