Search - Robert Sadin, Kathleen Battle, Robert Wagner :: Grace

Robert Sadin, Kathleen Battle, Robert Wagner
Genres: Special Interest, New Age, Pop, Classical
  •  Track Listings (14) - Disc #1


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Drawn in by the beauty of her voice!
(5 out of 5 stars)

"I first listened to this as a demo album at a music store and bought it on the spot. It is one of my favorite albums. Most sacred music albums seem to focus on Ava Marias, but this one has a beautiful selection from protestant traditions. There's nothing like Battle singing Handel's "Rejoice Greatly" or "O Had I Jubal's Lyre" to get you to forget all the mundane things on your "to do" list for the day. I have never heard a more beautiful interpretation of Mozart's "Laudate Dominum" either. And if her acapella rendition of "Were You There When They Crucified My Lord" doesn't stir you, I am afraid you may not have soul.This album has depth and meaning missing in most popular media today."
DAVID PETRICK | CARLISLE, PA United States | 07/13/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)

"Kathleen Battle is one of the people whose lovely voice first turned me on to opera, a rather unaccessible art to the common American. It is true that you can hear her breathe, and that she tempers her notes so they are sometimes gentle, sometimes strong, but that is not a weakness. The racks are rife with stereotypical fat ladies with fat voices, bellowing with nothing but technique, but there records languish while Kathleen's sell. The songs are all fairly main stream and include a dramatic range from happy to sad. Nothing outlandish here. Ms. Battle has been called the most beautiful soprano voice and I would heartily agree. The clarity, the roundness, the beauty of her sound is pure femininity and grace. I studied opera and no one in school or anywhere else, has ever been on her level. Some are close, but she is magnificent. I recommend this to anyone, opera snob or first timer. You will be moved!"
Indescribably Beautiful
puccinigirl | 02/19/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)

"This music is absolutely beautiful. The backing instrumentals alone are worth the price of the CD, and the clarity and expression Kathleen Battle's singing defy description. I'm not a student of opera, so I don't have the background or vocabulary to write a suitable review. I'll just say that, to my untrained ear, "she's got grace.""