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Worship In The Waiting
Worship In The Waiting
Genres: Pop, Christian & Gospel
  •  Track Listings (10) - Disc #1

The Lord is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeketh Him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord. Lamentations 3:25-26 Like precious metal refined thro...  more »


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CD Details

All Artists: Ffh
Title: Worship In The Waiting
Members Wishing: 0
Total Copies: 0
Label: Word Entertainment
Original Release Date: 1/1/2007
Re-Release Date: 11/6/2007
Genres: Pop, Christian & Gospel
Style: Pop & Contemporary
Number of Discs: 1
SwapaCD Credits: 1
UPC: 843041039093


Product Description
The Lord is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeketh Him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord. Lamentations 3:25-26 Like precious metal refined through fire, Worship In The Waiting is a collection of songs that reflect the profoundly personal two year journey of music and ministry that God has laid before the four dedicated worshippers within the long standing friendship banding of FFH. Together as FFH, since it s founding in 1991 as the band childhood friends Jeromy Deibler and Brian Smith had dreamed of forming, Jeremy and Brian along with Jeromy s wife, Jennifer, and close friend to all Michael Boggs saw their collective influence in Contemporary Christian Music rise to include record sales of over a million units, seven 1 radio singles, a catalog of best selling album releases, successful national headlining tours, and multiple Dove Award nominations. Then in 2005 the music was replaced by silence. Jennifer and I really had been feeling the Lord was doing something new with us as a family, as a couple and also with FFH. Brian and Michael were individually feeling the same message, notes Jeremy. We decided FFH should take a sabbatical to re-focus on what God had in the mix for us individually. It was actually a time of waiting there was a lot of uncertainty involved so a lot of the inspiration for the new album came out of this time of really intensely seeking to hear God. When we began work on the worship album, the message that was rolling in my head was in the waiting, in the waiting. We were waiting on wisdom on the band s future, Jennifer and I were waiting on a leading we were feeling to go to Africa, in the midst of all, we were undergoing some relationships that were really out of sync in our church where we were leading worship.

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CD Reviews

Great FFH Music
Scott Walton | North Carolina | 06/03/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)

"I don't think I have ever bought an album of any kind where I really liked every song and this one is no different. I have bought many where I only liked the song I bought it for and maybe one other. What a disappointment those were. I'd like to rate the songs individually as follows:


1._____You Are God Alone________________10.0

2._____In The Waiting____________________6.0

3._____One And Only_____________________9.5

4._____Beautiful One____________________10.0

5._____Jesus I Am Resting, Resting_________9.5

6._____God Of The Promise_______________10.0

7._____Be Unto Your Name_______________10.0

8._____In Christ Alone___________________10.0

9._____I'm Free_________________________9.0

10.____Holding On_______________________7.5

Music is perhaps one of the most subjective topics one could discuss so keep in mind that these are my opinions based on what I value. I do not give points for "it has a good beat and it's easy to dance to".

First and foremost it must not contradict the Scriptures.

Secondly it should, at a minimum, encourage my thoughts toward the Father. At most, it should draw me into His Presence and facilitate worship.

#7 does that and #8 is powerful, perhaps my very favorite song.

#1 and #4 follow close behind, in a slightly different way.

#3 is a song of commitment and consecration.

#5 is a beautiful psalm of praise in somewhat Olde English

#6 is a song of praise and affirmation of who God is.

#2, the title song... the lyrics seem a little weak and unclear to me. They're not bad, they just don't take me anywhere.

#9 has great lyrics. It's a great declaration of faith in what Christ did for us when He set us free.

#10 is okay. It had tremendous potential in the songwriting process but I have a hard time with any theology that talks about "holding on" while you are "going through". The song seems a bit too "storm-conscious" for me. We are "more than conquerors", "this is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith", "in this world you will have tribulation BUT take heart. I have overcome the world.", "Thanks be unto God who causes us to triumph in Christ." "Holding on" is too passive for me for "the violent shall take it by force." That said, i do believe many will find it a lovely song.

Overall I think this is a great album. Right now I listen to it daily on my commute and enjoy the Presence of God on the highway. Agape..."
Pure Worship
DebB | 04/14/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)

"This album is pure worship with great harmonies. Most songs are familiar and those that aren't will get you worshipping anyway. Not all are the same version you would hear on the radio, but still a very good tool to get you worshipping."