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Results: Cello and Bass Bass and Cello

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Title: Duos for Cello and Bass
Artist: Coenraad Bloemendal;Joel Quarrington
Original Release Date: 1/1/2009
SwapaCD Credits: 1

Title: Haydn: Music for Prince Esterh�zy and the King of Naples
Artist: Franz Joseph Haydn, Manfred Huss, Haydn Sinfonietta
Original Release Date: 1/1/2009
SwapaCD Credits: 6

Title: Bass*ic Cello Notes
Artist: Johann Sebastian Bach, Johannes Brahms, Sergey Rachmaninov
Original Release Date: 1/1/2007
SwapaCD Credits: 1

Title: BASSics: For Bass Clarinet and Piano
Artist: David [Cello/Trombone] Baker, Eugene Bozza, Michael Kibbe
SwapaCD Credits: 1

Title: Which Way Waltz
Artist: Tom Espinola and Lorraine Duisit
SwapaCD Credits: 1

Title: The Double Bass - Robert Oppelt & Friends
Artist: Robert Oppelt
Original Release Date: 1/1/2007
SwapaCD Credits: 1

Title: Three for the Price of Two -- a Man, a Woman and Double Bass
Artist: Lowri Blake - voice & cello;Peter Buckoke - double bass
Original Release Date: 1/18/2005
SwapaCD Credits: 1

Title: Baby Cello: 24 Cellos Play for Baby and All
Artist: The London Cello Orchestra
Original Release Date: 11/20/2006
SwapaCD Credits: 1

Title: Marcello: Sonate per Flaute e Basso Continuo, Opera II (7-12) / Sonatas for Flute and Bass Continuo, Op. 2, Nos. 7-12
Artist: Benedetto Marcello, Trio Legrenzi, Vasco Magnolato (flute)
SwapaCD Credits: 1

Title: Rolf Gehlhaar: Diagonal Flying
Artist: Julia Ryder - cello;Peter Jenkins - bass clarinet;Trevor Jones - trombone;Roger Woodward - piano;Rolf Gehlhaar - sound-space
Original Release Date: 1/18/2005
SwapaCD Credits: 1

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