Currently Available CDs (113)
2005 - 50 Greatest Classics 2004 - Great Artists of the Century 25 Launch Releases 2004 - Dinner Party 2004 - Lang Lang Live at Carnegie Hall 2004 - The Best of Luciano Pavarotti 2004 - Passion Vol 2 Ravel - Bolro 2003 - In the Hands of the Master 2003 - 25 Classical Favorites 2003 - The Most Relaxing Classical Music in the Universe 2002 - Piano Classic Masterpieces Vol 2 2002 - 50 Classical Highlights Romantic Piano 2002 - 50 Classical Highlights Essential Classics 2002 - 50 Classical Highlights Concertos 2002 - Liszt Piano Transcriptions of Beethoven's Symphonies Nos 1 3 2002 - Orchestral Spectaculars 2001 - Rossini Piano Music 2001 - Panorama Passion for Piano Vol 2 2001 - Vladimir Horowitz A Reminiscence 2001 - The Best of Rainy Day Classics 2001 - Meditation 2001 - Breakfast in Bed 2001 - Piano Classic Masterpieces 2001 - Coffee Time Classics Vol 1 2001 - Best Traditional Wedding Music 2001 - The Most Relaxing Piano Album in the WorldEver 2000 - Carmina Burana Great Classical Marches (Box Set) 2000 - Sounds of Excellence 200 Greatest Classics Vol 10 2000 - The Classical Greats 2000 - The Most Beautiful Melodies of Classical Music Morning 2000 - The Most Beautiful Melodies of Classical Music Romance 2000 - Piano Classic Masterpieces (Box Set) 2000 - Classical Piano Music from the Ages 2000 - Leopold Stokowski The Magician 2000 - Power Classics 2000 - Romantic Classics 2000 - Piano Classics 2000 - Family Circle Romantic Classics 2000 - Brahms Liszt Lieder 2000 - Best of the Millennium Top 40 Classical Hits 1999 - Baby's First Classics Vol 1 1999 - The Best of Classical Piano Favorites 1999 - Discover the Classics 3 The Concerto 1998 - Great Pianists of the 20th Century - Selections from the definitive collection (Sampler) 1998 - Toccata Fugue And Other Masterpieces For The Organ 1998 - Nocturne 1997 - The Ultimate Wedding Album 1997 - Music for Meditation Vol 1 1997 - The Best of Liszt 1997 - Alfred Brendel plays Liszt 1997 - 25 Romantic Moods 1997 - David Helfgott Brilliantissimo 1996 - Piano Dreams Romance 1996 - Discover the Classics Piano Concerto 1996 - The Best Of Liszt 1996 - Classical Music Start-Up Kit Vol 2 1825-1945 1995 - Intimate Piano 1995 - 100 Silver Screen Classics Vol 1 1995 - Romantic Classics Intimate Moments 1995 - Piano Classics 1995 - Romantic Moods 1995 - Fr Elise Romantic Piano Music 1995 - The Essential Hyperion (Label Highlight Compilation) 1995 - Movies-The Greatest Hits 1994 - Mephisto Magic (Hungarian Connections) 1994 - Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No 3 Liszt Hungarian Fantasy 1994 - 50 All Time Favorite Classics (Box Set) 1994 - Nature's Symphonies Surf Sea 1994 - Romantic Piano Favourites Vol 2 1994 - Romantic Piano Favourites Vol 3 1994 - Kodaly Complete Piano Music Liszt A pres une lecture de Dante/Sonetto 104 del Petrarca 1993 - Organ Encores 1993 - Schumann Piano Concerto 1993 - The Very Best of Romantic Piano 1992 - The Art of Glenn Gould 1992 - Horowitz Discovered Treasures 1992 - Andre Watts Plays Liszt Vol 1 1992 - Classics from the Crypt 1992 - Kathleen Battle at Carnegie Hall 1992 - Dream Melodies Vol 6 Piano Music 1992 - Dream Melodies Vol 5 Romantic Concertos 1991 - Meditation Classical Relaxation Vol 10 1991 - Murray Perahia Plays Franck Liszt 1991 - Open-Air - Berlin 90 (Waldbuhnenkonzert) 1991 - The Top 10 of Classical Music 1842-1853 1991 - The Top 10 of Classical Music 1854-1866 1990 - Liszt Piano Concertos Nos1 2 Totentanz 1990 - Vladimir Horowitz The Studio Recordings - New York 1985 1990 - Horowitz in Moscow 1990 - Great Classical Marches 1990 - Ravel Bolero/Tchaikovsky Romeo Juliet/Liszt Preludes/Smetana Moldau 1990 - Bolero Sorcerer's Apprentice and Other Orchestral Favourites Vol 1 (Orchestras Conducted By Sir Neville Marriner) 1990 - Liszt Concertos Nos 1 in E Flat/Grieg Concerto Op 16 in A Minor/Liszst Concerto No 2 1990 - Starlight Fantasie 1990 - The Instruments Of Classical Music The Organ 1989 - Horowitz at Home 1989 - Richard Clayderman Concerto with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 1985 - Horowitz The Last Romantic Romantic Piano Dreams Piano Concerto No 1 / Symphonic Poems Franz Liszt Piano Concertos Hungarian Rhapsody Franz Liszt Piano Concerto No 1 Symphonic Poems (2CD's) East German Revolution Kurt Masur conducts the Dresdner Philharmonie (Beethoven - Liszt - Schubert) | Currently Unavailable CDs (1881)
2019 - Chailly Symphony Edition (55 CD) 2018 - Liszt Etudes d'execution transcendante 2018 - Liszt Krug Sacred Piano Works 2018 - Nuron Mukumi Summit 2018 - Wilhelm Backhaus plays Chopin Liszt Schumann Encore Pieces - HMV Recordings 1925-1937 2017 - Songs for Bass Voice and Piano 2017 - The Other Badura 2017 - Schumann - Liszt - Jancek - Brahms 2017 - Franz Liszt Transcriptions of Vocal Works 2016 - On My New Piano (Scarlatti; Beethoven; Chopin; Wagner; Liszt) 2016 - Louis Kentner plays Balakirev Lyapunov the Liszt Sonatas 2016 - Byron Janis - The RCA Recordings 1950-1959 2016 - On a Clear Day 2016 - Transcendental - Daniil Trifonov Plays Franz Liszt (2 CD) 2016 - The Complete Decca Recordings (35 CD) 2016 - Homages 2016 - Bonjour and Willkommen - A Franco-German Debut 2016 - Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies Complete 2016 - Liszt Angelus Sacred Piano Music 2016 - To Keep the Dark Away 2016 - Liszt Transcriptions of Symphonic Poems 2016 - Water 2016 - Anastasia Huppmann plays Chopin Liszt 2016 - Chopin Mozart Liszt Piano Works 2016 - Originals Horowitz In Moscow 2016 - Youri Egorov - The 1980 Ambassador Auditorium Recital 2016 - Vladimir Sofronitsky - Concert Recordings 2016 - Liszt tudes d'excution transcendante 2016 - Philips Classics - The Stereo Years (50 CD Box Set) 2016 - Water (Limited Edition) 2016 - Musica e Poesia 2016 - Kit Armstrong plays Liszt Symphonic Scenes 2015 - The Composer's Piano Legacy - The Spirit of Beethoven (Works by Beethoven, Czerny, Liszt and Mendelssohn performed on Period Instruments) 2015 - Kathryn Stott - The Complete Solo Recordings 2015 - Shostakovich Suite on Poems by Michelangelo - Liszt Petrarca Sonnets 2015 - Liszt Harmonies poetiques et religieusses 2015 - Horowitz Return to Chicago (2 CD) 2015 - Complete Recordings On Deutsche Grammophon (48 CD Box Set) 2015 - Siegfried Idyll 2015 - Liszt Scriabin Medtner Piano Works 2015 - Oh When I Dream 2015 - Liszt Reubke Mendelssohn Organ Works 2015 - Boris Bloch - Live at Liszt Festival Raiding (Box Set) 2015 - Liszt Transcriptions of JS Bach 2015 - Liszt Annes de plerinage - Italie Deux Lgendes 2015 - Liszt Transcendental tudes 2015 - 111 The Piano Legendary Recordings on Deutsche Grammophon 2015 - All the Way Back 2015 - Liszt Schubert Song Transcriptions 2015 - Pogorelich Complete Recordings 2015 - Liszt Scherzo March Mephisto Waltz No1 Mephisto-Polka Harmonies poetiques religeuses Valse oubliee No2 Nuages gris 2015 - Liszt Piano Sonata Dante Sonata Petrarch Sonnets 2015 - Liszt Sonata Etudes 2015 - The Complete Concerto Recordings 2014 - Stephen Beus - Live Recital Recording 2014 - The Originals Legendary Recordings 50 CD Box Set (Limited Edition) 2014 - Wagner Without Words 2014 - Liszt 12 Transcendental Etudes 2014 - Lazar Berman Rarities Vol 2 2014 - Martha Argerich and Friends Live at the Lugano Festival 2013 2014 - Love and Longing 2014 - Night Stories - Nocturnes 2014 - Howard Karp Concert Recordings (1962-2007) 2014 - Jorge Bolet Piano Recital 1988 2014 - ICON - Annie Fischer The Complete London Studio Recordings 2014 - The Carnegie Recital 2013 - Classical Music For Dogs (2 CD) 2013 - 14th Van Cliburn Competition - Gold 2013 - Byron Janis The Complete Rca Collection 2013 - 300 - Years of Music 2013 - Liszt Transcriptions 2012 - Philips Original Jackets Collection Obsessed With Sound 2012 - Lugano Concerts 2012 - Lieux retrouvs - Music for cello piano 2012 - Aquarelles / Watercolours 2012 - Live at the Royal Albert Hall 2012 - Prokofiev Sonata No 6 Liszt Saint Saens 2012 - Solo Piano Recordings 2012 - Chopin Liszt Ravel 2012 - Precipitando 2011 - Liszt Piano Concertos Totentanz Etudes 2011 - Liszt B Minor Sonata Transcendental Studies 2011 - Liszt Harmonies Poetiques et Religieuses 2011 - Grieg Liszt Piano Concertos 2011 - Liszt Harmonies Du Soir 2011 - Liszt Piano Sonata in B Minor 2011 - Serioser Klangzauberer / Serious Wizard of Sound 2011 - Liszt Funeral Odes 2011 - Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No 2 / Liszt Piano Pieces 2011 - Of Another Time Yun Kyong Kim plays the historic 1920 Austin Organ (St. Mary's Catholic Church, Dayton, Ohio) 2011 - Liszt The Complete Piano Music 2011 - Pianist Lost Excesses and Excuses 2011 - Liszt Annees de pelerinage - excerpts / Two Legends 2010 - Marina at West Point Unity Through Diversity 2010 - Impromptu A Treasury of Extemporaneous Piano Compsitions 1821-2008 2010 - Best of Lang Lang 2010 - Best Romantic Classics 50 2010 - Best Piano 50 2010 - Best Relaxing Classics 50 2010 - Twelve Nocturnes and a Waltz 2010 - Liszt Complete Tone Poems 2010 - Dance - The World's Favorite Ice-Skating Music 2010 - Mussorgsky/ Liszt/ Smetana Orchestral Showpieces 2010 - 100 Best Concertos 2009 - Famous Rhapsodies 2009 - Mozartiana 2009 - Mykola Suk Plays Liszt Piano Favorites 2009 - Liszt Concerto in the Hungarian Style Hungarian Fantasia Schubert Wanderer Fantasia (Orch. Tchaikovsky) 2009 - Liszt Klavierwerke 2009 - Off The Beaten Path Solo Piano Music 2009 - Cantare 2009 - Grieg Piano Concerto 6 Lyric Pieces Liszt Piano Concerto No 2 2009 - Mendelssohn Liszt Piano Songs 2009 - Collection - PIANO - Various FAVORITE PIANO PIECES (Liszt; Beethoven) 2009 - Franz Liszt Soires italiennes Three Paganini Etudes Rossini and Spontini Impromptus Rossini Variations 2009 - Beethoven/Liszt Symphonies Vols 5 6 2009 - The Devil's Music 2009 - The Organ of Saint Sulpice Paris 2009 - Fuzjko 2009 - Nareh Arghamanyan Plays Sonatas by Liszt Rachmaninov 2009 - Romantic Piano Favourites Vol 9 2009 - Chopin tudes Six Polish Songs (transcribed Liszt) 2009 - Liszt Fantasias derived from Operas 2009 - Maria Chershintseva Plays Shostakovich Liszt Skriabin 2009 - The Collection 2 The Concerto Recordings 2009 - Piano Dreams The most popular melodies 2009 - My Favorite Things 2009 - Liszt Prelude and Fugue on B-A-C-H Fantasia and Fugue Ad nos ad salutarem undam 2009 - Liszt / Brahms Piano Variations 2009 - Liszt Piano Sonata In B Minor / Chopin Sonatas Nos 1 And 2 2009 - Mendelssohn / Liszt / Grieg Piano Concertos 2009 - Liszt The Best Of Liszt 2009 - Gabriela Imreh Plays Liszt Soirees de Vienne 2009 - Romantic Piano Favourites Vol 7 2009 - Piano Tales 2009 - Visions of Beyond 2009 - Georges Athanasiads Plays Listz Organ Music 2009 - Stars and Pipes Forever 2009 - Schubert Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli etc 2009 - Jane Parker-Smith at the Organ of the Church of St Gudula in Rhede 2009 - Fujiko Hemming plays Chopin Liszt Schubert Brahms Debussy 2009 - La Campanella 2009 - Echoes of Eternity 2009 - Liszt Grieg Piano Concertos 2009 - Fujiko Flemming Live at Carnegie Hall 2009 - Franz Liszt Sonata in B minor 2009 - O wie schn ist deine Welt 2009 - Liszt Les Jeux d'eaux la Villa d'Este Sonate h-moll Mephisto-Walzer 2009 - Franz Liszt The 3 Petrarch Songs Liebestraum No 3 Un Sospiro Impromptu Consolation No 3 Gondoliera 2009 - Cziffra in Tokyo 1964 2009 - Introducing Dmitry Paperno 2009 - Recordings by a Moscow Pianist 2009 - Liszt The Complete Symphonic Poems for Two Pianos (Box Set) 2009 - Through the Years 2009 - Liszt for Two 2009 - Golden Piano (Collector's Edition) 2009 - Romantic Music for Piano Four-Hands 2009 - Liszt Works for Violin Piano 2009 - Classics for Romance 2009 - F Schubert German Mass - J Brahms 3 Motets 2009 - Welte-Mignon Piano 2009 - Liszt Ballade No 2 3 Sonetti del Petrarca La Lugubre Gonda II Hexameron 2009 - 100 Best Concertos 2009 - Transcendent Colors 2009 - Kennst du das Land Goethe und die Musik (Box Set) 2009 - Dinu Lipatti Complete Published Abbey Road Solo Recordings 2009 - Hobson's Choice - Ian Hobson Performs Bach Mendelssohn Chopin et al 2009 - Piano Perennials 2009 - Liszt Piano Sonata Paganini tudes Mephisto Waltz No 1 2009 - Schubert Symphonies Nos 3 8 Liszt Wanderer-Fantasie 2009 - Military Music From The Age of Reason 2009 - Hlne Grimaud Plays Bach 2009 - Berlioz Harold en Italie 2009 - Legendary Masterworks Recordings Dresdner Philharmonie 2009 - An Organ Treasure The Munich Odeon Organ (Hybrid SACD) 2009 - A Gift of Piano 2009 - York Bowen The Complete Solo 78-rpm Recordings 2009 - Yingdi Sun Plays Liszt 2009 - Gray Clouds Piano Music of Franz Liszt 2008 - Victor Hugo en Musique 2008 - Hungarian Dances 2008 - Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No 2 Liszt Piano Concerto No 1 2008 - A Schubert Recital 2008 - Ignace Jan Paderewski The 1911 / 1930 Original 78s 2008 - Liszt Symphonic Poems Vol 4 2008 - Live from Verbier 2008 - A Night at the Opera 2008 - Shostakovich and Friends 2008 - Beethoven Symphony No 9 - Liszt's Transcription for Two Pianos 2008 - Mindru Katz Plays Concert Favorites 2008 - East West Encounter I - Works for Solo Piano 2008 - 2008 Sydney International Piano Competition of Australia Vol 1 Solo Highlights 2008 - Edition Klavier-Festival Ruhr Portraits III 2008 - Grigory Ginzburg His Early Recordings Vol 1 - Liszt Beethoven Balakirev Ginzburg 2008 - Consolations Romantic Music for Flute Piano 2008 - Mordecai Shehori Plays Schumann Liszt 2008 - Alfred Brendel The Complete Vox Turnabout and Vanguard Solo Recordings (Box Set) 2008 - Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition Liszt Piano Concerto No 1 2008 - Brahms Liszt Lieder 2008 - Revolutionary (Hybrid SACD) 2008 - Revolutionary (Includes Bonus DVD) 2008 - Jussi Bjrling in Song 2008 - Romantic Tales 2008 - Edition Klavier-Festival Ruhr Portraits (Recordings 2004 - 2005) 2008 - Meditation Classics 2008 - Classics in Heaven 2008 - Charles-Valentin Alkan Sonate de Concert Liszt La Lugubre Gondole Works for Cello Piano 2008 - Icon Dinu Lipatti (Box Set) 2008 - Icon Solomon (Box Set) 2008 - Icon Janet Baker Sings Mahler Elgar Berlioz Chausson Schubert Schumann Bach Handel (Box Set) 2008 - Romantic Classics (Box Set) 2008 - Classics for Relaxation (Box Set) 2008 - Ultimate Liszt The Essential Masterpieces (Box Set) 2008 - Edition Gza Anda Vol 2 Beethoven Brahms Liszt 2008 - Edition Klavier-Festival Ruhr Vol 18 2008 - Liszt Lieder 2008 - The Legacy Michael Studer (Box Set) 2008 - Sonatas and Other Interludes 2008 - Hungarian Music for Cello and Piano 2008 - Liszt Music for Two Pianos 2008 - Nachtstcke 2008 - The Classic 100 The Ultimate Top 10 Collection (Box Set) 2008 - Elgar Enigma Variations 2008 - Ignace Jan Paderewski plays Paderewski Chopin Liszt 2008 - Horowitz in Hamburg The Last Concert 2008 - Music My Mum 2008 - Classique 2008 - Liszt Piano Concerto No 1 Concerto pathtique Ravel Piano Concerto in G 2008 - Horowitz Plays Rachmaninov Liszt 2008 - Liszt Concerti per Pianoforte Nos 1 2 Grieg Concerto per Pianoforte Op 16 2008 - Liszt Works for Piano Orchestra 2008 - Legendary Piano Duos - Original Piano Roll performances by famous piano duos - Tina Lerner Vladimir Shavits / Polly Walter Damrosch / Joseph Lambert Nadia Reisenberg / Percy Grainger Ralph Leopold / Harold Bauer Ossip Gabrilowitsch etc 2008 - Liszt Works for Piano Orchestra 2008 - Organ Landscape Latvia 2008 - The Piano Collection (Box Set) 2008 - Schubert Piano Sonata in D major D850 Liszt Don Juan Fantasy et al 2008 - The Celebrated New York Concerts Vol 3 2008 - Une vie pour le piano (Box Set) 2008 - Fiery Melodies 2008 - Classics for My Baby 2008 - Paderewski His Earliest Recordings 2008 - Arthur Nikisch conducts Beethoven 2008 - Chopin Recital 2008 - Fantasie 2008 - The Great Pianists Vladimir Horowitz Vol 7 2008 - La Campanella Favourite Piano Encores 2008 - Talencourt 2008 - Liszt Dante Symphonie 2008 - Mantovani and His Orchestra Gypsy Soul / Stereo Showcase 2008 - Variations Part I II 2008 - Hindson Violin Concerto Corigliano Suite from the Red Violin (Hybrid SACD) 2008 - Liszt Mazeppa 2008 - Evgeny Kissin The Early Recordings (Box Set) 2008 - Auf Flgeln Des Gesanges (Hybrid SACD) 2008 - The Complete EMI Recordings 1946-1984 Vol 1 Orchestral (Box Set) 2008 - Nodame Cantabile Special Best 2008 - The Artist's Collection Alfred Brendel (Box Set) 2008 - The World of Variation 2008 - Piano Works Played by Elzbieta Wiedner-Zajac 2008 - Liszt Annees de Pelerinage Deuxieme Annee (Italie) 2008 - Liszt Annees de Pelerinage Premiere Annee (Suisse) 2008 - Liszt Annees de Pelerinage Troisieme Annee 2008 - Diana Damrau Lieder 2008 - Karajan 2008 (CD+DVD+Bonus CD) 2008 - Boris Berezovsky (Box Set) 2008 - Romantic Classics Romantic Melodies 2008 - Romantic Classics Peaceful Moods 2008 - Liszt Virtuosity of Opera Paraphrases 2008 - The Only Romantic Piano Album You Will Ever Need 2008 - Protege 2008 - The Only Classical Album You Will Ever Need 2008 - Liszt Rachmaninov tudes 2008 - Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No 1 Liszt Hungarian Fantasy Paysage Mazeppa 2008 - 101 Piano Masterpieces (Box Set) 2008 - The Great Pianists Vol 6 Eugne d'Albert 2008 - Liszt A Faust Symphony 2008 - More Bedtime Serenades 2008 - Dreams Classical Music for a Good Night's Sleep 2008 - Lieder 2008 - The Great Pianists Vol 5 2008 - Vaganten ohne Heimat 2008 - Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition Schubert Impromptus Liszt Etudes 2008 - Melodie d'Amore 2008 - Garden of Thoughts Love 2008 - Piano Fantasies 2008 - Jerusalem du hochgebaute Stadt Organ Music 2008 - The Art of Transcription 2008 - Les Rarissimes de Bruno Leonardo Gelber 2008 - Piano Nocturnes 2008 - Les Plus Belles Pages du Piano 2008 - Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies 2008 - Piano Works by Chopin Enescu Ravel Liszt Brahms 2008 - The Music The Legend A Centennial Celebration 2007 - Chopin Liszt Sonates en Si Mineur 2007 - Liszt Symphonische Dichtung Nos 3 6 Ungarische Rhapsodie Nos 1 3 Von der Wiege bis zum Grabe Totantanz 2007 - Steps in Silence 2007 - The Celebrated New York Concerts Vol 2 - Mordecai Shehori 2007 - Liszt Donizetti Operatic Reminiscences and Transcriptions 2007 - Liszt Die legende von der heiligen Elisabeth 2007 - Beethoven Clair de Lune 2007 - Bach Reflections 2007 - Hlne Grimaud plays Rachmaninoff Chopin Liszt Schumann Brahms Ravel (Box Set) 2007 - Moments Musicaux 2007 - Christmas Carols 2007 - An Anthology of Song Vol 1 2007 - Famous Composers (Box Set) 2007 - The Great Pianists Vol 3 Ferruccio Busoni 2007 - Liszt The Original Piano Roll Recordings 2007 - Liszt Douze tudes d'Excution Transcendante 2007 - Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies Nos 1-6 2007 - Liszt Recital 2007 - Wagner Wesendonck Lieder Liszt Lieder 2007 - Classics in Heaven 2007 - Liszt Piano Concertos Danse macabre 2007 - The Pupils of Liszt Jos Vianna da Motta Arthur Friedheim 2007 - Liszt Complete Organ Works 2007 - The Very Best of Christmas 2007 - Ultimate Classical Chill Out (Box Set) 2007 - Ultimate Classical Piano (Box Set) 2007 - Liszt Piano Concertos Les Preludes Beethoven 11 Viennese Dances 2007 - Liszt Piano Concertos Nos 1 2 Sonata in B minor Mephisto Waltz 2007 - Christmas Organ Music 2007 - Colors 2007 - Glenn Gould plays Beethoven's 5th Symphony Transcribed for Piano by Franz Liszt 2007 - Liszt Orgelwerke 2007 - Ladegast Orgel Urauffhrungen im Dom zu Merzeburg 2007 - Westminister Cathedral Organ Classics 2007 - Mahler Adagietto Liszt Les Preludes Brahms Symphony No 3 Beethoven Prometheus 2007 - An Anthology of Song Vol 3 2007 - The Ultimate Most Relaxing Classics for Kids in the Universe 2007 - Liszt Sonata in B minor Funrailles etc 2007 - Grieg Liszt Piano Concertos 2007 - Schumann Fantasie Schubert Drei Klavierstcke Liszt Transcriptions 2007 - Liszt Die legende von der heiligen Elisabeth 2007 - Liszt Romantic Works for Piano and Orchestra - Hungarian Fantasia Malediction Rhapsodie Espagnole Wanderer Fantasy 2007 - Brahms Paganini-Variationen Chopin Polonaise Liszt Rminiscences 2007 - Chopin Soinata in G minor Liszt La lugubre gondola Strauss Sonata in F major 2007 - Liszt Transcriptions of Songs by Schubert Mendelssohn Schumann 2007 - A Personal Collection (Box Set) 2007 - The Essential Van Cliburn 2007 - Debussy Preludes Books I II Liszt 3 Sonetti del Petrarca Etc 2007 - The Great Pianists Vol 2 2007 - Liszt Symphonic Poems Vol 3 2007 - Liszt Verdi Concert Paraphrases and Transcriptions 2007 - Saint-Sans Concerto No 2 / Franck Symphonic Variations / Liszt Concerto No 1 2007 - Organ Classics from King's 2007 - The Russian Piano Tradition 2007 - Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition Liszt Ballade No 2 Isolde's Liebestod 2007 - Klavierwerke von Franz Liszt 2007 - Homage to Schumann 2007 - The Great Pianists Vol 1 2007 - Lazar Berman at Carnegie Hall 2007 - Keyboard Works by Bach Busoni Liszt Rachmaninov 2007 - Three Centuries of Bagatelles 2007 - Liszt Mephisto Waltzes Two Elegies Grosses Konzertsolo 2007 - Liszt Via Crucis 2007 - Shura Cherkassky plays Rameau Haydn Chopin Liszt Hindemith Berkeley 2007 - Piano Moods 2007 - Maria Ivanova Plays Liszt Beethoven Mussorgsky 2007 - Walzer Polkas 2007 - The Classical Brit Awards 2007 2007 - Les Grands Classiques D'Edgar (Box Set) 2007 - Liszt Piano Concertos 1 2/Les Preludes - Ohlsson Atzmon (Royal Classics) 2007 - Franz Liszt Penses Potiques 2007 - Schubert The Collector's Edition (Box Set) 2007 - Wizard of the Keyboard 2007 - Fantasy 2007 - Vladimir Horowitz The complete solo European recordings 1930-1936 2007 - The Best of Liszt 2007 - Dvork Jancek Smetana Romantic Pieces (Includes Bonus CD) 2007 - Joyaux Romantiques Jewels of the Romantic Era Vol 2 Music Poetry 2007 - Liszt Bach Wagner Transcriptions 2007 - Violons d'enfer (Infernal Violins) 2007 - Infernal Violins (includes DVD) 2007 - Bestsellers of Masters 4 2007 - Christopher Dearnley Plays at St George's Hall Liverpool 2007 - Singers to Remember Meta Seinemeyer 2007 - Ladegast-Sauer-Organ Tallinna Toomkirk 2007 - Liszt Christus Oratorio (Hybrid SACD) 2007 - Classical Top 1000 (Box Set) 2007 - Emlia Dzemjanov Plays Bach Beethoven Liszt Suchon Lemmens 2007 - Complete Classical Music Library The Piano Vol 1 (Box Set) 2007 - Music for Book Lovers 2007 - Most Beloved Encores 2007 - Gyrgy Cziffra plays Beethoven Schumann Liszt 2007 - Volodos Plays Liszt (Hybrid SACD) 2007 - Timur Sergeyenia plays Bach Tchaikovsky Rachmaninov Scriabin 2007 - Vladimir Horowitz The Studio Recordings - New York 1985 2007 - Chopin Liszt Piano Concerto No 1 2007 - Gold Medal Dreams 2007 - Heart of the Symphony 2007 - Around the Fugue 2007 - Liszt Symphonic Poems 2007 - The Best Thunderous Classics 2007 - Music of Chopin Liszt 2007 - Schumann Klaviertrios 2007 - Homage to Mozart 2007 - SImon Barere and Boris Barere Father and Son (Includes DVD) 2007 - 20 Great Pianists 2007 - Nicol Paganini Special Edition (5 CDs + Multimedia CD + Catalogue) 2007 - The Complete Decca Reordings of Atalfo Argenta 1953-1957 (Box Set) 2007 - Recital 2007 - Liszt Sonata in B minor Paganini tudes Mephisto Waltz 2007 - Incurable Romantic Piano Music for Lovers 2007 - Daniel Roth plays Reubke Ritter Liszt 2007 - The Cathedral Organ 2006 - Naji Hakim plays Liszt Franck Langlais etc 2006 - Liszt Piano Sonata in B Minor Tasso Lamento e Trionfo Gretchen 2006 - Sviatoslav Richter in the 1950's Vol 5 2006 - Classics 2 The Greatest Melodies 2006 - Luciano Pavarotti (Box Set) 2006 - Lionel Tertis The Complete Vocalion Recordings (1919-24) 2006 - Beethoven Symphonies Nos 1-9 Transcribed by Liszt (Box Set) 2006 - Liszt Saint-Sans Paderewski Piano Concertos 2006 - Lest We Forget A Manifest of Struggle and Hope 2006 - Liszt Piano Works (Box Set) 2006 - Franz Liszt Piano Works 2006 - Libor Novacek plays Liszt 2006 - The Young Ashkenazy Vol II 2006 - Emil Gilels Early Recordings 2006 - The Dante Sonata other works 2006 - Jura Margulis Live on the Horowitz Steinway 2006 - Liszt Szeksrd Mass Prometheus Cantata 2006 - Liszt Annes de Plerinage 2006 - Lazar Berman plays Liszt Rachmaninov 2006 - Schubert Impromptus D899 Liszt Winterreise Transcriptions 2006 - Liszt Petrarch sonnet 104 Mephisto-Waltz No 1 B-Minor Sonata 2006 - Liszt Piano Concerto No 1 Schumann Carnaval Arabesque 2006 - Knappertsbusch Conducts Haydn Mozart Lortzing Glinka Liszt 2006 - Steinway Legends Grand Edition/Various (Box) 2006 - Jakob Gimpel at Ambassador Auditorium All-Chopin Recital May 11th 1978 2006 - Franz Liszt - Sonata in B Minor Grandes Etudes De Paganini 2006 - Svyatoslav Richter at the Prague Spring Festival 2006 - The Very Best of Classical Music 2006 - DeGaetano Plays Liszt 2006 - Elenea Bezprozvannykh plays Chopin Rachmaninow Brahms etc 2006 - Pnina Salzman Vol 6 2006 - 30th Anniversary Sampler 2006 - Fanfares and Passages 2006 - The Great Female Pianists Vol 5 2006 - Aldo Ciccolini plays Mozart Liszt 2006 - Chonguri 2006 - Steinway Legends Wilhelm Kempff 2006 - Ultimate Classics 2006 - Autumn Moods Instrumental Classics 2006 - Liszt Tre Sonetti di Petrarca 2006 - Horizons - Leif Ove Andsnes 2006 - Liszt Piano Works - Francois-Rene Duchable 2006 - Steinway Legends Martha Argerich 2006 - Steinway Legends Alfred Brendel 2006 - David Stanhope A Virtuoso Recital 2006 - Lazar Berman Edition (Box Set) 2006 - Grigory Ginzburg Live Recordings Vol 2 CD 3 Schumann Beethoven Liszt Etc 2006 - Grand 2006 - Franz Liszt Beethoven Symphonies 7 8 (Piano Transcriptions) 2006 - Robert Schumann / Franz Liszt Piano Works 2006 - Classics for Relaxation 2006 - 100 Best Piano Classics 2006 - Transitions 2006 - Yves Nat Ses Enregistrements 1930-1956 (Coffret du 50�me Anniversaire) 2006 - Grigory Ginzburg Live Recordings Vol 2 CD 2 Liszt Mozart Ravel Rubinstein 2006 - David Fray Plays Schubert Liszt 2006 - Liszt Weihnachtsbaum L'arbre de Nol The Christmas Tree 2006 - Franz Liszt Missa Solemnis Graner Messe 2006 - Steinway Legends Vladimir Horowitz 2006 - Steinway Legends Maurizio Pollini 2006 - Steinway Legends Claudio Arrau 2006 - Karl Richter A Universal Musician (Box Set) 2006 - Classical Music For People Who Hate Classical Music 2006 - Liszt Symphonic Poems 2006 - A Celebration of Duo-Piano Music 2006 - Cherkassky Plays Rameau Beethoven Mendelssohn Chopin Scriabin Tchaikovsky Liszt 2006 - Liszt Symphonic Poems Vol 2 2006 - Grigory Ginzburg Live Recordings Vol 2 CD 1 Franz Liszt 2006 - Liszt Piano Concertos Nos 1 2 Totentanz Hungarian Fantasy 2006 - Valses 2006 - Liszt Rves d'amour 2006 - Les chefs-d'uvre du piano romantique 2006 - Liszt Piano Transcriptions 2006 - The Voice 2006 - Peaceful Adagios 2006 - Pictures at an Exhibition and Other Favourites 2006 - Louis Lortie plays Liszt 2006 - Iren Marik From Bach to Bartk 2006 - The Great Female Pianists Vol 4 Guiomar Novaes 2006 - Classics for Wellness 2006 - Midnight Classics 2006 - Classics for a Quiet Evening 2006 - Best Loved Piano Concertos 2006 - World Keys 2006 - Four Hand Reflections 2006 - Dvork Symphonie No 9 du Nouveau Monde 2006 - Music for and by Fanny Hnerwadel 2006 - Gifts from Above 2006 - Movie Cartoon Classics You Love 2006 - Forgotten Romance 2006 - Ladislav Fanzowitz plays Horowitz Godowsky Balakirev Liszt 2006 - Orgelwerke von Liszt Vasks Bach Hakim Glass 2006 - Arthur Nikisch 2006 - The Art of Earl Wild 2006 - Liszt Les Preludes Hungarian Rhapsodies 2 6 Hungarian Fantasy 2006 - Legendary Treasures Lubka Kolessa 2006 - Style Hongrois Works for Solo Piano 2006 - Franz Liszt B-A-C-H Variations / Piano Sonata 2006 - Franz Liszt Choruses and Songs / Josef Rheinberger Missa Op 109 2006 - Franz Liszt Piano Works Volume 2 2006 - Liszt Sonata in B Minor 3 Paraphrases Dante Sonata 2006 - Schubert to Bartok on a Bsendorfer Piano 2006 - No Boundaries 2006 - Dreaming Adagios 2006 - Piano Recital 2006 - Lazar Berman plays Franz Liszt 2006 - Gyrgy Cziffra performs Liszt Strauss Chopin Rossini Brahms Schumann 2006 - Beethoven/Liszt Symphonies Nos 1-9 2006 - Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies (Complete) 2006 - Brilliant Classics 10 years 2006 - The Piano Concerto Collection (Box Set) 2006 - Classical Chillout Relaxing Classical Melodies 2006 - Liszt Faust Symphony Dante Symphony 2006 - Organ Spectacular 2006 - Klassik for Lovers 2006 - Leyla Gencer performs Bartok Liszt Donizetti Bellini 2006 - Classics Greatest Melodies 2006 - Memory 2006 - Liszt The Complete Works for Violin and Piano 2006 - Brass Band Spectacular The Best of British Band 2006 - Das Vatikan-Konzert Zu Ehren Seiner Heiligkeit Papst Benedikt XVI 2006 - Live in Fort Lauderdale 2006 - Chopin Four Ballades Liszt Sonata in B minor 2006 - Speak Memory / Vladimir Feltsman (Camerata Japanese Import) 2006 - Eugen d'Albert The Centaur Pianist Complete Studio recordings 1910-1928 2006 - Liszt 12 Poemi Sinfonici per Due Pianoforte 2006 - Liszt Faust Symphony Tone Poems Psalm XIII 2006 - Vienna Recital 2006 - Roberts An English Elegy 2006 - A Piano Weekend 2006 - Rachmaninov Concerto No 3 Liszt Transcriptions Paraphrases 2006 - L'veil musical des Nations / Nations awakening 2006 - Robert Silverman Starry Starry Night 2006 - Lovers' Adagios 2006 - Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto Encores by Geminiani Schubert Liszt Stravinsky Mussorgsky 2006 - Fantasies 2006 - Tzigane A Treasury of Gypsy-Inspired Music 2006 - L'escola Pianstica Catalana 2006 - Romantique Dreams of Love 2006 - David Briggs Live 2006 - A Summer Night Evening Romance 2006 - Serenades for Two Romantic Evening Music 2006 - Samuil Feinberg in Sound and Thought 2006 - Liszt Organ Works Vol 2 2006 - Liszt Organ Works Vol 2 (Hybrid SACD) 2006 - A Romantic Evening 2006 - Perfect Wedding 2006 - Organ Works by Bach Liszt (Hybrid SACD) 2006 - Perfect Romance 2006 - Gabriela Montero en Concert Montral 2006 - Rachmaninov His Complete Recordings (Box Set) 2006 - The Transcendental Tradition Ronald Stevenson in Concert 2006 - Alfred Brendel Plays Liszt Schumann 2006 - Liszt The Hungarian Rhapsody Recordings Concerto pathtique 2005 - Franz Liszt Die groen Orgelwerke 2005 - My Father Was Simon Barere 2005 - The Artistry of Ralph McLane 2005 - Schubert Sonata in B flat major D 960 Liszt Ballade No 2 in B minor 2005 - Hymne la Nuit Piano Music by Franz Liszt 2005 - Piano Masterpieces 2005 - Liszt Three Piano Concertos Totentanz 2005 - Irena Friedland at the Piano 2005 - Franz Liszt Lieder of Franz Schubert 2005 - Helmut Lotti Goes Classic The Blue Album (Special CD & DVD Edition) 2005 - Simon Barere Carnegie Hall Recordings Vol 5 An undated performance 2005 - Nocturnes 2005 - The Best Thunderous Classics (Best Buy Exclusive) 2005 - The Best Lullabies (Best Buy Exclusive) 2005 - Xavier de Maistre - Famous Classics 2005 - The Philadelphia Organbuilder 2005 - The Grand Organ of the Royal Albert Hall 2005 - Emil Gilels Edition Historic Russian Archives (10CD Box Set) 2005 - Rebecca Penneys Steinway 2005 - Grigory Ginzburg Live Recordings Vol 3 CD 2 Prokofiev Scriabin Gershwin Etc 2005 - After Work Hour Classical Music Selection Vol 9 2005 - Classical Piano You Love 2005 - The Cartoon Classics You Love 2005 - Kemal Gekic performs Hndel Liszt Scriabine 2005 - Twelfth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition Joyce Yang Silver Medalist 2005 - Twelfth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition Sa Chen Crystal Award 2005 - Tristan und Isolde Liszt Piano Transcriptions 2005 - Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition Liszt Les Prludes Smetana Vltava 2005 - Liszt Piano Works 2005 - Piano Favourites 2005 - Cybele Records SACD-Sampler Catalogue 2004 (Hybrid SACD) 2005 - Lieder Franz Liszt Richard Strauss Alban Berg 2005 - Liszt Symphonic Poems Vol 1 2005 - Lizst Organ Works Vol 1 (B-A-C-H) 2005 - Bach/Busoni Goldberg Variations Liszt Petrarch Sonnets Busoni Recueillement 2005 - Liszt Organ Works Vol 1 (B-A-C-H) 2005 - Gabriela Montero Chopin Falla Ginastera Granados Liszt Rachmaninov Scriabin (Includes Bonus CD) 2005 - Troubadour of the Piano (Box Set) 2005 - Liszt Annes de plerinage - Suisse 2005 - 100 Piano Classics 2005 - Schubert Impromptus Schubert/Liszt Song Transcriptions 2005 - Liszt Piano Concertos Nos 1 2 Sonata in B Minor 2005 - Vienna Masters Play Chamber Music 2005 - Himmel Hlle 2005 - Ignacy Jan Paderewski Minuet Other Favourites 2005 - The Art of Peter Hurford 2005 - Clifford Curzon Decca Recordings 1937-1971 Vol 3 (Box Set) 2005 - Speak Memory 2005 - Liszt Piano Sonata in B minor Funrailles 2005 - Serenades For Two Romantic Evening Music-For Piano 2005 - 50 Piano Guitar Favorites 2005 - Rhapsodies (Hybrid SACD) 2005 - Hi-Fi Fiedler (Hybrid SACD) 2005 - En Sonate 2005 - Grieg Peer-Gynt-Suiten Nr 1 und 2 2005 - Schubert Songs Transcribed by Liszt Vol 3 2005 - Cinema Fantastic 2005 - Bach/Brahms/Chopin Piano Recit 2005 - Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau Rezitiert Melodramen von Schumann Liszt Strauss Ullmann 2005 - Top 100 Favourite Classical Melodies (Box Set) 2005 - Autobahn Drive Time 2005 - Grigory Ginzburg Live Recordings Vol 1 Liszt Ginzburg 2005 - Variations Part I II 2005 - Ravel Bolro Liszt Les Prludes Tchaikovsky Ouverture Solonelle 1812 2005 - Thalberg Liszt Works for Violin Piano 2005 - Leningrad - 1986 2005 - Heart Strings Beautiful Classics for Romantic Times 2005 - Liszt Masterpieces for Solo Piano (Exclusive Free Sampler Included) 2005 - Elements Symphony of the Sea (CD & DVD) 2005 - Rcital 2005 - To Have and To Hold Cherished Favorites For Weddings 2005 - Lise de la Salle plays Bach Liszt 2005 - In the Name of Beethoven 2005 - Enesco Roumanian Rhapsody No 1 Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies Nos 1-6 (Hybrid SACD) 2005 - The Best Traditional Wedding Music 2005 - Piano Portraits 2005 - Liszt Piano Concerto No 1 Mephisto Waltz Herode funbre 2005 - Ancerl Gold Edition 42 LISZT Les Preludes / BARTA Viola Concerto / SHOSTAKOVICH Cello Concerto No 1 2005 - Czardas 2005 - Breakfast in Bed (Box Set) 2005 - Music to Read To Vol 2 2005 - Franz Liszt Ballades Polonaises Trois Morceaux Suisses 2005 - Picture This Artistic Transcriptions for Brass 2005 - Classical Gold Piano 2005 - Traditional Wedding Music 2005 - For Children 2005 - Rediscovered Master 2005 - Carl Czerny Franz Liszt Master Pupil (Etudes) 2005 - Dvork Symphony No 9 From the New World 2005 - Franz Liszt Symphonic Poems 2005 - Transcendental Etudes Ferenc Liszt and Gyrgy Ligeti 2005 - Liszt Piano Concertos/Les Preludes/Hungarian Rhapsody No 2 (Netherlands) 2005 - Audio Archive Classics Tito Schipa 2005 - Music for Entertaining at Home 2005 - Organ Dreams Vol 4 2005 - Liszt Piano Sonata Paganini 2005 - World's Greatest Classics 2005 - Baby's First Songs 2005 - Rachmaninoff Concerto No 2 Liszt Concerto No 1 2005 - George Walker Composer 2005 - For Lovers 2005 - Turner Whistler Monet Peinture Musique Paysages 2005 - The Very Best of Classical Music for Your Life (Box Set) 2005 - Beautiful Classical Music To Share (Box Set) 2005 - Complete Classical Collection (Box Set) 2005 - Quiet Time Classics (Box Set) 2005 - 25 Mellow Piano Favorites 2005 - Virtuoso Romantic Masterpieces for Piano 2005 - Liszt Orgelwerke 2005 - The Ultimate Classical Wedding 2005 - Grace Bumbry Early Recordings Oratorio Opera Lieder 2005 - The Complete 1950s Chopin Recordings (Box Set) 2005 - The Complete HMV Recordings 1934-1936 2005 - Peace Pure Classical Calm 2005 - Baroque Reflections for Piano 2005 - An Eastman Recital 2005 - The Great Piano Concertos (Box Set) 2005 - The Best of Classics 2005 - Discover Music of the Romantic Era 2005 - John Scott plays Liszt 2005 - Liszt Organ Works 2005 - Romantic Classics Evocative Melodies for Special Moments 2005 - The Best of Classics 2004 - Jussi Bjoerling - Lieder 1939-1952 2004 - Liszt Pices Tardives 2004 - Jerome Rose Plays Franz Liszt 2004 - Liszt A Faust Symphony Les Preludes Albenz Iberia Turina Danza Fantasticas 2004 - KDFC A Classical Christmas 2 2004 - Historic Organs of North Carolina 2004 - Violoncelle et Opra 2004 - Teresa Carreo Pianist 2004 - Bartk in the Desert The Art of Irn Marik 2004 - An Entertaining Evening 2004 - Nocturnes 2004 - Live Performances of Great Piano Classics 2004 - Beethoven Symphony No 9 (Piano Transcription) 2004 - The Romantic Piano Vol 1 (Box Set) 2004 - A Liszt Odyssey 2004 - Franz Liszt Friend of Saint Francis of Assisi 2004 - Double Bass Rarities 2004 - Beethoven Sonate Op 57 Appassionata Liszt Sonate h-Moll Aprs une lecture du Dante 2004 - Hubay Works for Violin and Piano Vol 7 2004 - Liszt Sonata in B minor etc 2004 - Franz Liszt The Great Romantic 2004 - Romantic Piano Classics 2004 - The Ultimate Classics Eternal Essentials 2004 - Classical Concertos 2004 - Calming Classics 2 CDs 2004 - Forever Favorites 2004 - Ageless Piano Classics Vol 1 2004 - Liszt Sonata in B minor 2004 - Variations Part I II 2004 - Sviatoslav Richter in Concert Historic Russian Archives 2004 - Piano Masterpieces 2004 - Great Melodies of the Classics 2004 - Rhapsodies 2004 - Soundings 2004 - Classical Lullabies 2004 - Rare Piano Encores 2004 - Classical Favorites 2004 - Julie Cheek in Concert 2004 - Signature Series Dinu Lipatti 2004 - Fiorentino Edition Vol VIII Liszt Sonata Ballades Nos 1 2 Funrailles 2004 - Highlights from His Discography 2004 - The Complete Liszt Recordings HMV/Electrola 1919-36 2004 - Vladimir Horowitz The European Solo Recordings Vol 1 2004 - Moriz Rosenthal The complete HMV recordings 1934-1937 2004 - Sergio Fiorentino The Early Recordings Vol 1 The Contemplative Liszt 2004 - The Piano G T's Vol 1 Recordings from the Grammophone Typewriter Era 2004 - The Pioneering Liszt Recordings 2004 - Egon Petri His Recordings 1929-1942 Vol 1 2004 - Walter Gieseking His First Concerto Recordings Vol 3 2004 - The Auer Legacy Vol 2 2004 - The Simon Barere Carnegie Hall Recordings Vol 4 1949 2004 - Piano News 2003/2004 2004 - Restful Classics 2004 - Rainy Day Classics 2004 - Summertime Classics 2004 - Tranquil Classics 2004 - Power Classics 2004 - Piano Please 2004 - The Quintessential Baritone 2004 - Nikolai Demidenko Plays Liszt 2004 - Glorious Pipes Organ Music Through the Ages 2004 - Liszt Annes de Plegrinage Deuxime Anne Italie 2004 - A Reminiscence 2004 - Liszt Piano Works 2004 - Ernest Ansermet Maestro Avanzato (10 CDS Exclusive Membran Intl. German Import Box Set) 2004 - Liszt Piano Concerto No 1 Schumann Carnaval Arabesque 2004 - Piano News 2003/2004 2004 - Rarely-Performed Piano Works 2004 - Welte-Mignon Piano Rolls Vol 3 Schumann Brahms Chopin Sibelius 2004 - Mendelssohn Songs without Words Beethoven Violin Sonata No 9 Kreutzer Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No 2 2004 - Great Conductors of the 20th Century Herbert von Karajan 2004 - Liszt Sonata Ballades Nos 1 2 Funrailles 2004 - Lullaby Baby's First Classics (Box Set) 2004 - Beethoven 5 Piano Sonatas 2004 - The Most Relaxing Classics of All Time (Box Set) 2004 - Keith Hardwick in Memoriam 2004 - British By Arrangement Vol 2 2004 - Schubert Chopin Liszt 2004 - Classical Chill Experience (Box Set) 2004 - Liszt New Discoveries Vol 2 2004 - Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies Liebestraum 2004 - Evgeny Kissin in Concert Historic Russian Archives (Box Set) 2004 - Klra Wrtz plays Romantic Piano Music 2004 - The Ultimate Wedding Album 2004 - Maestro Mistico (Box Set) 2004 - Liszt Annes de plerinage 2004 - Live at Carnegie Hall (Hybrid SACD) 2004 - Les Rarissimes de Eric Heidsieck Beethoven Brahms Mendelssohn 2004 - Les Introuvables de Alexis Weissenberg 2004 - Dances from Hungary 2004 - Schubert Piano Sonata in B-flat Schubert-Liszt Four Songs Liszt Mephisto 2004 - Priory LP Archive Series Vol 1 - David Hill plays the Organ of Westminster Cathedral London John Porter plays the Organ of St George's Chapel Windsor (2 CD Set) 2004 - Tribute to Paganini Vol 2 2004 - Srgio Gallo Plays Debussy Chopin Liszt Souza Lima Rachmaninoff 2004 - Through the Years 2004 - Liszt Masterpieces for Solo Piano Vol 2 2004 - Liszt Etudes - Gnomenreigen Waldesrauschen Etudes de concert 2004 - The Art of Julius Katchen Vol 4 2004 - Goldberg Variations A View from the 21st Century 2004 - The Most Soothing Lullabies In The Universe 2004 - Classics for Relaxation 2004 - Olga Makarina Sings Liszt Tchaikovsky Rachmaninov 2004 - Masters of the Piano Roll Mahler Plays Mahler 2004 - Liszt Licht meher Licht Domine salvum fac regem Mass in C minor etc 2004 - The Most Relaxing Classics of All Time 2004 - Franz Liszt Complete Works for Cello and Piano 2004 - Artist Portrait Daniel Barenboim 2004 - Romantique Piano Works by Chopin Liszt Mendelssohn and Schumann 2004 - Emil Sauer Plays Liszt 2004 - Van Gough Musical Landscapes of Impressionism 2004 - Afternoon Tea 2004 - Within Earshot / Boston Brass 2004 - Les Grands Pianistes du XXme sicle Vol 1 2004 - A Tasteful Aire (Box Set) 2004 - Dining Music (Box Set) 2004 - The Essential Pachmann 1907-1927 Early and Unissued Recordings 2004 - Liszt Annes de Plerinage Deuxime anne Italie 2004 - Invitation to the Dance 2004 - Welte-Mignon Piano Rolls Vol 2 R Strauss Grieg Chopin Weber 2004 - LISZT and the CROSS Music as Sacrament in the B Minor Sonata 2004 - The Essential Pachmann 1907-1927 Early and Unissued Recordings 2004 - Moonlight Classics 2004 - Chill Classics 2004 - Romantic Piano 2004 - 25 Classical Favorites 2004 - Chopin uvres pour piano (Box Set) 2004 - Rainy Day Classics 2004 - Masters of the Keyboard 2004 - Organ Fireworks X 2004 - Liszt Harmonies potiques et religieuses 2004 - Musical Favorites of All Times 2004 - Funeral Music 2004 - Zen Garden Inspiring Creation 2004 - Liszt Concertos for Piano and Orchestra Nos 1 2 2004 - Eric Cutler 2004 - The Composers Sampler 2004 - The Most Romantic Classical Music in the Universe 2004 - The Classical Masters (Box Set) 2004 - Love Moods The Most Romantic Classics 2004 - Passion Vol 15 Great Classical Marches 2004 - Passion Malediction/Grande Fantaisie - Liszt 2004 - Liszt Piano Concerto No 2 Hungarian Fantasy 2004 - Organ Favorites from King's College Cambridge 2004 - Classical Music for the Reader 2004 - Liszt Complete Works for Cello Piano 2004 - Nature's Symphonies Surf and Sea and Midnight Storm 2004 - Great Romantic Classics 2003 - Si Mes Vers Avaient des Ailes 2003 - Romantic Piano Favorites 2003 - Passion - Most Famous Orchestral Spectaculars (20 CD Set) 2003 - Rhapsody in Blue - Ultimate Piano Collection (20 CD Set) 2003 - Mendelssohn Die erste Walpurgisnacht 2003 - Liszt Dante Symphony Tasso 2003 - Liszt Eine Symphonie zu Dantes Divina Commedia (Hybrid SACD) 2003 - Debussy Preludes Livre 2 Liszt Eglogue 2003 - Jancek The Lord's Prayer (Choral and Organ Music) 2003 - Liszt Piano Concerto No 1 Hungarian Rhapsodies Schumann Sonata No 2 in G minor 2003 - Sounds of Excellence 200 Greatest Classics (Box Set) 2003 - Great Conductors of the 20th Century Felix Weingartner 2003 - Liszt Orchestral Works / Works for Piano and Orchestra - Michel Broff / Gewandhaus-Orchester Leipzig / Kurt Masur 2003 - Horowitz Legendary RCA Recordings 2003 - Piano Passion 2003 - Liszt Les Annes de plerinage 2003 - Gloria on Piano 2003 - From The Archives Sviatoslav Richter 2003 - Sderstrm sings Liszt Schubert Tchaikovsky etc 2003 - Strauss Lieder Wolf Lieder 2003 - Complete Recordings on Deutsche Grammophon (Box Set) 2003 - Dancing through Time Bach to Gershwin 2003 - Horowitz Performs Scarlatti Liszt 2003 - Paderewski plays Paderewski 2003 - Organ Sensation 2003 - Horowitz Plays Rachmaninov Liszt 2003 - The Parlour Grand Piano Favorites from a Bygone Era 2003 - Hlne Grimaud plays Rachmaninoff Chopin Liszt Schumann Brahms Ravel (Box Set) 2003 - Harmonies potiques et religieuses 2003 - The Magic of Horowitz (CDs+DVD) 2003 - Liszt Piano Works 2003 - The Very Best of Classical Dinner Party 2003 - Piano 2003 - Liszt Masterpieces for Solo Piano Vol 1 2003 - Classical Romance 2003 - Very Best of Classical Piano 2003 - The Very Best of Classical Greatest Hits 2003 - Welte-Mignon Piano Rolls 1905-1927 2003 - From The Musical Tree 2003 - Piano Duos Mozart Libetta Rimsky-Korsakov Liszt Rachmaninov (VAI) 2003 - Liszt Dante Sonata Valle d'Obermann Sonata in B minor 2003 - Organ Works Organ Transcriptions 2003 - Wagner Siegfried-Idyll 2003 - Dreams of Love Chopin 2003 - The Art of Jennie Tourel 2003 - Schubert Piano Transcriptions by Liszt Prokofiev Busoni Godowsky 2003 - Preludes Postludes for the year beginning 9-11-2001 performed by Susan Ferre Organist 2003 - Liszt Piano Sonata in B minor 2003 - 100 Classical Highlights Symphonies Romantic Piano (Box Set) 2003 - Knappertsbusch Maestro Energico (Box Set) 2003 - The Art of Alicia de Larrocha (Box Set) 2003 - An Anniversary Tribute (Box Set) 2003 - Franz Liszt in the Spirit of Faith (Homme de foi) 2003 - Instrument of the Devil 2003 - The Boston Recital 2003 - Sweet Dreams 2003 - Franz Liszt Transcriptions of Franz Schubert Songs 2003 - Together 2003 - The Very Best of Relaxing Classics 2003 - Summer Winds The Ultimate Getaway Album 2003 - Liszt Klavierwerke 2003 - Franois-Ren Duchable Plays Chopin Schumann Liszt 2003 - Horowitz Rediscovered 2003 - Liszt (Box Set) 2003 - Die groe historische Rver-Orgel in der Evangelische Baptistenkirche in Moskau 2003 - The Bard 2003 - The Simon Barere Carnegie Hall Recordings Vol 4 1949 2003 - Liszt Paraphrases 2003 - Character Pieces of the Nineteenth Century 2003 - Sofronitsky Plays Beethoven Prokofiev Liszt Chopin 2003 - Earl Wild Plays Liszt in Concert 2003 - The Very Best of Maria Callas 2003 - Das Waldhaus in Sils-Maria 2003 - Liszt Christus 2003 - Liszt Tre Sonetti del Petrarca Due Ballate Due Leggende 2003 - Melankoli 2003 - For the Fun of It All 2003 - Liszt by Nissman 2003 - Franz Liszt Beethoven Symphonies 4 6 (Piano Transcriptions) 2003 - 25 Ultimate Classics 2003 - Etudes d'execution transcendante (Twelve Transcendental Etudes) 2003 - Liszt Piano Works 2003 - Schubert Lieder Schumann Frauenliebe und -leben 2003 - Jana Bouskov Plays Virtuoso Encores 2003 - Albeniz Iberia 2003 - Liszt Transcendental Etudes 2003 - Great Music Classics (Collectors Edition) 2003 - Top 100 Masterpieces of Classical Music (Box Set) 2003 - Top 100 Masterpieces of Classical Music (Collectors Edition) 2003 - Dream Melodies (Collectors Edition) 2003 - Schumann Liszt Piano Works 2003 - Leopold Stokowski 2003 - Albert Coates 2003 - Liszt Complete Symphonic Poems (Box Set) 2003 - De Faust Mephisto 2003 - The Romantic Piano (Box Set) 2003 - Levitzki Complete Recordings Vol 1 2003 - Piano Dreams 2003 - Liszt 2002 - New Liszt Discoveries 2002 - Romantic Piano Music (Box Set) 2002 - The Most Beautiful Melodies of Classical Music Vol 1-5 (Box Set) 2002 - Piano Dreams 2002 - Great Music Classics (Box Set) 2002 - Daniel Pollack Pianist 1958 and 1961 (The Legendary Moscow Recordings) 2002 - Maestro Furioso 3 2002 - Ivory Classics 5th Anniversary CD 2002 - Great Piano Classics 2002 - Recital 2002 - Liszt Dante Symphonie 2002 - Liszt Concerto pour piano No1 2002 - Classics for Lovers 2002 - Karajan Festival (Box Set) 2002 - Autumn Songs Popular Works for Solo Piano 2002 - Soothing Sounds of The Forest and Rain Forest Symphony 2002 - Ocean Odyssey Songs from the Sea 2002 - Sergio Fiorentino The Early Recordings Vol 4/Liszt The Orchestral Recordings/Chopin Fantasia on Polish Airs 2002 - Complete Recordings Vol 1 2002 - Mengelberg Conducts Liszt Berlioz Weber 2002 - Les introuvables de Cziffra 2002 - Liszt Sonate en si mineur 2002 - Liszt Etudes De Virtuosite 2002 - Great Music Classics (Box Set) 2002 - Liszt Oeuvres pour Piano 2002 - Pierre-Laurent Aimard at Carnegie Hall 2002 - Pavane Hiromi Okada Encore Selections 2002 - Romantische Orgelmusik / Raiser (Romantic Organ Music) 2002 - Classics at the Movies 2002 - Der Bote Elegies for Piano 2002 - Naxos The First Fifteen Years 2002 - Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No 1 2002 - Franz Liszt Piano Masterpieces 2002 - Grieg Schumann Piano Concertos Liszt Fantasia on Hungarian Folk Themes 2002 - Great Conductors of the 20th Century Nikolai Golovanov 2002 - Great Conductors of the 20th Century Atalfo Argenta 2002 - Serge Koussevitzky Great Conductors of the 20th Century 2002 - Fanfares and Passages 2002 - Marianna Rashkovetsky Piano 2002 - Santa Barbara Liszt Album 2002 - Vladimir Horowitz Piano Early Recordings 1928 Through 1947 2002 - Liszt Annes de plerinage (Complete Recording) 2002 - The Best of Sampler 2002 - 50 Classical Performances Romantic Piano 2002 - The Kostelanetz Touch 2002 - Via Crucis 2002 - The Timeless Madonna 2002 - Liszt Piano Concertos 2002 - Cornologia 2 (000) 2002 - Annes de Plerinage Troisime Anne 2002 - Respighi Fontane di Roma Feste Romane Liszt Totentanz 2002 - Fifty Years of Hungaroton Pianists 2002 - La Msica Ms Linda del Mundo 2002 - Liszt Works for Piano and Orchestra Vol 3 2002 - Grieg Piano Concerto Chopin Mazurkas Liszt La Campanella 2002 - Piano Bajo Canilejas La Msica Ms Linda del Mundo en Piano 2002 - A Bride's Guide to Wedding Music 2002 - The Singers Jennie Tourel 2002 - While I Dream 2002 - Emil Gilels Legacy Vol 6 2002 - I Do Classical Wedding Music 2002 - Meditation 2002 - Dvorak Slavonic Dances Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies Brahms Hungarian Dances 2002 - Karl Erb Liederalbum Vol 2 2002 - Simon Barere Live Recordings at Carnegie Hall Vol 3 2002 - 50 Greatest Classics (Box Set) 2002 - Liszt Sonata in B Minor Bndiction de Dieu dans la solitude 2002 - For My Love 2002 - Leif Ove Andsnes A Portrait 2002 - Schubert Songs Transcribed by Liszt Vol 2 2002 - Romantic Piano Music Vol 1 2002 - Enchanted Evening 3 2002 - Cinema Classics 2002 - Romantic Moments (Box Set) 2001 - Presenting Pietro De Maria 2001 - Original Jacket Collection Vladimir Horowitz 2001 - Piano Dreams 2001 - Elisso Plays Liszt Shostakovich 2001 - Liszt Cantatas Hymns 2001 - Clifford Curzon Plays Haydn Liszt Schubert 2001 - The Pavarotti Edition (includes bonus disc with previously unreleased 1964 debut Decca recording session) 2001 - Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies Mazeppa Les Preludes 2001 - Marek Vacek Live 2001 - The Kiss 2001 - Classic Brass 2001 - Casals My First Record 2001 - Simon Barere The Last Recording Sessions 2001 - Liszt Dante Symphony 2001 - Thomas Hampson - A Portrait 2001 - Weihnachtsbaum (Christmas Tree) 2001 - Hommage Werner Haas 2001 - Liszt Bach Piano Transcriptions 2001 - Miami International Piano Festival of Discovery 2000 Vol 1 2001 - Brendel Plays Liszt Vol 2 2001 - Olga Kern 11th Van Cliburn Int'l Piano Competition 1 2001 - Liszt Piano Works (Box Set) 2001 - Rubinstein Collection Vol 31 2001 - Schumann Liszt Chopin Piano Works 2001 - Piano Masters Karol Szreter 2001 - Liszt Tasso Festive Sounds Hungarian Rhapsody No 12 2001 - Gyorgy Cziffra Piano 2001 - Pachmann The Mythic Pianist 1907-1927 2001 - Paderewski on Welte-Mignon Rolls 2001 - Lulling the Soul Carols of Love and Wonder 2001 - Liszt Piano Music 2001 - Variations on a Waltz by Anton Diabelli 2001 - Jesus Maria Sanroma Vol 2 2001 - Louis Kentner Plays Bartk and Liszt 2001 - Julius Reubke Sonata The 94th Psalm Liszt Fantasy Fugue on Ad Nos Ad Aslutarem 2001 - Great Pianists Moiseiwitsch 2 2001 - Liszt Piano Sonata in B minor Paganini Etudes Hungarian Rhapsody No 13 Transcendental Etude No 10 2001 - Rubinstein Collection Vol 68 2001 - A Horowitz Recital 2001 - Liszt Piano Concerto Nos 1 2/Hungarian Rhapsodies (Selections) 2001 - Rubinstein Collection Vol 32 2001 - Liszt Played On Liszt's Piano Annes de Plerinage 3me anne 2001 - The Life and Works of Franz Liszt 2001 - Prokofiev Piano Sonatas Nos 7 8 Liszt Mephisto Waltz 2001 - Lieder on Poems of Heinrich Heine 2001 - Richard Raymond 2001 - An die Musik Schubert Songs Transcriptions 2001 - Liszt Piano Music 2001 - Richard Raymond Plays Franz Liszt 2001 - The Romantic Piano Vol 2 2001 - Les Joies du Piano (The Joy of Piano) 2001 - Rhapsodies 2001 - The Romantic Piano 2001 - Franz Liszt Annes de Plerinage (Deuxi�me Ann�e: Italie) 2001 - Historic Organs of Colorado 2001 - In Memory of Terence Judd 2001 - Moiseiwitsch The Complete Acoustic Recordings 2001 - Liszt Organ Works Vol 1 2001 - Liszt tudes d'excution transcendante 2001 - Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau Lieder 2001 - Melodia German Romantic Works for Organ 2001 - The Best of Moonlight Classics 2001 - The Best of 25 Piano Favorites 2001 - Liszt Famous Piano Works 2001 - Mengelberg Maestro Appassionato (Box Set) 2001 - Edward Kilenyi American Columbia Recordings 1939-1948 2001 - Rubinstein Collection Vol 11 2001 - Liszt Complete Piano Music Vol 17 Schubert Song Transcriptions 2 2001 - Trumerei Romantic Piano Music 2001 - Liszt The Piano Concertos Beethoven Piano Sonatas 10 19 20 2001 - The Ultimate Classics for Relaxation 2001 - Sensual Classics 2001 - Music for Your Garden Vol 1 2001 - Music for Your Garden Vol 2 2001 - Discovering 2001 - Chopin Sonata No 3 op 58/Liszt Piano Sonata in B minor 2001 - Romantic Piano Vol 1 2001 - Romantic Piano Vol 2 2001 - Liszt Works for PIano and Orchestra Vol 2 (De Profundis, Malediction, Fantasy on Hungarian Folk Tunes, and Totentanz) 2001 - Liszt Choral Works for Male Voices 2001 - Wedding Album 2001 - The Historic Recordings 2001 - Tune Your Brain for Stress Relief A Musical Companion to the Book by Elizabeth Miles 2001 - Dinu Lipatti plays Chopin Enescu Ravel Liszt Brahms 2001 - Liszt 10 Hungarian Rhapsodies 2001 - Bolet Rediscovered Liszt Recital 2001 - Liszt Reubke Stehle Organ Works 2001 - Beethoven Chorfantasie Liszt Beethoven-Kantate 2001 - In Honour of Our Lady 2001 - Famous Marches 2001 - Fr Elise Romantic Piano Pieces 2001 - La Nuit 2001 - Liszt Les prludes Orpheus Tasso Festklnge 2001 - Gyrgy Cziffra Piano 2001 - Shura Cherkassky Piano 2001 - Yoon Ju Lee pianist 2001 - Presenting Francesco Libetta 2001 - Liszt Piano Sonata in B minor 2001 - Leif Ove Andsnes - Liszt Piano Recital 2001 - The Sofia Recital 1958 2001 - Liszt A Faust Symphony Dante Symphony Les Prludes Prometheus 2001 - Lifestyles for Baby Bathing 2001 - Bruckner Symphony No 4 Romantic Liszt Les Prludes 2001 - Piano Encores Vol 2 2001 - Panorama Franz Liszt 2001 - Liszt Beethoven Transcriptions 2001 - Backhaus The Complete British Acoustic Recordings 1908-25 2001 - George Walker American Virtuoso 2001 - Young Brendel The Vox Years (Box Set) 2001 - The Complete Columbia Masters 1926-1928 2001 - Florian Uhlig Venezia 2001 - Richard Tauber In Concert 1937-1947 2001 - Earl Wild Plays Liszt (The 1985 Sessions) 2001 - Liszt Funrailles Ballade No 2 and Other Piano Works / Bunin 2001 - Liszt Missa Choralis / Via Crucis 2001 - Rubinstein Collection Vol 53 2001 - Piano Classics 2001 - Rubinstein Collection Vol 8 2001 - Rubinstein Collection Vol 30 2001 - Aldo Ciccolini Piano 2001 - Sergei Rachmaninoff piano 2001 - Field of Dreams Classical Music with the Countryside in Mind 2001 - The Best Piano Music 2001 - Classical Love songs 2001 - Smooth Classics 2001 - Smooth Classics Sensual Seduction 2001 - Virtuoso Piano Music 2001 - Sounds of Silence Relaxation and Meditation with Classical Music (Box Set) 2000 - Liszt Sonata Ballades and Polonaises 2000 - Bolero and Sabre Dance (Box Set) 2000 - Rhapsody in Blue Other Spectaculars (Box Set) 2000 - Early Recordings Vol 3 Annes de Plerinage Suisse 2000 - Fischer Brahms Piano Sonata No 3 Bartk 15 Hungarian Peasant Songs 2000 - Liszt Les Prludes / Hungarian Rhapsodies 2 6 / Rhapsodie espagnole 2000 - Evening Bells Christmas Pieces By Great Composers 2000 - The Symphonic Poems of Franz Liszt 2000 - 300 Years of Dance Music 2000 - Forgotten Romance 2000 - Afternoon Tea Classics (Box Set) 2000 - Time Out Classics (Box Set) 2000 - Liszt Piano Transcriptions from Beethoven 2000 - Afternoon Tea 2000 - Liszt Piano Concerti 2000 - World's Greatest Classics (Box Set) 2000 - Liszt Soires de Vienne 2000 - A Portrait 2000 - David Stanhope Plays 2000 - Rubinstein Collection Vol 2 2000 - Piano Transcriptions for Four Hands 2000 - Orchestral Spectacular 2000 - Classical Piano Favourites 2000 - Liszt Piano Works 2000 - The Sorcerer's Apprentice and other Orchestral Favourites 2000 - Franz Liszt Schubert Song Transcriptions 2000 - Liszt Symphonic Poems 2000 - Liszt Piano Works 2000 - Piano Masters Witold Malcuzynski plays Chopin Liszt and Szymanowski 2000 - Pyotr Dmitriev plays Chopin Prokofiev Wagner/Liszt 2000 - Introducing Dmitry Paperno 2000 - Liszt Complete Works for Violin and Piano 2000 - Franz Liszt JS Bach Organ Masterworks 2000 - Janet Baker sings Mendelssohn Liszt and Schumann Lieder 2000 - Simon Barere Live Recordings at Carnegie Hall Vol 2 (1947) 2000 - Simon Barere Live Recordings at Carnegie Hall Vol 1 (1946) 2000 - Simon Barere Live Recordings at Carnegie Hall Vol 2 (1947) 2000 - Simon Barere Live Recordings at Carnegie Hall Vol 1 (1946) 2000 - Berman October 1956 in Budapest 2000 - Don Sanche 2000 - Military Music From the Age of Reason 2000 - Liszt Concerto Pathetique / Malediction / Polonaise Brillante 2000 - The Legendary Pianist Raymond Lewenthal plays Alkan Liszt 2000 - LISZT Symphonic poems Vol III 2000 - Arcobaleno / Masters of Art Sampler 2000 - Gaspar Cassad 2000 - Simply Grand 2000 - Martin Jean Organist 2000 - Liszt Piano Music 2000 - James Raphael Piano 2000 - Sounds of Excellence 200 Greatest Classics Vol 1 2000 - The Romantic Classics 2000 - Brahms and Liszt Back to Back 2000 - Solitude Classics 2000 - Keepsake Classics 2000 - Great Music Classics (Box Set) 2000 - Nature's Symphonies (Box Set) 2000 - Grand Piano Nature (Box Set) 2000 - Guitar Piano Masterpieces (Box Set) 2000 - Classical Piano Masterpieces (Box Set) 2000 - Forest Dreams 2000 - Classical Masterpieces of the Millennium Liszt 2000 - Classical Piano Piano Portraits 2000 - Classical Piano Piano Serenade 2000 - Piano Fantasy Classical Masterpieces 2000 - Liszt The Complete Symphonic Poems for Two Pianos 2000 - Chopin/Liszt Piano Concertos 2000 - Piano Masters Earl Wild 2000 - Seventh Cliburn Competition 1985 2000 - Eighth Cliburn Competition 1989 2000 - Fischer-Dieskau Edition (Box Set) 2000 - Organ Dreams - 2 2000 - Grace Bumbry A Portrait 2000 - Gundula Janowitz Songs Strauss Liszt Schubert 2000 - Liszt Live Vol 1 2000 - Rolf Plagge Con Bravura Plagge Plays Liszt Tarantelle di bravura 3 Consolations et al (Tacet) 2000 - Arthur De Greef Grieg Piano Concerto 2000 - Liszt Lieder Vol 2 2000 - Piano Works 2000 - Franz Liszt Complete Piano Music Volume 14 2000 - Van Cliburn My Favorite Liszt 2000 - Piano for Relaxation 2000 - Igor Kamenz - Klavier 2000 - The Art of Piano 2000 - The Genesis Recordings of Legendary Pianists Vol 1 2000 - Liszt Works for Piano and Orchestra Volume 1 2000 - Romances Elegies for Viola Piano 2000 - Sergei Rachmaninov Liszt Mendelssohn Piano Concertos No 1 2000 - Liszt Missa Choralis 2000 - Liszt Piano Concertos Nos 1 2 Les Prludes 2000 - The Early Recordings 2000 - Eugen D'Albert 2000 - Liszt Piano Concerti Nos 1 2 Hungarian Fantasia Chopin Andante spianato Grande Polonaise 2000 - Piano 2000 - Candlelight Classics 2000 - Pleyel and his Contemporaries 2000 - Sonntagsposaunenstck Romantic Music for Trombone and Organ 2000 - Liszt and his contemporaries Cello Works 2000 - The Masterworks 2000 - Bolero Orchestral Fireworks 2000 - The Wedding Collection 2000 - Classical Lullabies 2000 - Beethoven Concerto No 2 2000 - Hungarian Cello Music 2000 - Liszt Christus 2000 - Liszt Beethoven Symphony 2 5 (Piano Transcriptions) 2000 - To the Distant Beloved 2000 - Piano Adagios 2000 - Favorite Lullabies 2000 - The Triumph of the Piano 2000 - Hans Rosbaud in Berlin 1940 2000 - Ave Maria 2000 - Paperno Live 2000 - Weber Liszt Mahler 2000 - Classical Daydreams 2000 - Classical Cartoons 1999 - Liszt Mussorgsky Piano Works 1999 - Music Love Poems 1999 - Family Time Classics 1999 - Liszt/Lajtha Piano Trios 1999 - Phyllis Curtin In Recital - Sibelius Festival 1963 1999 - Moiseiwitsch in Recital Chopin Stravinsky Liszt Transcriptions 1999 - Kemal Gekic in Concert 1999 - Ninth Van Cliburn Competition 1993 (Retrospective Series, vol. 9) 1999 - Classical Moods Vol 1 - 5 1999 - Sixth Van Cliburn Competition 1981 (Retrospective Series, vol. 8) 1999 - Autumn 1999 - The Best of the Romantic Era 1999 - Liszt Etudes d'Execution Transcendante (Transcendental Etudes) 1999 - PRCD 638 Great European Organs No53 - The Organ of The Kallio Church Helsinki Finland / Keith John - plays works by Liszt Brahms Schonberg Ives and Mozart (organist) 1999 - The Three Choirs 1999 - Bartok Liszt Grieg Piano Concertos 1999 - Schumann Sinfonia No 2 Liszt Orpheus Von der Weiege bis zum Grabe Rapsodia Ungherese No 2 1999 - Romance Roses Vol 3 1999 - Songs Without Words 1999 - Requiem for a Millennium 1999 - Stephen Hough's New Piano Album 1999 - The Hindsley Legacy 1999 - Vladimir Horowitz The Indispensable 1999 - Hans Kindler World Premiere Recordings with the National Symphony Orchestra of Washington DC (Recorded 1940-42) 1999 - Liszt Busoni 1999 - Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies Vol13 1999 - Music for Meditation - Debussy's Clair de Lune with Songs of the Whale 1999 - Piano Masters Wilhelm Backhaus 1999 - 1001 Ways to Be Romantic The Music 1999 - Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies 2 3 8 13 15 17 (Vanguard) 1999 - Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies 1999 - Solomon - Great Pianists of the Century 1999 - Arcadi Volodos Live at Carnegie Hall 1999 - Best of Classical Masterpieces 1999 - Christus Oratorio 1999 - Alfred Brendel 3 1999 - Tito Schipa in Opera and Song (Box Set) 1999 - Klemperer Conducts Liszt Strauss Bach (The Unknown Recordings) 1999 - Liszt Rarities Curiosities Album Leaves and Fragments 1999 - Classical Masterpieces of the Millennium (20 CD Set) 1999 - Byron Janis Great Pianists Of the 20th Century Vol 51 1999 - Pavarotti 1999 - Martha Argerich 3 (Great Pianists of the Twentieth Century series) 1999 - Franz Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies Vol 1 1999 - Kiev International Piano Competition In Memory of Vladimir Horowitz 1999 - Sergio Fiorentino The Early Recordings Vol 1 1999 - Michelangeli Performs Vivaldi Debussy Galuppi Liszt Chopin 1999 - Liszt-Wagner Berlioz-Bach 1999 - Grand Piano Liszt Beethoven Scarlatti Schumann 1999 - Liszt The Complete Symphonic Poems for Two Pianos Vol 3 1999 - 75 Favourites Volume 4 1999 - The DUO guide to Classics--An A to Z of classical music 1999 - Eileen Joyce (Testament) 1999 - The Art of the Trombone 1999 - DEBUT Michelle DeYoung - Duparc Wagner Liszt R Strauss Songs / Kevin Murphy 1999 - Horowitz at the Met 1999 - Liszt Grande Fantaisie de Bravoure sur la Clochette 1999 - Benno Moiseiwitsch plays Saint-Saens Grieg Liszt 1999 - Ignaz Friedman plays Song Without Words / Mazurkas / Hungarian Rhapsody 1999 - Piano Favorites 1999 - Tito Schipa Favourites 1999 - Feinberg First Recordings 1929-1948 1999 - Romantic Piano Favourites 2 1999 - Romantic Piano Favourites 1 1999 - Pops Stoppers 1999 - Liszt at the Opera Operatic Fantasies Paraphrases and Transcriptions Vol VI (Complete Music for Solo Piano, Vol. 54) 1999 - Beautiful Classical Music 1999 - Liederabend 1999 - Classics for the Occasion Set 3 1999 - Frhlingslieder 1999 - Piano by the Sea Classical Water Masterpieces 1999 - Recordings by a Moscow Pianist 1999 - Dreams of Love 1999 - Liszt Annes de plerinage I - III 1998 - Mordecai Shehori Plays Mozart Beethoven Chopin Liszt 1998 - Liszt Music For Piano And Orchestra 1 / Howard (The Complete Music For Solo Piano) 1998 - Beverly Sills Plaisir D'Amour 1998 - Liszt Music For Piano And Orchestra 2 / Howard (The Complete Music For Solo Piano) 1998 - Thunder Lightning 1998 - Sergei Rachmaninoff - Great Pianists of the 20th Century 1998 - Live at Wigmore Hall 1998 - Elisabeth Schwarzkopf Farewell Recital 1977 1998 - Joan Sutherland BBC-Recitals 1958 1960 1961 1998 - Liszt Lieder 1998 - Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies/Csrdas Macabre 1998 - Liszt Paraphrases on Russian works 1998 - Liszt Hungarian Pieces/Two Heroic Marches 1998 - Martha Argerich (Great Pianists of the 20th Century) 1998 - Classical Pop Session Vol 2 1998 - Clifford Curzon plays Mozart Schubert Liszt 1998 - Dancing Through Time 1998 - Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies 1998 - Classics in the Movies Vol 1 1998 - Liszt Sonata in B minor Aprs une lecture de Dante Funrailles Gnomenreigen 1998 - Classical Passion 1 1998 - Serene Journeys Through Classical Music 1998 - The Historical Saint Thomas Organ Series II 1998 - Twilight and Innocence 1998 - Fantasy - Liszt and Scriabin Romantic Piano Masterworks 1998 - Schubert-Liszt Lieder Transcriptions 1998 - Christmas Piano Music 1998 - Franz Liszt Orchestral Transcriptions for Piano 1998 - Music for Flute and Piano 1998 - Stars Pipes Forever 1998 - Miniatures for Flute Harp (Miniaturen f�r Fl�te und Harfe) 1998 - Complete Piano Music 11 1998 - Timeless Kiss The Best Romantic Piano Music 1998 - Grieg Lyric Pieces Chopin Polonaise Fantaisie Liszt Dante Sonata 1998 - Piano Masters Simon Barere 1998 - Liszt Paralipomnes 1998 - Schubert Works for Piano Vol 1 1998 - Gabriela Montero en Concert Montral 1998 - Tchaikovsky Sleeping Beauty Op66 Liszt Prludes No3 1998 - Grand Piano Liszt Rosenthal Gottschalk 1998 - Liszt Complete Piano Music Vol 50 1998 - Liszt Sacred Music Transcriptions 1998 - Franz Liszt Rossini Transcriptions 1998 - Liszt Sonata in B minor Deux Lgendes Gretchen 1998 - Helmut Lotti Goes Classic 2 1998 - The Wedding Album 1998 - Ravel Bolero Smetana The Moldau Tchaikovsky Romeo Juliet Liszt Les Prludes 1998 - Emperor's March and Other Great Classical Marches 1998 - Classic Romance II - John Novacek 1998 - Meditation Classical Relaxation Vol 5 1998 - Meditation Classical Relaxation Vol 10 1998 - Liszt Piano Music Vol 10 1998 - Liszt Mephisto Waltz Aprs une lecture de Dante Les jeux d'eau la Villa d'Este 1998 - Grand Piano Chopin Liszt Beethoven Skriabin Saint-Sans Chabrier 1998 - Liszt Weber Schubert Transcriptions 1998 - Piano By Candlelight 1998 - World's Most Beautiful Music 1998 - Piano Classics (Box Set) 1998 - Power A Classical Music Collection 1998 - In Harp Lyric Mood - Short Works for Harp Orchestra 1998 - Mephisto Co 1998 - Favourite Piano Concertos Vol1 1998 - German Romantic Organ Music 1998 - A Dream 1998 - Piano Greatest Hits 1998 - Piano Reflections 1998 - Great European Organs No 51 1998 - Homage To Jennie Tourel 1998 - Liszt Complete Paganini Etudes 1998 - The Romantic Hours / Mona Golabek 1998 - Ruth Slenczynska Plays Chopin Liszt Live 1998 - Miniaturen fr Flte und Harfe 1998 - Schubert Piano Music for Four Hands 1997 - Memorable Classics 1997 - Wilhelm Backhaus - Schubert Trout Quintet / Chopin Waltz in D-flat Op 64 No 1 Etudes Polonaise in A Op 40 No 1 / Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No 12 / Brahms Vari (piano) 1997 - Liszt/Schubert Piano Transcriptions 1997 - Franz Liszt Complete Song Transcriptions of Chopin Mendelssohn Robert and Clara Schumann 1997 - Essential 1997 - Murray Perahia 25th Anniversary Edition 1997 - Classics By Starlight 1997 - Liszt Litanies de Marie 1997 - Classical Masterpieces 1997 - Classics in the Movies 1997 - Discover the Classics 1997 - Liszt The Complete Etudes 1997 - Dinner Party 1997 - Romantic Classics Vol 3 1997 - Romantic Classics (Box Set) 1997 - Music for Meditation (Box Set) 1997 - Dinner Music 1997 - Liszt Symphonic Poems 1997 - Liszt Concertos for Piano Nos1 2 1997 - Songs 1997 - Fifth Van Cliburn Competition 1977 (Volume 2) 1997 - The Third Cliburn Competition 1969 1997 - The Stranger/The Innocent Two Legendary Films By Luchino Visconti 1997 - Organ Fireworks Vol 8 1997 - Liszt Meditations 1997 - Classics for the Occasion Poolside Piano 1997 - Liszt/Schubert Piano Transcriptions 1997 - Franz Liszt Works For Violin and Piano 1997 - More Classics From The Movies 1997 - Grand Piano Ignaz Jan Paderewski 1997 - Richard Morris Organist 1997 - Alfred Brendel plays Schubert 1997 - Liszt Sacred Choral Music 1997 - Classical Piano 2 1997 - Liszt Rapsodie espagnole and Other Pieces on Spanish Themes 1997 - Piano Transcriptions / Arcadi Volodos 1997 - Best-Loved Wedding Music 1997 - Fifty Enchanting Classics Vol 1-4 1997 - The New Golden Era 1997 - Franz Liszt Complete Piano Music Vol 1 1997 - Franz Liszt tudes d'excution transcendante 1851 version 1997 - Liszt The Great Transcriptions 1997 - Liszt for Lovers Piano Dreams of Love and Passion 1997 - The Art Of Piano 1997 - Roberto Capello Ticket to Concert 1997 - 50 Celebrated Classics 1997 - Shine The Complete Classics 1997 - Liszt Fantasia quasi sonata Bartk Out of Doors Silvestrov 3 Pieces Beethoven Seven Bagatelles 1997 - Liszt The 19 Hungarian Rhapsodies 1997 - Liszt The Early Beethoven Transcriptions 1997 - LisztComplete Symphonic Poems for Two Pianos Vol 1 1997 - David Helfgott Plays Liszt 1997 - Liszt Organ Works 1997 - Liszt Symphonic Poems 1997 - Sonata in B Flat Major D 960 1997 - A Bird Came Down the Walk 1997 - Martha Argerich Collection Solo Works Works for Piano Duo 1997 - Martha Argerich Collection Concertos 1997 - Liszt Deuxime Anne de Plerinage - Italie/Venezia e Napoli/Au bord d'une source 1997 - Grand Piano Liszt Bach/Busoni Chopin 1997 - The Hambourg Legacy 1997 - Sviatoslav Richter in the 1950's Vol 1 1996 - Liszt at the Opera Vol 4 1996 - Classically Romantic 1996 - Rarities of Piano Music 3 1996 - Piano by Candlelight 1996 - Piano Festival 1996 - Sonata Piano Works by Franz Liszt 1996 - 3 Great Danish Woman Pianists 1996 - Yerlow in Concert Vol 1 1996 - Organ Festival 1996 - Franz Liszt Etudes D'Excution Transcendante 1996 - Liszt The Recitations with Piano 1996 - Cosmopolitan Rainy Afternoons 1996 - The Art of Meta Seinemeyer 1996 - El Dorado/Black gondola 1996 - Uncommon Encores 1996 - Great Conductors in Rehearsal 1996 - The Art of Nikolai Golovanov Volume 5 (Complete Symphonic Poems I) 1996 - Bartk Roumanian Christmas Carols Liszt Weihnachtsbaum 1996 - Erich Kleiber Conducts Vol 2 1996 - Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies/Au Bord D'une Source/Fantasia And Fugue In G Minor/Bach Concertos 1996 - Chopin Liszt Piano Concertos / Martha Argerich London Symphony Orchestra 1996 - Liszt Symphonic Poems 1996 - Liszt The Complete Symphonic Poems for Two Pianos Vol 1 1996 - Liszt Complete Symphonic Poems for Two Pianos Vol 2 1996 - 25 Piano Favorites 1996 - Liszt Faust-Symphony / Bernstein Riegel Boston Symphony Orchestra 1996 - Liszt Gaudeamus Igitur Pices d'occasion 1996 - Mood Tones 50 Great Melodies 1996 - Most Popular Classics 1996 - Most Popular Classics Vol1 1996 - Organ History German Romanticism 1996 - Liszt Die Legende Heiligen von der Elisabeth 1996 - Rhapsody in Blue for two at one piano 1996 - Shura Cherkassy (Saltzburger Festspiele) 1996 - Tchaikovsky Piano Concertos 1 3 / Liszt Totentanz 1996 - Organ Music of Franz Liszt 1996 - The Romance Collection 1996 - Famous Piano Music 1996 - Mark Anderson plays Franz Liszt Works for Piano (Nimbus) 1996 - Liszt Symphonic Poem Transcriptions Vol1 1996 - Liszt Premire Anne de Plerinage - Suisse Trois morceaux suisse 1996 - Elisso plays Schumann 1996 - Romantic Piano Greatest Hits 1996 - World War 2 Performances 1996 - Cartoons Greatest Hits 1996 - Ave Maria 1996 - Liszt Tanzmomente and Other Rare German Transcriptions 1996 - First Kiss Romantic Piano Music for Love and Passion 1996 - Brahms Symphony No 3 Liszt Les Prludes 1996 - Grand Piano Liszt Chopin 1996 - Romantic Organ 4 1996 - Felix Weingartner cond Liszt Les Preludes Mephisto Waltz Wagner Rienzi Overture Tannhauser Act III Tristan Prelude Act III Berlioz Les Troyens March Brahms Acad Fest Overture (Arkadia) 1996 - MacDowell Piano Concerto No2/Liszt Piano Concertos No1 No2 1996 - Schumann Fantasy Op 17 Liszt Transcendental Etudes Nos 58101112 1996 - Schubert and Liszt Piano 1996 - Liszt's Rhapsody 1996 - Liszt Les Prludes Concert Etudes Episodes from Lenau's Faust 1996 - Berger/Moscheles/Liszt 1996 - Reiner Conducts Tchaikovsky 1996 - Serenade 1996 - Piano By Starlight 1996 - 21 Romantic Classics 1996 - Classics in Movies 1 1996 - Discover the Classics Piano Favorites 1996 - Classics for Lovers 1996 - Liszt Les Preludes Mazeppa Ungarische Rhapsodie No4 Smetana Vysehrad Die Moldau 1996 - Gypsy Fire Tzigane 1996 - In Prague 1996 - Debut Recital / Martha Argerich 1996 - Emmy Destin 1996 - Rawicz Landauer Warsaw Concerto 1996 - Pomp Circumstance 1996 - Songbook 1996 - Grand Piano The Grand Piano Era 1995 - The World's Most Beloved Melodies 1995 - Virtuoso Organ Music 1995 - Bouquet of Familiar Classics 1995 - Guy Bovet l'orgue Jehan Alain 1995 - Schubert Sonate A-Moll Moments Musicaux Liszt Sonate H-Moll 1995 - Spring Music 1995 - Harp Recital 1995 - Liszt The Christmas Tree and other works for piano duet 1995 - Romantic Rarities 1 1995 - Franz Liszt Complete Paraphrases and Transcriptions of Operas by Giuseppe Verdi 1995 - Romantic Rarities 2 1995 - Complete Hmv Recording 1995 - Franz Liszt Transcriptions from the Operas of Richard Wagner 1995 - 25 Virtuoso Etudes 1995 - Thomas Manshardt Alfred Cortot's Last Pupil 1995 - John Ogdon in Recital November 9th 1985 1995 - Liszt Piano Works Vol1 1995 - Bartk Recordings from Private Collections 1995 - Liszt Excelsior and Other Rare Original Works 1995 - The Rembrandt Trio 1995 - Bartk Plays Bartk 1995 - Concerto 2 / Fantasiestucke / Valses 1995 - 125 Years of the Dresden Philharmonic 1995 - Liszt Favourite Piano Works 1995 - Liszt 12 Etudes d'excution transcendante La Lugubre Gondola 1995 - The Early Recordings (1932-1936) 1995 - The Top 100 Masterpieces of Classical Music Vol 6-10 1995 - Meditations 1995 - Sentimiento 1995 - Singing on the Water 1995 - Liszt Arabesques - Russian and Hungarian Transcriptions 1995 - Piano Favorites 1995 - Smetana The Moldau/ Liszt Les Preludes/ Sibelius Finlandia and Pelleas et Melisande 1995 - Liszt Les Prludes Mazeppa Hungarian Rhapsodies 2 3 14 Etc 1995 - Franz Liszt Piano Concertos Nos 1 2/Totentanz R 457 1995 - Variationen Uber Das Thema B-A-C-H 1995 - Liszt Missa Choralis Kodly Pange Lingua Widor Messe Op 36 1995 - Liszt A Faust Symphony 1995 - Art of Serge Koussevitzky 1995 - Piano Paraphrases Transcriptions 1995 - 300 Years of the Classics 1995 - The Art Of Piano Transcription 1995 - Liszt Douze Grandes tudes (1837) 1995 - Piano Serenade 1995 - Lullabies 1995 - Holst Duo Concertante for Trombone Organ Works by Elgar Guilmant Liszt Ropartz Vaughan Williams Eben 1995 - Organ Music 1995 - Bradshaw Buono Play Liszt 1995 - Art of the Encore 1995 - Prima Voce Schipa in Song 1995 - Spanish Rhapsody 1995 - Liszt The Two Piano Concertos The Piano Sonata 1995 - Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli The Vatican Recordings 1995 - Brahms Sonata No 3 Liszt Dante Sonata Schumann Toccata Op 7 1995 - Liszt The Schubert Transcriptions III 1995 - Liszt Greatest Hits 1995 - Josef Hofmann Vol 4 1995 - Classical Romantic Piano 1995 - Liszt Totentanz 1995 - Classic Piano 1995 - Forgotten Piano Duets Vol II 1995 - Silver Screen Classics 1-5 1995 - Liszt Soires Musicales Soires Italiennes 1995 - The Kiss Music for Love and Passion 1995 - The Concert 1995 - Music of 300 Years on Cimbalom 1995 - Cziffra 1955-56 1995 - Liszt Album d'un voyageur 1995 - Liszt The Complete Music for Solo Piano Vol 23 1995 - Classics for Relaxation and Meditation 1995 - Schumann Fantasy in C Op 17 Kinderszenen Op 15 Liszt Sonata in B minor 1995 - Lisztronique Electronic Performances of Music by Franz Liszt 1995 - Piano by Candlelight 1995 - Great Composers Collection 1995 - Beethoven-Liszt The Complete Symphonies 1995 - William Kapell Vol 2 Broadcast Performances 1942-1953 1995 - Schubert/Brahms/Liszt 1995 - Liszt The Schubert Transcriptions Vol 1 1995 - Liszt Hungarian Fantasy/Orchestral Favorites 1995 - Liszt Symphonic Poems Les Prludes R 414 Orpheus R 415 Tasso Lamento e trionfo R 413 1995 - Liszt Requiem 1995 - Operatic Fantasias for Piano 1995 - Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No 1 in B Flat Minor Op 23 / Liszt Piano Concerto No 1 in E flat Major S 124 1995 - Liszt - Piano works - Don Juan Fantasy / Hungarian Rhapsodies 1995 - Karl Erb - Liederalbum 1995 - Erich Kleiber Dirigiert Schubert Mozart Liszt and others 1995 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Joseph Schwarz 1995 - Liszt Faust Symphony for Two Pianos 1995 - Liszt at the Opera III 1995 - In Dulci Jubilo 1995 - Great Romantic Piano Sonatas 1994 - The Young Firebrand 1994 - The Romantic Lied 1994 - In Villa Wahnfried 1994 - Ignace Paderewski Plays Beethoven Liszt Schubert Debussy 1994 - Meditation 1994 - Liszt 19 Hungarian Rhapsodies Played by 19 Great Pianists 1994 - Liszt's British Isles Tour 1994 - Percy Grainger Ferruccio Busoni Egon Petri 1994 - Jeanne-Marie Darr Early Recordings 1994 - Piano Masterpieces 1994 - 100 Fiedler Favorites (Box Set) 1994 - Horowitz The Private Collection Vol 1 1994 - Liszt Dances and Marches 1994 - Hyperion Treasury 1994 - Robin McCabe Plays Liszt 1994 - Liszt Phantasie und Fuge ber Ad nos ad salutarem undam Prludium und Fuge ber B A C H 1994 - Liszt Piano Works 1994 - Liszt Piano Recital / Ardasev 1994 - Piano Magic 1994 - Nocturnal Classics 1994 - Movie Classics 1994 - Piano by Candlelight 1994 - Piano Classics (Box Set) 1994 - Classical Masterpieces 1994 - Franz Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No 5/Piano Concerto No 2/Symphonic Poems 1994 - The Complete Josef Hofmann Vol 3 (Columbia and G&T Recordings 1903-1918 with Seven Previously Unissued Selections) 1994 - Collection 4 1994 - Pianoforte Classical Opus 2 1994 - Budapest Gypsy Orchestra 1994 - Mephisto Waltz / Prelude and Fugue on B-A-C-H 1994 - Liszt Piano Concerto 1 / Sonata in B minor / Mephisto Waltz / Hungarian Fantasy 1994 - Vladimir Horowitz Complete Masterworks Recordings 1962-1973 Vol I The Studio Recordings 1962-63 1994 - The Romantic Impressionist Era 1994 - The Top 100 Masterpieces of Classical Music (Box Set) 1994 - Michael Farris at SMU 1994 - Classics Galore 1994 - Liszt Piano Music Vol 2 / Stephenson 1994 - Chopin Piano Concerto No 1 Faur Ballade Liszt Piano Concerto No 1 1994 - The Historic Return Carnegie Hall 1965 The 1966 Concerts 1994 - The Atlantic Brass Quintet Picture This - Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition No1-10 Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies S244 1994 - Paul Paray Conducts Dances of Death 1994 - Liszt Organ Music / Schumann 4 Sketches 1994 - Liszt Fantasies paraphrases and transcriptions of National Songs and Anthems 1994 - Power Classics Classical Music for Your Active Lifestyle Vol 3 1994 - Chopin Andante spianato and Grand polonaise/Sonata in B minor/Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody/Sonata in B minor 1994 - The Catalan Piano Tradition 1994 - Bartk at the Piano-1 1994 - Franz Liszt Works for Harmonium / Works for Cello Piano - Zsuzsa Elekes / Miklos Pernyi / Imre Rohmann (Ave Maris Stella / Angelus / Ave Maria No. 2 / Salve Regina / Rosario. Ave Maria) 1994 - Liszt Ave Maria Ave maris stella Inno a Maria Vergine Chor der Engel Te Deum I 1994 - Beethoven Opus 130 Liszt Zwei Stze / Broussard 1994 - Liszt Orchestral Songs 1994 - Eldar Nebolsin Chopin - Allegro de Concert op 46 Sonata No 3 op 58 Valse in D flat op 70 no 3 Grande Valse in A flat op 42 / Liszt Hung Rhapsody No 12 Apres un Lecture Dante (London) 1994 - The Sacred Trombone 1994 - Heinrich Schlusnus Liederalbum Vol 2 1994 - Heinrich Schlusnus Liederalbum 1994 - The Young Liszt 1994 - Earl Wild plays Grieg Sint-Saens Liszt 1994 - R Wagner Der Fliegende Hollander 1994 - Liszt Annes de Plerinage Vol 3 (Third Year) 1994 - Liszt Years of Pilgrimage Vol 1 1994 - Hungarian Festival 1994 - Liszt Piano Concertos Nos 1 2 Totentanz 1994 - Liszt Piano Sonata in B Minor Les jeux d'eau Valle d'Obermann La Campanella 1994 - Organ Meditation 1994 - Liszt Annes de Plerinage Vol 2 1994 - 101 Great Orchestral Classics Vol 4 1994 - Italian Festival 1994 - Discover the Classics 1994 - Romantic Piano Favourites Vol 4 1994 - Liszt The Canticle of the Sun 1994 - Egon Petri Volume 3 1994 - The German Album 1993 - The Making of a Medium Vol 2 1993 - The Transcriber's Art 1993 - Classic Touch 1993 - Reference Classics1st Sampl 1993 - Schoenberg Piano Concerto Op 42 Liszt Piano Concertos Nos 1 2 1993 - Asv Sampler Disc 1993 - Nikolai Demidenko Live at Wigmore Hall 1993 - Romantic Evening Music For Piano Vol 1 1993 - Moriz Rosenthal Vol 2 1993 - Recordings 1899-1914 1993 - Liszt Bunte Reihe S 484 1993 - Liszt at the Opera II 1993 - Liszt The Late Pieces 1993 - Liszt Annes de Plerinage III Historical Hungarian Portraits Five Hungarian Folksongs 1993 - Liszt Sonatas Elgies Consolations Gretchen/Totentanz 1993 - Liszt Hexamron Symphonie Fantastique 1993 - Liszt Harmonies potiques et religeuses 1993 - Liszt A La Chapelle Sixtine Six Preludes and Fugues Fantaise and Fugue in G minor 1993 - Liszt Transcendental Studies 1993 - Liszt Transcriptions of Berlioz Chopin Saint-Sans 1993 - Liszt Weihnachtsbaum Via Crucis 1993 - Liszt at the Opera Operatic Fantasies Paraphrases and Transcriptions Vol I (Complete Music for Solo Piano, Vol. 6) 1993 - Liszt Fantasy Variations Funeral Odes Concert Solo 1993 - Liszt Ballades Legends Polonaises 1993 - Liszt Waltzes 1993 - Michael Lewin Plays Liszt 1993 - Franz Liszt Harmonies Potiques et Religieuses - Andrea Bonatta 1993 - Berloiz Symphonie Fantastique / Liszt Les Preludes - Live Recording Salzburg 1992 1993 - Franz Liszt Complete Hungarian Rhapsodies 1993 - Vladimir Horowitz Complete Masterwork Recordings 1962-1973 1993 - Liszt Beethoven Hummel Septets and Other Transcriptions 1993 - Horowitz Complete Masterworks Recordings 1962-1973 1993 - Liszt Harmonies potiques et religieuses 1993 - Soli Deo Gloria 1912-80 1993 - Busoni Chaconne Mephisto Waltz Fantasia Contrappuntistica 1993 - La Procession Eighty Years of French Song 1993 - Liszt Song Transcriptions 1993 - Liszt Sonata for piano in B minor S 178 / Petrarch Sonnets / Lgendes for piano S175 (3) 1993 - Mad about Cartoons 1993 - Mad About Piano 1993 - Stokowski - Rhapsodies 1993 - Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No1/Grieg Piano Concerto In A/Liszt Piano Concerto No1 1993 - Horowitz Plays Liszt 1993 - Franz Liszt Annes De Plerinage 1993 - Giovanni Piano Masterpieces 1993 - Beethoven/Liszt Symphony No6 Op 68 Pastoral (Piano Transcription) 1993 - Liszt Dante Symphony 1993 - Liszt at the Theatre 1993 - Liszt Missa Solennis 1993 - Liszt Missa Coronationalis 1993 - Liszt Psalms 1993 - Liszt Liebestrume and Other Song Transcriptions 1993 - The Pupils of Liszt 1993 - Percy Grainger Plays 1993 - Vladimir de Pachmann plays Chopin Raff Schumann Liszt 1993 - Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No 1 1993 - Dinu Lipatti The Legacy of Dinu Lipatti 1993 - Nojima Plays Liszt 1993 - Alfred Cortot Plays Liszt 1993 - Busoni/Petri Complete Original Recordings 1993 - Nathan Milstein Tartini Devil's Trill Sonata 1992 - Opera Arias 1992 - Complete Solo Recordings of Ignaz Friedman 1992 - Berlioz/ Liszt Harold en Italie / Schumann Mrchenbilder Op113 1992 - Liszt Sonata In B Minor/Petrarca/Dante 1992 - Beethoven / Liszt Symphony No6 Pastorale 1992 - The Art of Youra Guller 1895-1980 1992 - Liszt Annees De Pelerinage-Deuxieme Annee-Italie / Alan Marks (Nimbus) 1992 - Hungarian Rhapsodies 1 4 1992 - Recital 1992 - Lieder on Poems of Heinrich Heine 1992 - The Romantic Piano Concerto Volume 4 1992 - 6 Grandes Etudes De Paganini/Variations Paganini 1992 - Gypsy 1992 - Jascha Horenstein Conducts Bruckner/Liszt/Wagner 1992 - Operatic Piano 1992 - The Franz Liszt School Vol 1 1992 - Largo II - A Special 2 1/2 Hour Collection Of Piano Classics 1992 - Largo I - A Special 2 1/2 Hour Collection Of Piano Classics 1992 - Liszt Annees De Pelerinage 1992 - Organ Classics 1992 - Liszt Piano Sonata/3 Concert Studies 1992 - Day Dreams A Compilation of Gentle of Piano Music 1992 - Liszt Sonata in B minor Funrailles Trube Wolken 1992 - Liszt Piano Transcriptions of Beethoven's Symphonies Nos 5 6 (First Movement) 1992 - Liszt Sonate h-moll Ungarische Rhapsodie No 6 Schumann Sonate No 2 Brahms Rhapsodien op 79 1992 - Telarc Collection Volume 5 17 Selections From The World's Finest Sounding Recordings 1992 - Andre Watts plays Liszt Album 2 1992 - Sergei Rachmaninoff The Complete Recordings 1992 - Liszt Pieces from Christus and St Elisabeth Polonaises de St Stanislaus Salve Polonia 1992 - Liszt 18 Lieder 1992 - Rhapsody 1992 - Dream Melodies Handel Boccherini Vivaldi More 1992 - Battle Music 1992 - Schubert Sonate D 850 / Liszt Dante-Sonate / Schubert/Liszt Gretchen am Spinnrade 1992 - Water Music Of The Impressionists 1992 - Elisabeth Leonskaja plays Liszt Piano Sonata in B minor Petrarch Sonnets 104 123 Dante Sonata (Teldec) 1992 - Liszt Sonate in B minor 1992 - Liszt Liebestraume Rves d'amour Consolations etc 1992 - Liszt Sonata in B minor Alexander Scriabin Piano Sonata No 2 1991 - Salon Musik 1991 - Music Of The Grand Salon - The Salon Orchestra 1991 - Organ Spectacular 1991 - Classical Journey Hungary 1991 - Franck Piano Quintet in F Minor / Liszt Harmonies Poetiques et Religieuses Ave Maria 1991 - Prelude Fugue on Bach / Sonata The 94th Psalm 1991 - Fright Night Music that Goes Bump in the Night 1991 - Liszt Enesco Rhapsodies No 1 1991 - The Aldeburgh Recital 1990 - Carnegie Hall Debut Concert 1990 - Pavarotti at Carnegie Hall 1990 - Liszt Totentanz / Malediction / Fantasia on Hungarian Folk Themes 1990 - Rubinstein plays Liszt Sonata in Bm Franck Prelude Chorale Fugue Bach-Busoni Chacone (The Rubinstein Collection) 1990 - Liszt 19 Hungarian Rhapsodies 1990 - Faust Symphony 1990 - Beethoven Wellington's Victory/Liszt Battle of the Huns etc 1990 - Liszt Six Hungarian Rhapsodies 1990 - Sviatoslav Richter plays Liszt Sonata in B Minor Funrailles Hungarian Fantasy 1990 - Evgeny Kissin In Tokyo 1990 - Van Cliburn A Romantic Collection 1990 - Classics of the Silver Screen 1990 - Horowitz Encores 1990 - Lizst Piano Concerto 1/ Wanderer Fantasy 1989 - Trumerei Beautiful Romantic Piano Music 1989 - Franz Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies For Orchestra 1988 - Romantic Piano A Love Affair 1988 - Traumere Die Schonsten Romantischen 1987 - Smetana Die Moldau Dvork Slowische Tnzes Brahms Ungarische Tnzes 1985 - Die unvergessene Stimme The Aeolian-Skinner Legacy Presents The King of Instruments AS 325 Clyde Holloway Playing the Aeolian-Skinner at National Presbyterian Church Washington DC The Classical Box Paganiniana Violin Recital - Nathan Milstein Renata Scotto Live in Paris Beethoven Scriabin Schumann Romantic Classics Dreaming Maurice Marchal Book I (1929-1937) Great Classical Marches LIszt The Transcendentals Toscanini Maestro Furioso Vol 3 (Box Set) Lieder on Poems of Heinrich Heine Brendel-Liszt The Hungarian Rhapsodies Via Crucis Liszt A Trilogy Schumann - Piano Works - Cristiana Pegoraro Liszt Christus Excelsior Classic Gold Classics for Relaxation Bach Prelude in B minor Handel Chaconne in G major Beethoven Soanta Op 31 No 2 The Tempest etc Piano Masterpieces Disc Three Liszt The 19 Hungarian Rhapsodies Liszt Sonata in B Minor/Ricordanza/Grandes Etudes No3 4/Hungarian Rhapsody No6-Andrea Lucchesini Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique Liszt L'Ide fixe Sviatoslav Richter in the 1950's Vol 1 The Art of Alfred Brendel The Masterworks Liszt 12 Etudes d'excution transcendante La Lugubre Gondola Glinka Dargomyzhsky Mussorgsky Rachmaninov Schumann Prokofiev Bach Mozart Schubert Liszt Weckerlin Debussy - Nina Dorliac Sviatoslav Richter (3 CD Set) Variationen Uber Das Thema B-A-C-H David Helfgott Plays Liszt The Piano Vol 1 Complete Classical Music Library (High Definition Classics) The Performing Piano - Amazing 'Live' Performances by Legendary Masters of the Keyboard Realized on the Knabe Ampico B Reproducing Piano Vol 1 Liszt Strauss Lieder Great Pianists Of The Century (Box Set) Herbert von Karajan Conducts Les Preludes 1812 Overtute Finlandia Capriccio Italien Romantic Tone Poems Liszt Works for Piano Orchestra (Box Set) Digital Pearls/Newport Classic Liszt At the Opera - III Franz Liszt Dane Symphony Annees De Pellerinage Liszt 12 Etudes d'excution transcendante La Lugubre Gondola Klra Wrtz Piano (Box Set) Liszt Symphonic Poems Klassische Meisterwerke Bach Prelude in B minor Handel Chaconne in G major Beethoven Soanta Op 31 No 2 The Tempest etc Treasury of Light Classics Liszt Mazeppa Mephisto Waltz Kodaly Theatre Overture Hary Janos Suite New York Philharmonic Masur Magnum Mysterium A Special Collection of Sacred Music Classics Liszt Orchestral Works Herbert von Karajan Conductor |