Claudin de Sermisy

CDs Claudin de Sermisy performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (2)

2000 - O Lux Beata Renaissance Harp Music

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
1998 - Pathways of Renaissance Music

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Soundtracks, Classical

CDs Claudin de Sermisy helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (47)

2015 - Anne Boleyn's Songbook

Genre: Classical
2009 - A Cheerful Noise Songs and Dances of Medieval Renaissance Times

Genres: Dance & Electronic, International Music, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2009 - Au Pres de Vous French chansons of the 16th century

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2009 - La Magdalene

2009 - Flower of All Ships Tudor Court Music

2008 - A Boston Camerata Christmas

2008 - Chanson a Plaisir

2007 - Les Plaisirs du palais (Deluxe Edition)

2007 - A La Via Street Music from the 13th to the 16th Century

2007 - Chansons et psaumes de la Rforme

2007 - The Voice of Bakfark
2006 - Chansons Musicales Joyssance vous donneray
2006 - The Rose the Lily the Whortleberry - Orlando Consort (Medieval Gardens in Music)
2005 - Chansons de la Renaissance
2005 - Musique sacre de la Renaissance
2005 - A Tribute to Nadia Boulanger Enregistrements 1930-1949
2005 - The Art of the Recorder
2005 - Les Cris de Paris Chansons de Janequin Sermisy
2004 - Music for Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain
2004 - Sermisy Leons de Tnbres
2004 - Flute Music of the 16th 17th Centuries
2001 - Les Plaisirs du Palais Drinking Songs of the Renaissance
2000 - Fricasse parisienne Chansons de la Renaissance franaise
2000 - Chansons Nouvelles Parisan
2000 - Psaumes et Chansons de la Rforme Psalms and Anthems of the Reformation - Dominique Visse Ensemble Clement Janequin
1999 - The Marriage of England and Spain
1998 - Cancin del Emperador
1998 - I Love Lucette French Theatrical Chansons
1998 - Ensemble Clement Janequin / Dominique Visse - Portrait
1997 - Instruments of Middle Ages
1997 - Une fte chez Rabelais Chansons et pices instrumentales
1997 - Antonio de Cabezn Glosados Diferencias Tientos
1996 - Chansons et Danceries (French Renaissance Wind Music)
1996 - Die Kunst der Improvisation
1996 - Lute Works
1996 - Masterpieces for Choir
1995 - Renaissance Polyphony in Brussels
1995 - Une fte Chez Rabelais Songs Instrumental Pieces from the First Half of the 16th Century - Ensemble Clment Janequin
1994 - French Chansons
1994 - 16th Century Italian French Dance Music
1993 - Flute Music of the 16th and 17th Centuries
1993 - La Rocque 'n' Roll - Popular Music of Renaissance France / The Baltimore Consort
1992 - Mary's Music
1991 - Nol Nol French Christmas Music 1200-1600
1989 - Mr Arbeau's School of Dancing Vol1 (1589)
The Marriage of England and Spain
Chansons Vertes Gaillardes Coquines