| Flaming Stars Bring Me the Rest of Alfredo Garcia Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
Track Listings (19) - Disc #1- Bring Me the Rest of Alfredo Garcia [Volume 15 Version]
- Money to Burn [EP Version]
- Bury My Heart at Pier 13 [#]
- Like Trash [EP Version]
- Get Carter - The Flaming Stars, Budd, Roy
- New Shade of Black [EP Version]
- Ten Feet Tall
- A Hell of a Woman [EP Version]
- The Face on the Bar Room Floor [Single Version]
- Bandit Country [EP Version]
- Downhill Without Brakes
- Revenge [EP Version] - The Flaming Stars, Coe
- Broken Heart [EP Version] - The Flaming Stars, Snyder
- Davy Jones' Locker [EP Version] - The Flaming Stars, Johnson, Johnny
- 3 Am on the Bar Room Floor [#]
- Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye [EP Version]
- Eat Your Heart Out [EP Version]
- Spaghetti Junction - The Flaming Stars, Whitney, Huck
- Burnt Out Wreck of a Man [EP Version]