| Glen Ellyn Chorale 75 Favorite Hymns Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Christian & Gospel
Track Listings (38) - Disc #1- Amazing Grace - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Newton, John [Compo
- Praise Ye the Lord, The Almighty - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Neander, Joachim
- Wonderful, Merciful Savior - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Rodgers, Dawn
- Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Goss, John [Compose
- Fairest Lord Jesus - Glen Ellyn Chorale, German Jesuits
- Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Robinson, Robert
- Holy, Holy, Holy - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Dykes, John B.
- A Mighty Fortress - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Luther, Martin
- And Can It Be? - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Campbell, Thomas
- Crown Him with Many Crowns - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Bridges, Matthew
- Now Thank We All Our God - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Cr�ger, Johann
- O God, Our Help in Ages Past - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Croft, William
- "Christ for the World! " We Sing - Glen Ellyn Chorale, DeGiardini, Felice
- Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Bourgeois, Loys
- Blessed Assurance - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Crosby, Fanny
- What a Friend We Have in Jesus - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Converse, Charles C
- Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed? - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Watts, Isaac
- I Know Whom I Have Believed - Glen Ellyn Chorale, McGranahan, James
- Rock of Ages - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Hasting, Thomas
- I Need Thee Every Hour - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Hawkes, Annie Sherw
- Were You There? - Glen Ellyn Chorale, African America Spi
- There's a Wideness in God's Mercy - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Estabrook, Lizzie T
- Beneath the Cross of Jesus - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Clephane, Elizabeth
- I Gave My Life for Thee - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Bliss, Philip Paul
- Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Bradbury, William B
- Be Thou My Vision - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Forgaill, Dallan
- I've Found a Friend - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Small, James Grindl
- Sun of My Soul - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Keble, John
- Blest Be the Tie - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Fawcett, John
- Peace, Perfect Peace - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Bickersteth, Edward
- Open My Eyes, That I May See - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Scott, Clara H. Fis
- Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Mountain, James
- Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Atkinson, Frederick
- Come, Ye Disconsolate - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Moore, Thomas
- Just as I Am - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Bradbury, William
- The Solid Rock (My Hope Is Built) - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Bradbury, William B
- All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Holden, Oliver
- Our Father in Heaven (The Lord's Prayer) - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Wyse, Eric
Track Listings (37) - Disc #2- Jesus Shall Reign - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Hatton, John
- At the Name of Jesus - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Noel, Caroline Mari
- Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Sch�tz, Johann Jako
- O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Gl�ser, Carl G.
- Our Great Savoir (Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners) - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Chapman, John Wilbu
- Christ the Lord Is Risen Today - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Wesley, Charles
- Like a River Glorious - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Havergal, Francis R
- Priase the Savior, Ye Who Know Him - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Kelly, Thomas [Hymn
- May Jesus Christ Be Praised (When Morning Gilds the Skies) - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Barnby, Joseph
- Join All the Glorious Names - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Darwell, John
- The Son of God Goes Forth to War - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Cutler, Henry Steph
- The Sands of Time - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Cousin, Anne Ross C
- Jesus, The Very Thought of Thee - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Dykes, John Bacchus
- Since Jesus Came into My Heart - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Gabriel, Charles Hu
- Blessed Be the Name - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Clark, William H.
- Thine Is the Glory - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Budry, Edmond L.
- My Anchor Holds - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Martin, William Cla
- What If It Were Today? - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Morris, Leila Naylo
- Under His Wings - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Cushing, William Or
- If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Neumark, Georg
- O Breath of Live - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Hammond, Mary Jane
- Tell It to Jesus - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Lorenz, Edmund Simo
- O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Matheson, George
- Jesus Saves - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Kirkpatrick William
- Wonderful Grace of Jesus - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Lillenas, Haldor
- Only Trust Him - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Sankey, Ira David
- All Your Anxiety - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Joy, Edward Henry
- Wonderful Peace - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Cooper, W. George
- All the Way My Savior Leads Me - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Crosby, Fanny
- Trust and Obey - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Sammis, John Henry
- Softly and Tenderly - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Thompson, Will L.
- May the Mind of Christ, My Savior - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Barham-Gould, Arthu
- God Be with You 'Til We Meet Again - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Rankin, Jeremiah Ea
- My Savior's Love (I Stand Amazed) - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Gabriel, Charles Hu
- Hallelujah! What a Savior (Man of Sorrows) - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Bliss, Phillip Paul
- When I Survey the Wondrous Cross - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Mason, Lowell
- Abide with Me - Glen Ellyn Chorale, Lyte, Henry Francis