Currently Available CDs (11)1987 - A Christmas Concert (Ein Weihnachtskonzert)
| Currently Unavailable CDs (94)2007 - Concertos for 4 Violins 2007 - Barocke Kostbarkeiten (Beautiful Baroque) 2007 - Baroque Music of Bologna 2007 - Six Trumpet Concertos 2006 - Concertos from the Time of Holberg 2006 - Christmas Box 2006 - Six Trumpet Concertos 2006 - Les chef-d'oeuvre de la Trompette 2006 - Brilliant Classics 10 years 2006 - Giuseppe Torelli Sinfonie a tre 3 Concerti a quattro 2006 - The Wynton Marsalis Collection 2006 - Perfect Winter Wedding 2005 - Pomp Circumstance Trumpet Festival 2005 - Ludwig Gttler Trompete/Corno da caccia 2005 - Ludwig Gttler Arrangements 2005 - Six Trumpet Concertos 2005 - Classical Treasures (Box Set) 2005 - Guitar for Romantics 2005 - The Good Life Composers' Greatest Concertos Vol 1 2005 - Torelli Trumpet Concertos (Complete) 2005 - Good Life Composers Greatest Concertos 1 2005 - Trumpet Concertos Sonatas 2005 - Torelli Concertos 2005 - The Good Life The Greatest Waltzes Sonatas and Concertos (Box Set) 2004 - Girls Gotta Dance 2004 - Classical Concertos 2004 - For Christmas Beautiful Concertos for the Holidays 2004 - The Ultimate Wedding Album 2004 - Classics for Dining 2003 - The Trumpet Shall Sound 2003 - The Fam'd Italian Masters 2003 - Classical Carnival Pomp and Weddings (Box Set) 2002 - Baroque and Contemporary Trumpet 2002 - The Baroque Experience (Box Set) 2002 - Pachelbel Canon All the Best Baroque Favorites 2002 - Traditional Christmas Gold Collection 2002 - A Bride's Guide to Wedding Music 2001 - Prelude 2001 - Clair de lune 2001 - Italian Concerti Grossi 2001 - Festliche Tafelmusik 2000 - Weimar Transcriptions 2000 - Regal Fanfares 2000 - Benedicamus Domino Music for Trumpet Organ 2000 - The Art of Theodor Uppman Radio Broadcasts 1954 - 57 2000 - Il Barocco Strumentale Italiano 1999 - The Best of Baroque 1999 - Baroque Christmas Music 1999 - The Soul of Italy 1998 - Italian Trumpet Concertos 1998 - Encore Les Violons du Roy 1998 - Masters of the Baroque (Box Set) 1998 - Vespri concertati della Scuola Bolognese 1998 - A Christmas Concert (Ein Festliches Weihnachtskonzert) 1997 - Discover the Classics 1997 - Baroque Classics 1997 - Great Composers 1 1997 - Trumpet Concertos 1997 - Concertos for Trumpet Orchestra 1997 - Baroque Masterpieces 1997 - Pachelbel Canon and other Baroque Favorites 1997 - 25 Concerto Favorites 1997 - Trumpet Cti 1996 - Die Goldene Trompette 1996 - Italian Baroque Favourites 1996 - 25 Baroque Favorites 1996 - Trumpet for Happy Days 1996 - Best of Baroque 1995 - The Italian Voyage 1995 - Concertos Smphonies for Trumpet 1994 - Virtuoso Trumpet 1994 - Vivaldi Concerti Baroque Trumpet Music 1994 - Trompetenkonzerte des Barock 1994 - Music for Lute Guitar Mandolin 1994 - Christmas Concerti 1993 - Paul Falentin Trompette 1993 - Pinza Early Italian Songs 1992 - Celestial Christmas 3 1992 - Famous Trumpet Concerti 1992 - The Sound of Trumpets 1992 - Trumpet Concertos 1991 - Christmas Concertos Baroque Trumpet Concertos Baroque Blend