Recitativo. Itene, o mie compagne. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 1
Coro. Oh figlia di Giove. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 1
Aria. Dea di Delo. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 1
Recitativo. Dunque ch� pi� si tarda?. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 1
A due. Sereno il cielo. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 1
Recitativo. Antiope, genitrice. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 2
Aria. Con aspetto lusinghiero. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 2
Recitativo. Mostro di tal natura. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 3
Aria. Certo pensier ch'ho in petto. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 3
Sinfonia. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 3
Recitativo. Amici, eccoci omai. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 4
Aria. Vedr� l'empia. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 4
Recitativo. Grand'Alcide, io ti seguo. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 4
Aria. Quella belt�. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 4
Recitativo. No, che amor non � fallo in cor guerriero. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 5
Recitativo. Da s� nobile sfera. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 6
Aria. Occhio, che il sol rimira. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 6
Recitativo. All'armi, all'armi. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 7
Recitativo. Orizia generosa. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 8
Recitativo. Per riveder l'aspetto. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 9
Aria. Non saria pena la mia. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 9
Recitativo. martesia � mia. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 10
Aria. Un sguardo, un vezzo, un riso. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 10
Recitativo. Per s� bella speranza che non sapr� tentar?. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 11
Aria. Sento con qual diletto. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 11
Recitativo. Ercole, ohim�!. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 12
Sinfonia. Abbattimento sul ponte. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act I, Scena 12
Aria. Onde chiare che sussurrate. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 1
Recitativo. Quanto per me fatale. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 1
Aria. Bel piacer ch'� la vendetta. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 1
Recitativo. Palpita per timore il core amante. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 1
Aria. Da due venti. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 1
Track Listings (43) - Disc #2
Coro. Viva Orizia, viva, viva. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 2
Recitativo. Germane, al regio piede. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 2
Recitativo. L�. doppie ritorte stringano il prigioniero. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 3
Aria. S�, bel volto, che v'adoro. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 3
Recitativo. Oh dolcissime voci!. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 4
Aria. Se ingrata sera. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 4
Recitativo. Prigioniero Teseo?. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 5
Recitativo. Udisti Orizia?. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 6
Aria. Se libert� mi rendi. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 6
Recitativo. Cos� Alceste deluso. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 6
Aria. Tender lacci egli pretese. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 6
Recitativo. Molto tu oprasti, Alceste. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 7
Aria. No, non dirai cos�. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 7
Recitativo. Bella, di Sparta il trono. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 8
Aria. lo sembro appunto. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 8
Recitativo. Ad onta della sorte. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 9
Aria. Ei nel volto ha un non so che. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 9
Recitativo. Almen foste presenti. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 10
Recitativo. Il fiero colpo arresta. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 11
Recitativo. Oh care mie catene!. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 12
Aria. Scorre il fiume mormorando. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act II, Scena 12
Accompagnato. Misero! Dove fuggo?. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena 1
Recitativo. Ecco al tuo piede. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena 2
Signor, avea per la rapita figlia, Antiope giurato. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena 3
Aria. Non fia della vittoria. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena 3
Alceste, ohim�!. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena 4
Aria. Se ben sente arder le piume. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena 4
Siam perdute, o regina. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena 5
Aria. Cader�, ma sopra il vinto. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena 5
Recitativo. Renditi, o che sei morta!. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena 6.
Aria. Amato ben. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena 6.
Recitativo. S�, vanne e spera, o bella. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena 6.
Aria. Ti sento, s� ti sento. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena 6.
Martesia, e come qui?. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena 7
Duetto. Spera, bell'idol mio. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena 7
Regio mio brando illustre. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena 8
Aria. Scender�, voler�, grider�. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena 8
Recitativo. Ah, ingiusta sorte!. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena 9
Aria. Coronatemi le chiom. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena 10
Recitativo. Non l'hai tutte ancor vinte. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena 10
Recitativo. ma la richiesta � vana. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena 11
Recitativo. Signor, mirati al piede. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena ultima
Coro. Cinzia e Giove. - Ercole sul Termodonte RV710, Act III, Scena ultima
Hercules reborn! Rolando Villazón and Joyce DiDonato lead a dazzling cast in Vivaldi's opera Ercole sul'Termodonte, first heard in Rome in 1723 and reconstructed by conductor Fabio Biondi from the original libretto, h... more »istorical scores and his intimate knowledge of the composer. Like the mythical Hercules, hero of this opera by Vivaldi, dynamic tenor Rolando Villazón has triumphed over some huge challenges, including an operation in 2009 on his vocal cords. In this, his first complete studio recording of an opera for Virgin Classics, he takes on the title role of Hercules (Ercole), whose mission is to obtain the belt of the Amazon queen Hippolyta (Ippolita). She is portrayed by Joyce DiDonato, whose Virgin Classics album of Handel, `Furore', gave ample evidence of both her seductive powers and her intrepid spirit in Baroque music. Completing the cast is a dazzling line-up of virtuoso star singers: Diana Damrau, Vivica Genaux, Philippe Jaroussky, Patrizia Ciofi, Romina Basso and Topi Lehtipuu. The conductor is Italian Baroque specialist Fabio Biondi, directing his group Europa Galante. His Virgin Classics recording of Vivaldi's opera Bajazet, nominated for a Grammy, won multiple awards including the Grand Prix de l'Académie du Disque Lyrique in France, an ECHO Award in Germany and a Midem Classical Award. It also received the highest praise from publications such as Le Monde de la Musique, Diapason, Classica-Répertoire, Opéra International, Pizzicato, Opera News and Gramophone, which said: "Fabio Biondi and his players bring out countless nuances in the score with their usual array of interpretative devices ranging from gentle cello chords in recitative to sparky off-beat accents and pizzicati, and even some acid sul ponticello. There could hardly be a better way to bring this opera to life." Biondi himself brought the score back to life, reconstructing it for performance in Venice in 2007, and subsequently in Paris in 2009. No autograph score or contemporary copy of the opera was in existence, but Biondi worked from the libretto printed for the first performances in Rome in 1723. He was then able to identify various arias from other Vivaldi scores kept in libraries around Europe, principally in France and Germany. In many cases, he also orchestrated the arias, extrapolating from their musical substance and his intimate knowledge of Vivaldi's practice. Where no source existed for an aria or chorus, he reconstructed the music by adapting and borrowing from other works by Vivaldi. He also composed all the recitatives. As Biondi explains: "This opera occupies a special and emblematic position in Vivaldi's life. At the age of 45, he took the risk of presenting an opera in Rome for the first time ... Ercole proved a resounding success ... The city was full of talk about this opera which, by introducing a new musical style, seemed to revolutionise a genre much loved in the Eternal City. His melodic invention, his bel canto lyricism, rhythmic impulse and colourful instrumentation captured the imagination of music lovers."« less
Hercules reborn! Rolando Villazón and Joyce DiDonato lead a dazzling cast in Vivaldi's opera Ercole sul'Termodonte, first heard in Rome in 1723 and reconstructed by conductor Fabio Biondi from the original libretto, historical scores and his intimate knowledge of the composer. Like the mythical Hercules, hero of this opera by Vivaldi, dynamic tenor Rolando Villazón has triumphed over some huge challenges, including an operation in 2009 on his vocal cords. In this, his first complete studio recording of an opera for Virgin Classics, he takes on the title role of Hercules (Ercole), whose mission is to obtain the belt of the Amazon queen Hippolyta (Ippolita). She is portrayed by Joyce DiDonato, whose Virgin Classics album of Handel, `Furore', gave ample evidence of both her seductive powers and her intrepid spirit in Baroque music. Completing the cast is a dazzling line-up of virtuoso star singers: Diana Damrau, Vivica Genaux, Philippe Jaroussky, Patrizia Ciofi, Romina Basso and Topi Lehtipuu. The conductor is Italian Baroque specialist Fabio Biondi, directing his group Europa Galante. His Virgin Classics recording of Vivaldi's opera Bajazet, nominated for a Grammy, won multiple awards including the Grand Prix de l'Académie du Disque Lyrique in France, an ECHO Award in Germany and a Midem Classical Award. It also received the highest praise from publications such as Le Monde de la Musique, Diapason, Classica-Répertoire, Opéra International, Pizzicato, Opera News and Gramophone, which said: "Fabio Biondi and his players bring out countless nuances in the score with their usual array of interpretative devices ranging from gentle cello chords in recitative to sparky off-beat accents and pizzicati, and even some acid sul ponticello. There could hardly be a better way to bring this opera to life." Biondi himself brought the score back to life, reconstructing it for performance in Venice in 2007, and subsequently in Paris in 2009. No autograph score or contemporary copy of the opera was in existence, but Biondi worked from the libretto printed for the first performances in Rome in 1723. He was then able to identify various arias from other Vivaldi scores kept in libraries around Europe, principally in France and Germany. In many cases, he also orchestrated the arias, extrapolating from their musical substance and his intimate knowledge of Vivaldi's practice. Where no source existed for an aria or chorus, he reconstructed the music by adapting and borrowing from other works by Vivaldi. He also composed all the recitatives. As Biondi explains: "This opera occupies a special and emblematic position in Vivaldi's life. At the age of 45, he took the risk of presenting an opera in Rome for the first time ... Ercole proved a resounding success ... The city was full of talk about this opera which, by introducing a new musical style, seemed to revolutionise a genre much loved in the Eternal City. His melodic invention, his bel canto lyricism, rhythmic impulse and colourful instrumentation captured the imagination of music lovers."