Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra & Chorus

CDs Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra & Chorus helped create...

Currently Available CDs (1)

1999 - More Tears from Heaven

Genres: Pop, Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (7)

1999 - J S Bach The Brook And The Wellspring (National Public Radio Milestones Of The Millennium)

Genre: Classical
1996 - Handel for the Holidays

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
1996 - R Strauss Der Rosenkavalier (Enregistrements 1944)

Genre: Classical
1995 - Haydn The Creation Missa Bervis Sti Missa Sti Nicolai

1995 - Brahms Altrhapsodie Nnie Gesang der Parzen Begrbngesang

1993 - Mad About Mozart

1992 - Verdi Oberto