One Song Syndrome
Todd D. Alt | Ohio | 08/26/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Bought this years ago. The song Rock On was pretty cool. The rest of the disk was nonsense. Pick it up at the library, listen and then take it back. Not worth paying for."
Childhood Crush Remembers
M. Read Devine | Sydney, Australia | 07/03/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I had a 'thing' for David Essex when I first saw him in a movie about racing bikes(!) The two songs I knew him in - "Rock On' and the soldier's part in "War of the Worlds", I loved: so when I had the opportunity to buy his album "Rock On" it did not disapoint. It is fun, has several styles and is a great addition to my collection."