"Sadly,charismatic and beautiful Dalida occasionaly sounded like she hopped on any passing music train which happened to be in trend.As much as her 1956. beginnings were mesmerising in their european version of pop glamour,her early 1960's work seems like a one long struggle to grab any hit available.It makes you wonder which one was her real personality,the woman who sang all those exotic songs about Fado and Portugal at the beginning or the one who later giggled and hick-upped her way through lightweight nonsense as "Loop De Loop","Loddy Lo" and "Ding Ding" (all present here) - not to mention unforgettable "Itsy Bitsy Petit Bikini" from CD nr.4 (1960).With notable exceptions of a few covers ("Summer Holiday","Down Home","Any Old Time Of Day"),too many of songs from this CD is far below the standard of such a gifted singer who was 30 at the time and whose voice was capable of much more.Althought she sings all these cute little silly songs with enhusiasm,they sound somehow wrong for a lady with such a regal presence."