"This single contains two vitally important early Bjork tracks-"Sidasta Eg" and "Glora". "Sidasta Eg" is a simple but beautiful icelandic song performed by old guitar and voice, "Glora" is a flute duet that Bjork wrote and performed-also very simple. These are the types of tracks that i buy Bjork singles for. They certainly don't belong on any of her albums but they hold far too much sentimentality to not release them. This sentimentality is what brought me to give this a 4 star rating. the "Come to me" remix is only slightly entertaining, and "Big time sensuality", in my opinion, is only a mediocher song of Bjork's. If anything, buy this cheap import single for the two extra tracks. They are beautiful."
BJORK RULES, BIG TIME!! (B-sides, B-sides!)
Beketaten | Pangea | 06/01/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I absolutely LOVE this single! (Of course, I do love EVERYTHING Bjork lays hands or voice on, etc.) If you love Bjork and want more, you must get the B-sides, and what better a way to start your collection than with this? (Except for another single she does with B-sides.) First off, its a lovely Icelandic song called Sithasta Eg. (I put in the 't-h' because they approximated the Icelandic letter for "th" as in "the" with a D") Sorry, I HAD to say that! Anyway, Sidasta Eg is an absolutely wonderful, mystical song with electric guitar and something like an electric harpsicord. Its only about three minutes, but very mezmerizing and enchanting. She wrote and did it with some of the members of the Sugarcubes while she was still in the band. Glora is another of the always "gotta have it" B-sides. It is an extremely short and wonderfully mysterious flute song, with Bjork playing the flute. You'll see what I mean when you buy it. And, though it's not a B-side, it's a remix, which you've also got to have all of, the next new song is the "Fluke Minimix" of "Big Time Sensuality". It rules! Her whispering rules! It puts a whole new even more impish spin on the song, and it's the one they made the video from. The original version which rules, rules, rules!, is also on the single at the beginning. SO BUY THIS SINGLE! TRUST ME, YOU'LL FIND IT TO BE EVER SO DELICIOUS TO YOUR MUSICAL SENSES AND LOVE FOR BJORK!"
Contains more essentials ... most notably track 2
old_hyperbolic_squiggly | 03/27/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Yes, this is essential for Sidasta Eg, and secondly, Glora. Very natural, acoustic Bjork pieces - the latter of which is an instrumental: Bjork playing a flute tune she composed. Sidasta Eg is gorgeous. Stigdu Mig, available on the Venus as a Boy maxi-single, is its counterpart (similar in style). I love all of her acoustic work and yearn for more.The Fluke Minimix, featured in the Big Time Sensuality video, is ok. But the Black Dog version of Come to Me is downright scary and disturbing as hell to listen to.Of course, you already HAVE the LP version of the magnificent Big Time Sensuality ... DON'T YOU?!?!?!?!???! ;)"
2 of Bj�rk's best B-sides
K. Rousseau | 05/26/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"While Big Time Sensuality in and of itself isn't one of Björk's best songs, the additional songs make up for that. Also, the Fluke minimix of Big Time Sensuality is a pretty good one but not that different from the original version.
Síðasta Ég: I honestly think this is one of Björk's top 5 B-side releases. The lyrics are simple but the meaning is good.
Glóra: This song, though there is no singing, is very lovely. The sound of the flute is very haunting. I consider this, paired with Síðasta Ég, to be reason enough to buy this single.
Come To Me: An okay song with a pretty good beat. The only problem is that, at points, it seems to drag on a bit."