Robot World Undisputed Best Rock Album Ever Made in My Book
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I remember the first time I dropped the needle on the wax on this record, this eerie sense of some thing awe inspiring overcame me with the guitars that sounded like a million distorting at once but melodic at the same time, with angelic voices, that were foretelling of a cold robot world where all the love's been taken away, OK Computer a good 7 years ahead of that album's time. I can't say what a highlight is on this album, just when I thought the track I heard was the most mindblowing experience I had the next one clobbered my skull. If you want a sound imagine what My bloody Valentine's Loveless should have sounded like with the right production amplified 10 times and mixed with something otherworldy. It's a definite concept album like OK Computer, sometimes I wonder if the guys in Radiohead were influenced by this album at all lyrically. This record is only rivaled by the album Tanker, but even that album is a distant second to this one. The Bailter Space hasn't ever been able to match this one, and I haven't seen a band yet pass it although the Beatles, Swervedriver, and Sugar come close. Pick this album up, whenever you're down listen to this album and realize what amazing things humans can create when they hit on all cylinders. Whoever from Option wrote "defiantly murky" should be hung from their toenails."
Concept album? Maybe. More of a pure vision.
michael31661 | Wellington, New Zealand | 04/21/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'll be upfront - this album changed everything I ever thought and, more importantly, felt about music. If you have been wondering about this band for a while and are on the verge of taking the plunge JUMP IN!! This album blew my mind because I like paradoxes. It sounds like a million machine march, but feels like the most delicate expression of humanity (Robot World). It is distorted to hell and back but is symphonic (Remain). It is bigger, louder and more rolling than anything else (Ore), but you can hear the most tiny of detailed variations (EIP). And some of the tracks are just plain terrifying (Be on time). My favourite may be Make, but ask me tomorrow...Alister sometimes jokes on stage that this is the album in which all the songs sound the same. There is a lot of sonic consistency, but half the fun is in the subtle changes, developments and variations in the music and in the words.Ultimately what I most adore about Bailter Space is the purity of aural vision. Every album is an uncompromised vision, every album is different and every album is what you read into it. You really should try it for yourself."
Great stuff altogether
grimesiepanda | ! | 09/28/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"this is one of those cool guitar albums that noone ever hears. kindv like a mix between valentines and sonic youths more straightforward songs. dont be mislead by some of the other reviews, this does have elements of the massively overrated earlyl 90s shoegazer sound but is definatly more "rock" than loveless. brilliant album tho, sinister and spacey with a droney vibe throughout. unexpectantly some of the chord changes and gtr sounds remind me a bit of wedding presents sea monsters in parts. bailterspace had obvious influences but stil managed to sound like themselves. if you can imagine kevin shield playing sonic youths tunic, youl prob like this. but best album ever? thats goin a bit far!"