Fromental Halevy

CDs Fromental Halevy performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (3)

2001 - Ben Heppner - Airs Francais / LSO Myung-Whun Chung

Genres: Pop, Classical
2001 - Hidden Treasures of French Opera

Genre: Classical
1997 - Plcido Domingo - The Gold Silver Gala / The Royal Opera Alagna Gheorghiu Vaduva D Croft Graham Villarroel

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical

CDs Fromental Halevy helped create...

Currently Available CDs (1)

2004 - Masters of the Voice Tenor

Genres: Special Interest, Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (99)

2017 - Halvy La Juive

Genres: Opera & Classical Vocal, Classical
2016 - Crescendo

Genres: Opera & Classical Vocal, Classical
2009 - Cantorial Highlights 2

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2008 - I Palpiti D'Amour

2007 - French Opera Masterworks (Box Set)

2007 - Pure Bass

2007 - The Very Best of Beniamino Gigli

2007 - The Golden Age of Opera in France Vol 2

2007 - Cesare Siepi Recital

2006 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Mafalda Salvatini

2006 - Major Vocal Rarities
2006 - Grands Airs D'Opras
2006 - Halvy La Juive
2006 - Rhys Meirion- Debut
2006 - Cantors in the Opera House
2005 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Francesco Navarini
2005 - Vezzani Prima Voce
2005 - Cantors in Yiddish
2005 - The Golden Age of Opera in France Vol 1
2005 - Cesare Siepi Classic Recitals - Operatic Arias for Bass
2005 - Gottlob Frick Sings Arias and Scenes
2005 - San Francisco Opera Gems Vol 2
2004 - Great Tenor Arias (Hybrid SACD)
2004 - Lopold Simoneau and Pierrette Alarie Opera Recitals and Lieder (Box Set)
2004 - Treasures of the St Petersburg State Museum
2004 - Les Tenors du XXe Siecle
2004 - Prima Voce Lev Sibiryakov
2004 - Caruso The Complete Recordings Vol 12
2004 - Domingo Sings Caruso
2004 - The First Opera Recordings 1895-1902 A Survey Part 2
2003 - Mario del Monaco (Box Set)
2003 - Leo Slezak
2003 - Enrico Caruso A Life in Words and Music
2003 - Neil Shicoff Live
2003 - Favorite French Excerpts
2003 - Gertrude Grob Prandl
2003 - My First Concert
2002 - The Voice of France
2002 - Jose Carreras Sings
2002 - Halvy La Juive
2002 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Richard Tucker
2001 - My First Concert
2001 - Del Monaco My First Record
2001 - Berta Morena The Recordings 1908-11 - Opera arias from La Juive Tannhuser Lohengrin Aida Die Walkre
2001 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Lonce-Antoine Escalas
2001 - Beniamino Gigli Complete Collection of Operatic Recordings Vol 4
2001 - Lopold Simoneau Opera Arias Duets
2000 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Jacques Urlus
2000 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Modest Menzinsky
2000 - The French Operatic Tradition
2000 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Adamo Didur
2000 - Opera Encores
2000 - Beniamino Gigli Historical Recordings 1927 - 1951
2000 - Caruso 2000
1999 - The God-Given Sound of Ezio Pinza
1999 - Franz Vlker The Great Repertoire
1999 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Wilhelm Hesch
1999 - Four Famous Met Tenors of the Past
1999 - Giovanni Martinelli Recordings 1925 - 29
1998 - Bravo Domingo
1998 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Jos Mardones
1998 - Tenors (Box Set)
1998 - From Bourbon Street to Paradise The French Opera House of New Orleans and its Singers 1859 - 1919
1998 - The Majesty of Holiness
1997 - Four Famous Basses of the Past
1997 - The Harold Wayne Collection Vol 29
1997 - Jewish Masterworks of the Synagogue Liturgy A Concert in Honor of the Re-establishment of Liberal Judaism in Germany
1997 - Hebrew Melody Jewish Music for Violin Piano
1997 - Richard Mayr
1997 - Famous Basses of the Past
1996 - Ezio Pinza III 3 Lebendige Vergangenheit
1996 - Rosa Ponselle-In Opera And Song
1996 - Leo Slezak II
1996 - Pinza Prima Voce
1995 - The Harold Wayne Collection Vol 24
1995 - Domingo Favourites
1995 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Alexander Kipnis 2
1995 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Ezio Pinza Vol 2
1995 - Great Tenor Cabalettas
1995 - Opera
1995 - Ponselle Vol 2
1995 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Nazzareno De Angelis
1995 - The Young Lotte Lehmann
1995 - Franz Volker
1995 - Leo Slezak Sings Lieder Arien (Songs & Arias)
1995 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Franz Vlker Vol 2
1995 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Leo Slezak
1995 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Ezio Pinza
1995 - L'Incomparable Georges Thill
1994 - Yale Collection of Historical Sound Recordings
1994 - Lucien Fugere
1994 - The Harold Wayne Collection Vol 14 Leon Escalais
1993 - Cesare Siepi - Recital 1947-1957
1993 - Rosa Ponselle The Columbia Acoustic Recordings
1992 - Golden Years of Ezio Pinza
1992 - Prima Voce - Caruso
1990 - The Legendary Enrico Caruso 21 Favorite Arias
Prima Voce Ponselle Vol 2
The Great American Tenor / Jan Peerce (Arias and Songs 1935-1950)