An eine �olsharfe ('Angelehnt an die Epheuwand'), song for voice & piano, Op. 19/5
Juchhe! ('Wie ist doch die Erde so sch�n, so sch�n'), song for voice & piano, Op. 6/4
Fr�hlingstrost ('Es weht um mich'), song for voice & piano, Op. 63/1
Die Mainacht ('Wann der silberne Mond'), song for voice & piano, Op. 43/2
Lerchengesang ('�therische ferne Stimmen'), song for voice & piano, Op. 70/2
St�ndchen ('Der Mond steht �ber dem Berge'), song for voice & piano, Op. 106/1
Dein blaues Auge h�lt so still, song for voice & piano, Op. 59/8
Brauner Bursche f�hrt zum Tanze, song for vocal quartet & piano (Zigeunerlieder), Op. 103/5
Feldeinsamkeit ('Ich ruhe still im hohen gr�nen Gras'), song for voice & piano, Op. 86/2
M�dchenlied ('Auf die Nacht in der Spinnstub'n...'), song for voice & piano, Op. 107/5
Das M�dchen spricht ('Schwalbe sag' mir an'), song for voice & piano, Op. 107/3
Junge Liebe I ('Meine Liebe ist gr�n wie der Fliederbusch'), song for voice & piano, Op. 63/5
Wir wandelten, wir zwei zusammen, song for voice & piano, Op. 96/2
Vergebliches St�ndchen ('Guten Abend, mein Schatz'), song for voice & piano, Op. 84/4
Wiegenlied ('Guten Abend, gut Nacht'), song for voice & piano, Op. 49/4
Wie Melodien zeiht es mir leise durch den Sinn, song for voice & piano, Op. 105/1
Botschaft ('Wehe, L�ftchen, lind und lieblich'), song for voice & piano, Op. 47/1
D�mmrung senkte sich von oben, song for voice & piano, Op. 59/1
Mein wundes Herz verlangt nach milder Ruh, song for voice & piano, Op. 59/7
Heimweh II ('O w��t ich doch den Weg zur�ck'), song for voice & piano, Op. 63/8
Auf dem See ('Blauer Himmel, blaue Wogen'), song for voice & piano, Op. 59/2
Kommt dir manchmal in den Sinn, mein s�sses Lieb, song for vocal quartet & piano (Zigeunerlieder), Op. 103/7
Auf dem See ('Blauer Himmel, blaue Wogen'), song for voice & piano, Op. 59/2
Vom Strande ('Ich rufe vom Ufer'), song for voice & piano, Op. 69/6
Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer, song for voice & piano, Op. 105/2
Soprano Lan Rao studied with Arleen Augér at the Frankfurt Music Academy and attended master classes with Reiner Hoffmann, Hartmut Höll, Erik Werba, and Helmut Deutsch. Her reputation as one of the most outstandi... more »ng Lied performers of the younger generation has been cemented by her numerous radio and television appearances in Europe, the US, and Asia, as well as by her CD recordings with Arte Nova. Pianist Micaela Gelius studied at the Munich Conservatory, specializing in song accompaniment under Erik Werba and Helmut Deutsch. She was a regular accompanist in the singing classes of Brigitte Faßbaender, Reri Grist and in master classes led by Hans Hotter, Hanno Blaschke, and Charlotte Kaminsky.« less
Soprano Lan Rao studied with Arleen Augér at the Frankfurt Music Academy and attended master classes with Reiner Hoffmann, Hartmut Höll, Erik Werba, and Helmut Deutsch. Her reputation as one of the most outstanding Lied performers of the younger generation has been cemented by her numerous radio and television appearances in Europe, the US, and Asia, as well as by her CD recordings with Arte Nova. Pianist Micaela Gelius studied at the Munich Conservatory, specializing in song accompaniment under Erik Werba and Helmut Deutsch. She was a regular accompanist in the singing classes of Brigitte Faßbaender, Reri Grist and in master classes led by Hans Hotter, Hanno Blaschke, and Charlotte Kaminsky.