Currently Available CDs (8) | Currently Unavailable CDs (168)2008 - Italiano Barocco 2008 - Landi La morte d'Orfeo 2008 - Andrea Giovanni Gabrieli 2008 - All'illustrissimi Signori Fuccari 2008 - Sacred Brass Polyphonic Brass Arrangements 2008 - Giovanni Gabrieli In Festo Sanctissimae Trinitatis 2008 - Refractions 2007 - Lambert de Sayve Sacred Music Priuli Gabrieli Canzonas Sonatas 2007 - Gabrieli Symphoniae sacrae II 1615 2007 - Christmas Carols 2007 - Venetian Treasures 2007 - Schtz The Christmas Story Gabrieli Christmas Motets 2007 - Brass (Hybrid SACD) 2007 - Gabrieli Sonate e Canzoni 2007 - Joyful Sounds 2007 - 100 Best Sacred Works 2007 - 40 Voices (Hybrid SACD) 2007 - Amazing Brass 2006 - The Twelve Days of Christmas 2006 - Fiati Virtuosi Italian Instrumental Music 1580-1630 2006 - The London Trombone Sound 2006 - Christmas Concert 2006 - Ghirlanda Sacra Il Mottetto a voce sola a Venezia 2006 - The Glory of Gabrieli 2006 - The Da Vinci Era Masters of the Renaissance 2006 - Dresdner Kreuzchor Legendary (Box Set) 2006 - Italian Music for Cornets and Trombones (1580-1680) 2006 - Perfect Wedding 2006 - Perfect Winter Wedding 2006 - Perfect Autumn Wedding 2006 - Tracked 2005 - Fruits de la Passion Festival Montral Baroque 2005 2005 - Great Performances The Antiphonal Music of Gabrieli 2005 - The Baroque Christmas Album 2005 - Jauchzet Dem Herren Alle Welt 2005 - In Gabrieli's Day 2005 - Masters of the Trumpet 2005 - Cori Spezzati Venetian Polychoral Music (Hybrid SACD) 2005 - The King's Consort Collection 2005 - Classical Chisine Mangia Italiano 2005 - Discover Music of the Baroque Era 2005 - The Best of Canadian Brass (The Millennium Collection) 2005 - Pachelbel's Canon and Other Baroque Favorites 2004 - Giovanni Gabrieli Processional and Ceremonial Music (Hybrid SACD) 2004 - Gabrieli Music for San Rocco (M-ch/Stereo SACD) 2004 - Romantic Christmas Evening 2004 - Christmas Morning Buffet 2004 - The Best of Brass Organ 2004 - Great Joy Renaissance and Baroque Christmas Music for Brass 2004 - Venezia Stravagantissima 2004 - The Baroque Brass Collection 2004 - Orff Carmina Burana 2004 - Bella Tuscany Music Inspired by Tuscany 2004 - Seen and Heard (includes DVD) 2004 - Brass Super Hits 2004 - Instrumental Music of 1600 2004 - Diruta Toccate Ricercari Canzoni Inni di autori vari da 'Il Transilvano' /Ghirotti (organ works) 2004 - Venezia Stravaganza 2003 - Christmas Concert 2003 - Cena Navidena 2003 - Organ Masters of The Italian Renaissance 2003 - Andrea Gabrieli The Madrigal in Venice 2003 - From Monteverdi to Vivaldi (Box Set) 2003 - Musica Sacra (Box Set) 2003 - Your Heart Shall Rejoice 2002 - Venetian Coronation 1595 2002 - Great Brass Classics 2002 - Schtz und Venedig 2002 - A Musical Banquet 2002 - Christmas Dinner 2002 - Blechblserensemble 2002 - Gabrieli in Venice 2002 - Sacred Spaces (Lieux sacr�s) 2002 - A Bride's Guide to Wedding Music 2002 - The Dresden Choir 600 Years of Music 2001 - Christmas Through The Ages 2001 - Christmas Adagios 2001 - Venetian Christmas 2001 - An Organ Pilgrimage 2001 - Ave Verum Corpus 2001 - Galliard et al Baroque Trombone / Rosin 2001 - Salve Regina 2001 - Out of This World 2001 - Gabrieli Music for Brass Vol 3 2001 - Into the Light 2000 - A Brass Organ Christmas / Fenstermaker Bay Brass Krehbiel 2000 - A Classic Thanksgiving Songs of Praise 2000 - Giovanni Picchi and the Venetian School 2000 - Unforgettable Classics Italian Classics 2000 - Giovanni Gabrieli Music for Brass Vol 1 2000 - Cantantibus Organis 2000 - Christmas 2000 - Signatures 2000 - Giovanni Gabrieli Music for Brass Volume 2 2000 - The Antiphonal Music of Gabrieli (SACD) 1999 - Weihnachtslieder Christmas Songs (Regensburger Domspatzen) 1999 - Organi Storici d'Italia 1999 - Die Himmel erzhlen die Ehre Gottes 1999 - North Italian Music for Cornetts and Trombones 1580-1650 1998 - Classical Wedding Vol 2 1998 - Motetten Alter Meister 1998 - The Italian Cornetto 1997 - Empire Brass Greatest Hits 1997 - Lo Splendore D'Italia 1997 - Christmas Collection 1997 - 150 Anni di Musici Italiana (Box Set) 1997 - The King's Consort Baroque Collection 1997 - Giovanni Gabrieli from German Sources 1997 - XXXVII Concorso Polifonico Internazionale Guido d'Arezzo - Polyphonic works by Victoria Gabrieli Bach Reger Tormis Morley Palestrina / Fondazione Guido d'Arezza (Edipan) 1997 - XXXVIII Concorso Polifonico Internazionale Guido d'Arezzo 1996 - Giovanni Gabrieli Music For San Rocco 1996 - Monteverdi Vespro della beata vergine / Ledger 1996 - Sanctus Baroque Music For The Nativity 1996 - The Antiphonal Music of Gabrieli 1996 - Giovanni Gabrieli Canzoni et sonate 1996 - Gaudeamus Early Music Sampler 1996 - The James Bowman Collection / Bowman The King's Consort 1996 - Gabrieli in San Marco 1996 - Renaissance and Baroque Organ Music - Herbert Tachezi 1996 - Miserere 1996 - Allegri Miserere 1996 - Percorsi della Musica Italiana Dal '500 Al '700 1996 - Haydn 2 Cello Concertos 1996 - San Marco 1527-1740 1995 - Guy Bovet L'Orgue de la Basilique de Valre Vol 1 1995 - Renaissance Men 1995 - Fyre Lightning Consort Music of 1600 1995 - Venice Music 1995 - Stokowski Encores 1995 - Gregorian High Days 1994 - Greatest Hits Trumpet 1994 - Brass Greatest Hits 1994 - Monteverdi Vespro della Beata Vergine 1610 1994 - Music from the time of Christian IV The Madrigal from the South to the North 1994 - Music for Brass Ensemble from the 16th - 18th Centuries 1994 - Renaissance Brass Music 1994 - Music for Brass Through Time Space 1994 - Italia 1994 - RCA Victor Basic 100 Vol 34- Baroque Brass 1993 - Brass Ring - Berio Praetorius Gabrieli Bach Ewald Kelly 1993 - Schtz The Christmas Story Gabrieli Christmas Motets 1993 - Virtuoso Organ Music for Four Hands 1993 - Brass Bonanza 1993 - Telarc Collection Volume 7 16 Selections From The World's Finest Sounding Recordings 1993 - Canzoni Da Sonare 1992 - Cathedral Brass - Sacred works for Brass by Gabrieli Bach and Clarke 1992 - Baroque Baroque 1992 - Telarc Collection Volume 5 17 Selections From The World's Finest Sounding Recordings 1992 - Songs and Psalms of the Divine - Choral works by Tallis Bruckner R Strauss Randall Thompson Arnold Schoenberg etc 1992 - The Essential Canadian Brass 1990 - Brass In Berlin 1990 - Canadian Brass Gabrieli/Monteverdi Antiphonal Music 1990 - The Italian Album 1984 - Christmas Concert A Venetian Coronation 1595 Andrea Giovanni Gabrieli North Italian Music for Cornetts and Trombones 1580-1650 Cathedral Brass Art of the Trumpet