CSR Symphony Orchestra (Bratislava)

CDs CSR Symphony Orchestra (Bratislava) performed on...

Currently Available CDs (1)

1994 - English Festival

Genres: Special Interest, Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (1)

1992 - Battle Music

Genres: Jazz, Special Interest, Classical

CDs CSR Symphony Orchestra (Bratislava) helped create...

Currently Available CDs (7)

2009 - Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique

Genre: Classical
2000 - Symphonies Nos 1-9

Genre: Classical
1997 - The Best of Liszt

Genre: Classical
1997 - Best of Elgar

1993 - Saint-Sans Symphony No 3 Organ Le Rouet d'Omphale

1992 - Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue An American in Paris Piano Concerto

1992 - Invitation to the Dance

Currently Unavailable CDs (47)

2009 - Tchaikovsky / Rachmaninov Piano Concertos

Genre: Classical
2009 - BRIAN Symphony No 1 'Gothic'

Genre: Classical
2009 - Strauss Jr The Best Of Johann Strauss Jr

Genre: Classical
2009 - STRAUSS II J Edition - Vol 17

2009 - MOYZES Gemer Dances / Down the River Vah

2009 - Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto In D Major / Serenade Melancolique / Souvenir D'Un Lieu Cher

2009 - German Romantic Overtures

2009 - Mendelssohn / Liszt / Grieg Piano Concertos

2009 - STRAUSS II J Edition - Vol 15

2009 - Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No 1 / The Tempest

2009 - Sibelius Finlandia
2009 - Elgar Best Of Elgar (The)
2009 - Beethoven Symphonies Nos 6 And 1
2009 - French Festival
2009 - Rachmaninov Symphony No 2 / The Rock Op 7
2009 - Holst Planets / Suite De Ballet Op 10 (The)
2009 - Beethoven Symphony No 3 / Schubert Symphony No 8
2009 - Tchaikovsky Manfred Symphony / Voyevoda
2007 - Ballet Favorites
2000 - Glazunov The Seasons Scnes de Ballet
2000 - Dvork Symphony No 9 From the New World' Borodin Symphony No 2
1997 - The Best of Puccini
1997 - The Best of Saint-Sans
1996 - Famous Symphonic Poems Vol 2
1996 - Famous Symphonies (Box Set)
1996 - Famous Piano Concertos (Box Set)
1996 - Immortal Beethoven
1995 - Tchaikovsky Highlights
1995 - Beethoven Symphonies Nos 5 6
1994 - Italian Festival
1994 - The Best of Johann Strauss II
1994 - Johann Strauss Jr Famous Waltzes Polkas Marches Overtures Vol 4
1994 - Wagner The Ring (Orchestral Highlights)
1994 - The Best of Verdi
1994 - Liszt Piano Concertos Nos 1 2 Totentanz
1993 - Johann Strauss Jr Famous Waltzes Polkas Marches Overtures Vol 2
1993 - Russian Festival
1993 - Tchaikovsky Sleeping Beauty / Glazunov The Seasons (Ballet Music)
1993 - Johann Strauss Jr Famous Waltzes Polkas Marches Overtures Vol 3
1993 - Johann Strauss Jr Famous Waltzes Polkas Marches Overtures Vol 1
1992 - Rhapsody
1992 - Viva Espna The Music of Spain
1992 - Spanish Festival
1992 - Tchaikovsky Symphony No 6 Pathtique Francesca da Rimini
1992 - Verdi Overtures Preludes Ballet Music
1991 - The Essence of the Beethoven Symphonies
The Best of Johann Strauss II