Search - Chuck Berry :: Definitive Collection

Definitive Collection
Chuck Berry
Definitive Collection
Genres: Pop, R&B, Rock
  •  Track Listings (30) - Disc #1

Chuck Berry, The Definitive Collection


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CD Details

All Artists: Chuck Berry
Title: Definitive Collection
Members Wishing: 5
Total Copies: 0
Label: Chess
Original Release Date: 1/1/2006
Re-Release Date: 4/18/2006
Album Type: Original recording remastered
Genres: Pop, R&B, Rock
Style: Oldies
Number of Discs: 1
SwapaCD Credits: 1
UPCs: 602498808801, 600753062678


Album Description
Chuck Berry, The Definitive Collection

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CD Reviews

Move Over "Great 28", The Best One Disc Collection Is Here..
"The Woj" | Downers Grove, IL | 07/08/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)

"The "Box Set", "Anthology", "Great 28"....I've got most of them. So, when I picked this up for the car cd player I was not expecting much, especially with the word "remastered" added to the title. Boy was I wrong. What hit me hardest about this collection is the clarity of Berry's guitar. The tone & "reverb" seem more full & upfront than other Berry collections. Also a few other sonic improvements: it seems Johnny Johnson's keyboards are a bit clearer than other releases, Berry's vocals seem a bit brighter with more range & tone, & finally 30 tracks (everyone of them a winner). Not much can be added to Berry's legacy that hasn't been said already. The songs are classics and the foundation of rock & roll. The question here is which collection or best of release to purchase.

While other multi-disc collections may be a bit more in depth, this one is a sure fire winner if you only have the cash for one disc. "Definitive Collection" has the exact same tracks as "The Great 28" but adds two great songs "Promise Land" and "My Ding-A-Ling" making it the single disc compilation of choice. No way you can go wrong with this one."
Fills Void Of Great Twenty Eight
A. Smith | Jersey | 04/22/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)

"Since The Great Twenty-Eight went out of print, there have been several Chuck Berry compilations. For huge fans, the Chess Box Set is the one to get. For intermediate fans, Anthology or Gold (they are the same set, buy the cheaper one) will be great, both having 50 great songs. For the basic fan or casual listener, the 20th Century Masters- The Millennium Collection, an 11 song compilation, will probably do. There are also 2 supplementary sets released by Chess, which you should avoid unless for some reason you only want one half of Chuck Berry career to listen to. These two CDs have only 40 songs, so get Gold or Anthology instead. This set makes it easy for the casual or intermediate fan to get all the great Chuck Berry songs on one disc. If you want one Chuck Berry disc, get this one."
Look No Further, This Is Pure Rock At Its Finest.
Anthony Nasti | Staten Island, New York United States | 12/29/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)

"Chuck Berry is quite possilby the most important artist in rock and roll. Most people may credit Elvis Presley with that title, and while he is worthy, Chuck is far more worthy. Without Chuck, there'd probably no Elvis. Or Jerry Lee Lewis. The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Beach Boys, Eric Clapton, even Bob Dylan - none of them probably would've came into focus. Each of the artists listed was influenced by Chuck Berry in one way or another. John Lennon himself perhaps put it best: "If you were to give rock and roll another name, it would be Chuck Berry".

As with all influential artists in rock and roll, Chuck Berry has anthologized an almost obscene number of times. However, as with all artists, only a few of his collections are worth getting. And for those just getting into Chuck Berry, there is no better place to start than "The Definiitve Collection".

This 30 song, single disc collection contains all the ideal Berry classics for the casual fans: "Maybellene", "Roll Over Beethoven", "Brown Eyed Handsome Man", "School Day", "Rock And Roll Music", "Sweet Little Sixteen", the timeless "Johnny B. Goode", "Little Queenie" and a host of others are all here, all in chronological orders, all digitally remastered and sounding better than ever. The sound quality alone is enough to get even the most avid Berry fan to add yet another compilation to their collection.

The liner notes by Bud Scoppa do an excellent job at empahsizing Berry's impact on the music world, and the packaging as a whole is quite excellent. If you're just beginning the music of Rock's Prime Minister, than this cd is a must have."