Search - Bear McCreary :: Battlestar Galactica - The Plan / Razor

Battlestar Galactica - The Plan / Razor
Bear McCreary
Battlestar Galactica - The Plan / Razor
Genre: Soundtracks
  •  Track Listings (19) - Disc #1

Bear McCreary's Battlestar Galactica music lives on with this all-new, premiere release of his exceptional scores to the Galactica feature-length TV events The Plan and Razor. Both of these television films, based on the h...  more »


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CD Details

All Artists: Bear McCreary
Title: Battlestar Galactica - The Plan / Razor
Members Wishing: 4
Total Copies: 0
Label: La-La Land Records
Original Release Date: 1/1/2010
Re-Release Date: 2/23/2010
Album Type: Soundtrack
Genre: Soundtracks
Number of Discs: 1
SwapaCD Credits: 1
UPC: 826924112526


Product Description
Bear McCreary's Battlestar Galactica music lives on with this all-new, premiere release of his exceptional scores to the Galactica feature-length TV events The Plan and Razor. Both of these television films, based on the hit series, play a crucial role in fleshing out the key backstory in this now-classic, dramatic sci-fi saga. Composer Bear McCreary relishes the creative challenges both films present, expanding his riveting Galactica musical arsenal in new and exciting directions. This special soundtrack presentation features the scores to 2009's sensational The Plan, directed by Edward James Olmos, and 2007's acclaimed Razor, both of which are available now on DVD in stores everywhere. The Plan airs on SyFy Channel in January 2010.

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CD Reviews

Not quite as accessible as some of his previous work
Brian | Denver, CO | 03/02/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)

"I'm sure it's no secret by now (if you have followed my reviews) that I am a huge fan of Bear McCreary. His work on the Galactica soundtracks has been, by and large, the best that TV has to offer. In addition, I greatly enjoyed the feature Razor, and while there were some heavy weaknesses in The Plan, I enjoyed that one as well. But the problems is that this soundtrack, like the feature films, requires a pretty solid understanding of the Galactica universe in order for them to be enjoyed properly. What I mean is this: without the intimate knowledge of the musical themes of Galactica and without having seen the context of the music on this particular album, you may find it a little repetitive at times. One reason why I love the regular season Galactica albums is that one can enjoy them without having seen any of the series, because the music works on so many levels and can be enjoyed for the amazing pieces of music they are regardless. Here, the Kendra Shaw theme basically dominates the Razor tracks, and the Apocalypse theme dominates a good portion of the Plan tracks. Not that I think this is bad music by any means...but it IS a weaker collection than his previous album releases because there is far less range that can be demonstrated with these two movies (understandably).

So my advice is this: if you want to be introduced to the world of Galactica soundtracks, start yourself off with season 3 or 4, the best of the bunch (particularly 4). If you like what you hear, then you might consider either checking this album out or, better yet, watching the show yourself.

Now, to those of you who are Galactica fans (like me) and appreciate the movies and their scores on all levels, then this is of course a must-own album just like all the rest. The way he takes his fully developed compositional ability (and arsenal of numerous character/concept themes) and applies them to old events in The Plan tracks is fantastic. His use of the Kendra Shaw theme as almost the sole musical idea in the Razor tracks is genius given the nature of her character and her role in the narrative. There is some great material here, but you may only appreciate it if you are immersed in the exceptional saga that is the music of Battlestar Galactica."
Thematic, Melodic & Captivating. McCreary's Rock Infused Sco
Kaya Savas | North Hollywood, CA | 03/09/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)

"I'm going to be straight forward and honest here. I've never watched Battlestar Galactica. The only times I tune into the SyFy Channel are to watch terrible made for TV movies like Sharks In Venice starring Stephen Baldwin. Anyway, I have heard nothing but praise for Bear McCreary's work on the series. Granted, taking a look at his filmography probably won't impress you and the films he's done aren't gonna do more in the impressions department, but let me tell you right now that this is some great stuff.

The score is a combination of two separate Battlestar Galactica "events". The Plan is more or less a 2-hour movie that aired after the completion of the series. Razor can also be considered a stand alone film (it aired between seasons). For thematic and cohesive purposes McCreary decided to combine the two scores for this unified release. I almost didn't believe what I was hearing when the first track started. "This is music from Battlestar Galactica?" is pretty much what I said aloud. I rarely dabble in TV scores because they usually lose focus over the span of seasons and most of the score is filler. LOST is one exception to this. I found the second exception. Every track here is genuine storytelling. Thematic and melodic material carries you on an amazing journey. The music stands on its own in an immense way. It's a rock infused percussion propelled soundscape with ethnic flavors that creates an immersive atmosphere.

This was my first Bear McCreary experience and I'm hooked. I know I'm probably missing the big picture here since I haven't looked at the other seasons' scores, but I love what I hear here. My initial impressions of Battlestar Galactica have changed. Never would I have imagined to find such grand and emotionally driven arcs in a score to a series for the SyFy Channel. Listen to the first track and I guarantee you'll want to continue. If you're a fan of modern scoring you will love it. I can't speak for purists or traditionalists because they are stubborn and think anything that isn't a 70 piece orchestra is bad. If you're a Battlestar Galactica or Bear McCreary fan then I'm sure you know how great this is. If you are not fans of either then jump in and take a listen."
An Excellent selection from Bear McCreary !!!
Martin Paternoster | 02/24/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)

"Although not as fantastic as the Season 3 and 4 CDs, this is still an excellent listening experience.

Slightly lower key than the previous seasons, with Apocalypse being a great revision of the main title theme."