Need to review performance practices in early Haydn
W. R. Shindle | Westminster, MD | 07/26/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"While the project of recodings all the authentic Divertimenti for String Trio by Joseph Haydn is very commendable. The performance by "Das Wiener Philharmonia Trio" is marred by their misunderstanding of the variable "eighth note" appogiaturas in early Haydn before he came in contact to C.P.E. Bach's treatise on performing on keyboard instruments. Conseguently, particulary in the cadences of the Minuet and "Tempo di Menuetto" movements, we are shocked to hear a short appogiatura which should last two-thirds of the main note value. In other words, the "eighth-note" appogiatura preceeding a dotted half should be performed as a half note appogiatura, resovling to a quarter note. I tried to readjust my inner ear to the correct projecture, but find it very annoying to constanting hearing the overquick gliding over what should be the expressive appogiatura note, missing the impact of what was intended by Haydn