Currently Available CDs (2)
| Currently Unavailable CDs (83)
2007 - Haydn Missa in angustiis Nelsonmesse Te Deum 2007 - Mozart Clarinet Concerto Oboe Concerto Concerto for flute and harp 2006 - Mozart Zaide 2006 - Mozart Famous Opera Arias 2006 - Fux Serenada / Rondeau / Sonata a Quattro 2006 - Haydn Orlando Paladino 2006 - Music at the Court of Leopold I 2006 - Baroque Music in Salzburg 2006 - Mozart Early Symphonies Vol 2 2005 - The Best Flute (Best Buy Exclusive) 2005 - Handel Messiah (Hybrid SACD) 2005 - JS Bach Mass in B minor 2005 - Arias - Haydn Mozart Beethoven Schubert 2005 - Mozart The Great Piano Concertos (Exclusive Free Sampler Included) 2005 - Liszt Masterpieces for Solo Piano (Exclusive Free Sampler Included) 2005 - Haydn The Paris Symphonies Nos 82-87 2004 - Mozart Early Symphonies 2004 - Purcell The Masque in Dioclesian / Dido and Aeneas 2004 - Henry Purcell Fantasias Suites 2004 - Bla Bartk Music for Strings Percussion and Celesta Divertimento for String Orchestra 2004 - Instrumental Music of 1600 2004 - Music at the Court of Louis XIV 2004 - George Phillip Telemann Tafelmusik Production III - Complete 2004 - Haydn Die Schpfung (The Creation) 2003 - Music at the Court of Emperor Maximilian I 2002 - Claudio Monteverdi Il Combattimento Lamento Della Ninfa Madrigali 2001 - Purcell The Fairy Queen Dido Aeneas (Abridged) 2001 - Bach Orchestral Suites Nos 3 4 2000 - Monteverdi Vespers 1999 - Bach 2000 The Complete Bach Edition - Sampler 1998 - Exultate Jubilate 1996 - Handel Water Music Suites For orchestra No1-3 Concerto Grosso HWV323 1995 - Bach Jagdkantate Bauernkantate 1995 - Venice Music 1995 - Mozart Grabmusik K 42 / Regina Coeli K 127 / Ave Verum Corpus K 618 1995 - BachJohannes Passion 1995 - Mozart Regina Coeli K 108/Litaniae Lauretanae K 109/Benedictus Sit Deus K 117/Te Deum Laudamus K 141 1994 - Bach Sacred Cantatas 1994 - Bach Das Kantatenwerk Vol 8 (Box Set) 1994 - Bach Sacred Cantatas Vol 6 BWV 100 - 117 (Box Set) 1994 - Bach Sacred Cantatas Vol 4 BWV 61 - 78 1994 - Bach Sacred Cantatas Vol 2 BWV 20 - 36 (Box Set) 1994 - Bach Das Kantatenwerk Vol 3 BWV 37 - 52 54 - 60 (Box Set) 1994 - Bach Sacred Cantatas Vol 5 BWV 79 - 99 (Box Set) 1994 - Bach Das Kantatenwerk Vol 9 BWV 163 - 182 (Box Set) 1994 - Mozart Exsultate--Sacred Arias 1994 - Mozart Miserere - Sacred Arias 1994 - Bach Violin Concertos 1994 - Hndel Concerti Grossi Op 3 6 1994 - Hallelujah Famous Hndel Choruses 1994 - Purcell Dido And Aeneas 1994 - Bach Matthus-Passion 1994 - Monteverdi Vespro Della Beata Vergine 1994 - Pergolesi Stabat Mater Vivaldi Gloria RV 589 1994 - Bach Famous Cantatas BWV 4 12 51 54 56 67 80 82 131 140 143 147 170 1993 - Johann Sebastian Bach Complete Cantatas Vol 43 Catatas 185 186 187 188 (2 CD) 1993 - Bach 4 Orchestral Suites 1993 - Mozart Missa Solemnis K 337 Litaniae K 125 Regina Coeli K 276 1993 - Handel Messiah 1993 - Mozart Missa in C Major Litaniae de venerabili altaris sacramento ("Credo") 1993 - Bach Brandenburg Concertos 1992 - Bach Weihnachtsoratorium Arien Chre 1992 - Mozart Serenades 1991 - Bach Complete Cantatas Vol 45 Nos 196 197 198 199 (2 CD) 1991 - Handel - Theodora / Harnoncourt 1989 - Berberian Sings Monteverdi 1989 - BachOvertures 1 2 (Suites) 1989 - Bach Harpsichord Concertos BWV 1052 1057 1064 Bach Das Kantatenwerk Vol 40 - BWV 170-174 (Complete Cantatas) Bach Die 6 Motetten BWV 225-230 (The 6 Motets) Mozart RE Pastore Telemann Darmstadt overtures (suites) |