Etienne-Nicolas Mehul

CDs Etienne-Nicolas Mehul performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (5)

2007 - Mehul - L'Irato ou l'Emporte / Turk Auvity Courtin Buet Hempel Poplutz Ehrhardt (World Premiere Recording)

Genre: Classical
1999 - Hermann Jadlowker - Opera Arias

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
1997 - Michael Schade Russell Braun - Soire franaise / Richard Bradshaw

Genre: Classical
1996 - Anniversary of the Institut De France

1995 - Laurence Dale - Airs d'Opras Franais (French Opera Arias)

CDs Etienne-Nicolas Mehul helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (13)

2005 - Making Overtures

Genre: Classical
2004 - Lopold Simoneau and Pierrette Alarie Opera Recitals and Lieder (Box Set)

Genres: Pop, Classical
2003 - Airs D'Opera

Genres: International Music, Pop, Classical
2003 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Leopold Demuth

2001 - Mehul Symphonies Nos 1 2

2001 - Lopold Simoneau Opera Arias Duets

1997 - Richard Tauber

1996 - The Jane Austen Companion

1996 - Wallace Collection The Origin of the Species (Virtuoso Victorian Brass Music from Cyfarthfa Castle, Wales)

1996 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Marcel Journet II

1995 - Mehul Piano Sonatas
1995 - L'Incomparable Georges Thill
1992 - Mehul Complete Symphonies