
CDs Byrd performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (58)

2016 - Flying Beyond the 9

Genres: Pop, Rock, Classical, Metal
2012 - By Request

Genre: Classical
2012 - Year at Winchester

Genre: Classical
2011 - Cantiones Sacrae 1575

2010 - Complete Keyboard Music

2010 - Naked Byrd

2010 - For My Ladye Nevell

2009 - Fitzwilliam Virginal Book

2009 - Lichfield Celebration

2008 - Hill Organ

2008 - One Dark Night
2008 - Bamba-Samba Bossa Nova
2007 - All Night Long/All Day Long
2007 - The Song the Virgine Soong
2006 - Vol 3-Complete Jazz Lab Studio Sessions
2006 - Vol 2-Complete Jazz Lab Studio Sessions
2006 - Great Tudor Anthems
2004 - Motets
2003 - Ave Verum Corpus Motets Anthems
2002 - Music for Virginals
2002 - Byrd Masses
2002 - Anthem
2002 - 3 Masses
2002 - Royal Composers
2001 - Flying Beyond The 9
2001 - Goe Nightly Cares Dances From Lachrimae / Consort
2000 - Variations for Harpsichord
2000 - Consort Songs Instrumental Music Consort Songs
2000 - Bolder Baroque
2000 - Stabat Mater
1999 - Music for an Abbey's Year
1999 - Masses Motets
1999 - His Majesty's Harper
1999 - Great Pianists of the 20th Century - Glenn Gould
1999 - Shakespeare Songs
1998 - Sonny's Crib
1998 - Cantiones Sacrae 1591
1998 - Masses for Four Voices
1998 - 13 Motets From Cantiones Sacrae
1996 - Mass for Five Voices / Lamentations of Jeremiah
1996 - Organ Music
1996 - Alfred Deller Edition Vol 2 William Byrd His Age
1995 - Browning My Dere
1995 - Consort Music of the English Renaissance
1995 - English Virginalists
1995 - Passinge Measures
1994 - Consort Music / Consort Songs
1994 - Mass for 4 Voices / Sacred Muisc
1994 - Motets in Paired Settings
1994 - Motets Mass for 4 Voices
1994 - Cantiones Sacrae / In Resurrectione Tua
1994 - Cantiones Sacrae
1993 - Music for Brass Quintet
1993 - Tresors De La Musique Sacree Ensemble Vocal Da Camera
1993 - Great Service
1991 - Joyne Hands-Music of Thomas Morley
1991 - Fifty Years of Jazz Guitar
1990 - 3 Masses

CDs Byrd helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (14)

2013 - Times Go By Turns

Genre: Classical
2013 - The Phoenix Rising

Genre: Classical
2013 - Basically Bull or Adventurous Keyboard Works

Genres: New Age, Classical
2012 - An English Fancy

2010 - Byrd Infelix ego- Byrd Edition vol 13

2009 - Carols by Candlelight

2009 - Sacred Music/Various (Ltd)

2009 - From the Vaults of Westminster Cathedral

2009 - Byrd Assumpta es Maria

2004 - Karaoke Kenny Chesney Tracy Byrd

1999 - O Ye Tender Babes
1998 - Popular Choral Music from Truro Cathedral
1994 - Magnum Mysterius
1990 - Brass Splendour - Philip Jones Brass Ensemble (London)