S. Metz | PA | 11/17/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have been waiting for new Flyleaf music forever, and they definately do not disappoint. I've had many experiences where I fall in love with an album and then the next one comes and it's not as good, but I would say that Memento Mori is better than Flyleaf. Lacey's vocals have definately improved, and the band can pull off a hardcore metal song just as easily as a beautiful lullaby. The words are so poetic and meaningful. It is a bit slower than Flyleaf, but definately fast enough to stay interesting (and this comes from a person who easily gets bored with constant slow music). This has become one of my new favorite albums of all time.
Beautiful Bride - 4/5 - An energetic opener, reflecting the message of the album very well and it has a great message ("unite and fight all division").
Again - 4/5 - The first single of the album. It is probably a subject that any Christian can relate to, watching a loved one waste their life away and wishing they would come to Christ. It is a good song with a catchy tune.
Chasm - 4/5 - This song is...interesting. I'm still not really sure what to think of it yet. The melody is cool. It's short but packed with energy. The "ohs" towards the end of the song sound awesome, and show off Lacey's amazing range.
Missing - 5/5 - I think everyone can relate to this song, about trying to find something to fulfill you because it feels like something's missing. It's a bit slower, but very radio-friendly. It's not cliche though; the verses are really poetic.
This Close - 5/5 - Wow, I love this song! The lyrics are sad but cool. The melody is very pretty. I don't really know what else to say about it but it's a favorite of mine.
The Kind - 4/5 - This is one of the most intese songs on the album in my opinion, which is saying a lot for this album. It talks about how sex before marriage (and sinning in general) is going against God, and the fact that people who call themselves Christians do these horrible things while knowing it's wrong, and don't really talk about it. Towards the end the person repents. The very last part is Lacey repenting. It's a fast song, full of energy.
In the Dark - 3/5 - I'm not a fan of the intro of this song. Once it gets going, though, it's pretty good. Lacey does the screams she is known for in the background, which of course adds to the intensity. The drumming is cool in this song.
Set Apart this Dream - 5/5 - This song is beautiful, comparable to So I Thought from Flyleaf. It's very dreamy and gives me shivers at its beauty. This is a song that should be sung to every girl, because they deserve it ("close your eyes, pretty girl/cause it's easier when you brace yourself/set your thoughts on a world far off/where we only cry from joy"). Lacey is amazing at writing songs that give breathtaking visuals, and this song is a great example of that.
Swept Away - 4.5/5 - I couldn't decide whether to give this song a 4 or a 5. The verses are spoken more than sung and are very creepy, but then the chorus comes and, in a melody full of hope, urges the person to accept Christ. It almost seems like the two don't fit together. It is a song that proves how amazing God's love is, because the verses describe someone who seems completely consumed by Satan, but then the chorus says that God will accept the person ("look at the healing come").
Tiny Heart - 5/5 - This song is slow and pretty, but slow is a relative word for Flyleaf because it still has the electric guitars and energetic chorus. It is from God's point of view, asking a person to accept him in his patient and loving manner. The melody seems pretty straightforward, but with a bit of a twist to keep it interesting.
Treasure - 5/5 - This song is haunting and absoutely beautiful, with a wonderful message, that we are "treasured over all the earth" by God. It describes the beautiful love He has for us. The intro is amazing: "Can I tell you a story, as we dance as the sun starts to bleed?" It starts out slow but then, of course, the guitars kick in. This song is perfect in every way except the way she pronounces "Yeshua", which I can easily overlook.
Circle - 5/5 - The message in this song is, again, full of hope and love. It is, more specifically, in awe about how Christ would die for us when we've done nothing to deserve it. It is a slowish song but the melody is great. The ending hook is breathtakingly beautiful, and I'm glad that it is repeated multiple times. The very end where Lacey sings it a capella is the perfect ending.
Arise - 5/5 - The intro isn't my favorite (she starts singing right away without an instrumental intro) but other than that this song is amazing. I feel like I'm being repetitive about how great these songs are, but it's true. This song is full of hope that people who can relate to songs like Missing and Chasm need to hear. Again, the ending hook is repeated over and over, and Lacey sings it a capella at the very end, much like Circle. I love this; her voice is amazing and I don't think anyone can feel hopeless or alone after this song. It's that powerful.
Uncle Bobby - 2/5 - This is probably my least favorite song on the album. It just does not stand out for me. It is slow and the melody doesn't keep me interested.
Break Your Knees - 5/5 - This song is also slow but the lyrics are awesome. They are something everyone can relate to; going through something bad. The song gives hope that we will get through it and be the better for it. The verses sound anxious; the chorus is beautiful. In the middle of the song Lacey shows off her upper range in her head voice, and of course it sounds wonderful and fits with the song perfectly.
Enemy - 2.5/5 - This song is very slow. The lyrics are very sad; she apologizing to someone that she loves who she has wronged.
Have We Lost - 5/5 - I love the lyrics in this song, specifically the second verse. It is about losing innocence and wanting it back again. It is a sad and fairly slow song, but very pretty. I know I have felt this way before which makes me like it even better.
Who Am I - 3/5 - This song is very humbling, it is probably the band thanking God for all their success ("who am I that you have brought me this far?"). It is another slow song but I like it.
Stay - 4/5 - This is a U2 cover and Flyleaf pulls it off very well. It is slow and acoustic. It is about a girl who is pretty much a mess, and the singer (or God?) wants to stay with the person to make it better. It is a pretty song."
Worth your time
Katie M. Johnston | Milwaukee, WI | 12/11/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I like this CD. Lacey and the rest of Flyleaf have such a passion in their music - I love listening to each song and trying to figure out why they wrote it and what it is about--while allowing myself to just enjoy the song. :) 'Momento Mori' means that all things end/die. Someday, we will be done with life on earth - but that is all the more reason to live each day to the fullest now. I find many of the songs on this album to be very inspiring and to say 'keep going, it's not over yet... '"