Search - Ralph Vaughan Williams, Gerald Finzi, George Butterworth :: Bryn Terfel - The Vagabond & other songs by Vaughan Williams, Butterworth, Finzi & Ireland

Bryn Terfel - The Vagabond & other songs by Vaughan Williams, Butterworth, Finzi & Ireland
Ralph Vaughan Williams, Gerald Finzi, George Butterworth
Bryn Terfel - The Vagabond & other songs by Vaughan Williams, Butterworth, Finzi & Ireland
Genres: International Music, Pop, Classical
  •  Track Listings (28) - Disc #1


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CD Reviews

MOVIE MAVEN | New York, NY USA | 07/19/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)

"I agree wholeheartedly with "A Music Fan From Washington DC:" Fisher-Dieskau MIGHT have sung this repertoire as well as Bryn Terfel, but he did not record it, so how are we to know? And frankly, I doubt seriously that he could possibly have sung it BETTER than Terfel. These are really lovely, rare songs that deserve to be heard by a wider audience. Terfel's total command of language (he makes every word count!) as well as music,(his mellow, rich bass-baritone sounds beautiful in each and every song) make this a very emotional recording, esp. with songs like "Come away, come away, death" by the usually neglected Gerald Finzi. The choice of material is first rate: here are not only terrific composers (i.e. Vaughan Williams, Ireland, etc.) but the source material for the songs is poetry by the likes of Robert Louis Stevenson and John Masefield and Wm. Shakespeare. Each song is like a tiny play. This is a wonderful recording and should be heard."
Live or Recorded?
D. Craven | Chicago, IL USA | 04/29/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)

"This is a tough CD to comment on. It is full of great music which deserves to be heard, but which is often neglected. And Terfel is a great singer who, at least in person, is full of charm and wit which bubbles out through his performances. On the other hand, the other hand, this sound is way over processed and does not remotely resemble a real world performance of the works. For example, in "Is my Team Ploughing", Terfel does not actually sing the song the way that he would in performance, but rather plays "mike" tricks with a recording engineer on the dial. That is too bad. His "real" performance would have been all the more captivating.Perhaps, next time, Terfel can issue two versions... one with overprocessed sound and one "unplugged" in which his real sound can come out."
The Best....Simply the Best
Dr. Fartmeister | 04/04/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)

"Fischer-Dieskau never sang this repertoire, so what he might have done does not concern me (and he never had Terfel's technique or stylistic range anyway). Terfel is splendid in this recording - full of finesse, sensitivity, and, when appropriate, brashness. His Vagabond is definitive. The dynamic control he displays is rare and satisfying. He sets a new standard."