
CDs Cage performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (94)

2015 - Ancient Evil

Genres: Pop, Rock, Metal
2013 - Kill The Architect

Genres: Pop, Rap & Hip-Hop
2010 - Child of Tree (Dig)

Genre: Classical
2010 - Melodies Harmonies (Dig)

2010 - Cage of Saxophones 3

2010 - Ideas

2010 - She Herself Alone The Art of the Toy Piano 2

2010 - Violin Piano

2009 - Movies for the Blind

2009 - Southwest Chamber Music Composer Portrait Series John Cage Lou Harrison and Harry Partch (Atlas Eclipticalis)

2009 - Depart from Me
2009 - Movies for the Blind
2009 - Secret Passage
2008 - Best Worst of Cage
2007 - Hell Destroyer
2007 - Hell Destroyer
2006 - 1987-1994
2006 - Percussion Solo Works By Ishii Hauke Wolf Cage
2006 - Walk on Water
2006 - Legacy 3
2005 - Hell's Winter
2005 - Hell's Winter
2003 - Unveiled
2003 - Astrology
2003 - Weather Proof
2003 - Darker Than Black
2003 - Works for Violin 5
2002 - Legacy 1 (Jewl)
2002 - Orchestral Works 3
2002 - Yearbooks of the 20th Century 1950
2002 - Litany for the Whale
2002 - Movies for the Blind
2002 - Open
2002 - Artistry Michael Tilson Thomas on Piano
2002 - Credo in Us / Imaginary Landscapes 1 3 / Inlets
2001 - Astrology
2001 - Usa Music of Nacarrow Carter Ives Cage
2001 - Rarities of Piano Music at Schloss vor Husum 1999
2001 - Works for Percussion 2 Complete Edition 1941-1950
2000 - Wonderful Widow of 18 Springs / Ryoanji / Flower
2000 - Etudes Australes
2000 - Music for Percussion Quartet Credo in Us
2000 - Sonatas Interludes
2000 - Works for Percussion by The Kroumata Percussion Ensemble
2000 - John Cage - The Seasons / Leng Tan Russell Davies et al
2000 - Michael Askill Lemurian Dances
2000 - John Cage Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano / Cardini
2000 - Text Pieces I Series Re Morris Graves
1999 - Flute Duos of the 20th Century
1999 - Music for Three / Piano Trio
1999 - John Cage at Summerstage
1999 - Sonatas Interludes
1999 - Variations 2 / Eight Whiskus / Ryoanji
1999 - Music of Changes
1998 - Four Walls
1997 - Two / In Die Tiefe Der Zeit
1997 - Sonatas Interludes
1997 - Double Edge Music for 2 Pianos
1996 - Works for Piano Prepared Piano 4
1996 - Sonatas Interludes for Prepared Piano
1996 - Wonderful Widow of 18 Springs
1996 - One / 10 Preludes
1996 - 4 Walls
1995 - Irony
1995 - 20th Century American Piano Music
1995 - Sonatas Interludes for Prepared Piano
1995 - Atlas Eclipticalis
1995 - Fifty-Eight 1992
1995 - Prelude for Meditation
1995 - Piano Works 1
1995 - John Cage at Summerstage
1995 - 62 Mesostics
1995 - John Cage The Number Pieces 1- Four3 One5 Two6
1995 - 13 Harmonies
1995 - Europeras 3 4
1995 - Etudes Australes-Sul
1995 - Cage Concert for Piano and Orchestra Atlas Eclipticalis
1995 - 16 Dances
1995 - Sonatas Interludes
1995 - 101 / Apartment House 1776 / Ryoanji
1995 - Room / Tossed As It Is Untroubled / Travel Song
1995 - New York School 2
1994 - Europera 5
1994 - Atlas Eclipticalis / Variations
1994 - Three Contructions
1994 - Four Walls
1993 - Music of Changes Books 1-4
1993 - Works for Piano Prepared Piano 3
1993 - Cage Freeman Etudes Books One Two (Complete Music for Violin, Disc One)
1993 - Diary How to Improve the World
1993 - Socrate / Cheap Imitation
1993 - John Cage Works for Piano Prepared Piano Vol 2 - Mysterious Adventure / TV Koeln / Daughters of the Lonesome Pine / Dream / The Perilous Night / Nocturne / Three Dances - Joshua Pierce Piano (1944-1958)
1992 - Sonata Xiii / Song Books 1 2
1992 - Works for Percussion

CDs Cage helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (14)

2019 - Tango Ladeado (Janne R�tty�; Patrick Demenga)

Genre: Latin Music
2014 - The Transcendentalist

Genres: New Age, Pop
2013 - Works for Percussion

Genre: Classical
2013 - American Harp

2010 - Cage Etudes Boreales/Harmonies

2009 - Contemporary Sound Series Vol 1

2009 - Cage Dream Concert for Piano and Orchestra - Freeman Etudes 1 - 5 Ryoanji for contrabass and tape Radio Music Radio

2008 - Sonic Rebellion Collection

2008 - Orient Occident

2006 - Musica Ricercata Cage Ligeti Messiaen and Takemitsu

2005 - Three for the Price of Two -- a Man a Woman and Double Bass
2004 - 10212 American Text Sound Pieces
2003 - Baccalaureat 2003
1991 - The Contemporary Lute