Product DescriptionWhat if there was an easy way to increase your wealth and income?
Would you want to know what it is?
Do you worry about money? Do you wonder how to pay the bills? Do you carry around a burden of debt, weighing you down? This 'worry' is a negative form of self-hypnosis, that can BLOCK you from generating wealth and financial freedom. That "burden" of debt is just that - a burden that is buried within your subconscious financial blueprint. FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT Everyone has within them a financial blueprint - buried in their subconscious mind. This blueprint was learned as a child, perhaps from parents, or even friends, neighbors or teachers. This blueprint becomes a subconscious BELIEF about how much money, wealth and financial freedom you can allow into your life.
And no matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you work, no matter how much you learn - until you change your inner mindset - this inner blueprint for success - you will always produce just enough wealth that reaches the limits of your financial blueprint.
Prosperity Attraction is an engaging self-hypnosis session with guided imagery that reaches into the depths of your inner mind - to expand your current financial blueprint and allow space for more to come in. As you expand your inner mindset, and you move your financial blueprint to a higher level, you will naturally have new thoughts, new feelings, and you will take new actions.
And the beauty of self-hypnosis is this: when you make changes within yourself - they happen naturally - you scarcely notice anything has changed - but if you pay attention - you will notice yourself feeling and acting differently - making new choices - better choices - that bring better results in life.
The secret to attracting wealth is to remove subconscious blocks, and expand your inner problem solving ability, to bring more options into your life - expanding the menu of what is available to you now.
In the past those choices might have seemed too risky, or even worse, you could not even see them as an option. , Because your inner mind was filtering them out - and you could only see what your financial blueprint allowed you to see - but NOW - you will be able to see opportunity where it exists, and feel confident about taking action.
Some of my private session clients have doubled their income after listening to this self hypnosis guided mediation. While there is no specific guarantee on the results YOU will produce, I feel certain that you will:
Feel more relaxed Begin to expand your mindset Develop more Positive Thinking Become aware of Opportunity around you Feel Confident in taking action
Listen Daily to receive the greatest benefit. And listen again, anytime in the future when you need a reboot.
You deserve to live a prosperous life. As you enjoy this guided hypnosis session you will naturally increase your prosperity set-point over time, and open up to more abundance.
Your inner mind will begin to solve problems, bring innovative ideas to your awareness, and give you the courage to act on those ideas without fear or hesitation.
If there were One Step you could take now, to start melting away at that mountain of debt, or to build up a mountain of wealth, what would it be?
You could take this small step, to begin changing your mindset within, because that is where all change begins, and that is when you begin to see the changes without.
The first benefit you may notice is how you Feel Better after listening to the recording! The next benefit may be when you notice yourself having new or different thoughts about your life, your circumstances, and what is possible for you.
Notice the changes as they show up in your life. Remember - you deserve it!