| Collage MOONSHINE/CHANGES Genres: Pop, Rock, Classic Rock, Metal
Track Listings (9) - Disc #1- Heroes Cry - Collage, Bieniak
- In Your Eyes
- Lovely Day - Collage, Amirian
- Living in the Moonlight - Collage, Bieniak
- The Blues
- Wings in the Night - Collage, Szadkowski
- Moonshine
- War Is Over - Collage, Amirian
- Almost There [#][*] - Collage, Amirian
Track Listings (15) - Disc #2- Changes [Zmiany]
- Lullaby '87 [Kolysanka '87]
- We Wizards [My Czarodzieje] - Collage, Szadkowski
- The Night Falls [Nocy Zamyslona]
- You and Me '88 [Ja I Ty '88] - Collage, Szadkowski
- Just Like Heaven, Pt. 1 - Collage, Szadkowski
- Just Like Heaven, Pt. 2
- Midnight Flyer
- 38/39
- Conversation '86
- Lovely Day '92
- The Blues '92
- Sun Meadows [#][Instrumental]
- Old Romantic Style [#][*] - Collage, Szadkowski
- Living in the Moonlight [#][*] - Collage, Bieniak