Currently Available CDs (12)
1990 - Brother Sun Sister Moon | Currently Unavailable CDs (507)
2009 - Media Vita 2009 - Catholic Communion Classics Vol 9 2009 - Pope John Paul II in Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral 2009 - Ancient Airs for Brass Organ 2009 - Gregorian Advent 2009 - Musik ber Tisch Hausmusik bei Martin Luther 2009 - God sy gelovet 2009 - Guillaume de Machaut Messe de Nostre Dame 2009 - Philippe Rogier Missa Domine Dominus noster Matheo Romero Missa bonae voluntatis 2008 - Lamentatio Jeremiae prophetae 2008 - A Boston Camerata Christmas 2008 - Delectamentum The Feast of Corpus Christi 2008 - Gregorian Christmas 2008 - Stella del nostro mar 2008 - Monteverdi Vespro della Beata Vergine Selva morale e spirituale (1610) 2008 - Nox Lucis The Night of Light (Medieval Christmas Chants) 2008 - Machaut Messe de Notre-Dame 2008 - Jubilemus Exultantes 2008 - Desprez Missa Pange lingua 2008 - Ceruti VpresSolennelles de Saint-Jean Baptiste 2008 - Charles Tournemire Organ Music (Hybrid SACD) 2008 - Gregorian Chant 2008 - Missa Tournai 2008 - Canti Gregoriani Resonet intonet 2008 - The King's Singers Collection (Box Set) 2008 - Laudate Pueri Dominum Music of Piarists in Baroque Bohemia 2008 - Charpentier Leons de Tnbres 2008 - Crucem Tuam Adoramus 2008 - Poissance d'amours Mystiques moines et mnestrals en Brabant an XIIIe sicle 2008 - Hildegard Von Bingen Canticles of Ecstasy 2008 - Gaudete in Domino 2008 - Alessandro Grandi Motetti a cinque voci (1614) 2008 - Gregorian Chants Originals 2008 - Guillaume Du Fay Missa Se la face ay pale 2008 - Jasnogrska Muzyka Dawna Musica Claromontana Vol 14 Ciemne Jutrznie 2008 - Allelujah This Sweetie Songe 2007 - Music for the Lion-Hearted King 2007 - Christmas in Vermont 2007 - Compassionate and Wise 2007 - Christmas in the Holy Land Ancient Christian Liturgies 2007 - Media Vita Polish Passion Songs 2007 - Arnold de Lantins Missa Verbum Incarnatum 2007 - Matheo Romero Office Pour l'Ordre de la Toison d'Or 2007 - Discover Choral Music 2007 - Pierre de La Rue The Complete Magnificats Three Salve Reginas 2007 - L'esperit de la Contrareforma 2007 - Evensong from King's College Chapel 2007 - Gregorian Chant - Dominican Liturgy 2007 - Monteverdi Vesperae de Confessore 2007 - Giovanni Gualberto Brunetti Stabat Mater 2007 - Margarete Maximilian I 2007 - Lamentazioni per la Settimana Santa 2007 - Orlando di Lasso Marienvesper 2007 - Music for Emperor Charles V 2007 - In Memoria 2007 - Cantus Angelicus - Quebec Monk Choir (Analekta) 2007 - Dvork Jancek Smetana Romantic Pieces (Includes Bonus CD) 2007 - Rigatti 1640 Venetian Mass 2007 - 100 Best Sacred Works 2007 - Easter in Silos 2007 - Ave Donna Santissima Itinerario Musicale Intorno a Maria 2007 - El Siglo de Oro 2007 - Miroir D'ternit 2007 - Music for Compline (Hybrid SACD) 2007 - Jubilation Vol 5 Joy of the World 2007 - terna 2006 - Otfrid von Weienburg Liber Evengeliorum 2006 - The Essential Gregorian Chant 2006 - Vespro della Beata Vergine (Vespers of the Blessed Virgin) 2006 - Christmas Vespers at Westminster Cathedral 2006 - Christmas at St John's 2006 - Messe de Nol XIIe sicle - cole de Notre Dame (Mass for Christmas, 12th Century) 2006 - Solesmes 1930 2006 - Medieval Sacred chants to the Virgin Mary 2006 - Franciscan Road 2006 - Gregorian Chant 2006 - Silos Their Finest Chants 2006 - Vienna 1700 Baroque Music from Austria 2006 - Hildegard von Bingen Vespers from the Abbey 2006 - The Virgin Mary's Journey 2006 - Vivaldi Gloria/Magnificat - Andrew Parrott Taverner Choir 2006 - Relaxing Adagios 2006 - Joan Baptista Comes Missa de Batalla 2006 - Gregorian Requiem Chants of the Requiem Mass 2006 - Gregorian Chorals 2006 - Messe de Tournai 2006 - Les plus beaux Chants Grgoriens 2006 - Loomiselaul - Renaissance works from Johannes Ockeghem and Estonian sacred folk songs 2006 - Passio Sanctarum Filiarum Medieval Chants for Female Saints 2006 - Palestrina Masses Missa Benedicta es 2006 - Gabrieli Missa Brevis 2006 - Leonardo Da Vinci 2006 - Lassus Lamentationes Jeremi Prophet Requiem 2006 - Choral Music from the Portugese Renaissance 2006 - The Tallis Scholars Sing Josquin 2006 - Ockegem Caput 2006 - Credo 1000 Years of Sacred Music (Box Set) 2006 - Pques 2006 - piphanie 2006 - Vpres et Office avant la Nuit 2006 - Sanctus 1000 Years of Sacred Music (Box Set) 2006 - Isaac Missa pro Maximiliano 2006 - Gregorian Chant 2006 - Les Miracles de Saint Nicholas 2006 - Nun komm der Heiden Heiland 2006 - Pierre de la Rue Incessament 2006 - Gregorian Chant 2006 - Sacred and Secular Music from Renaissance Germany 2006 - Music from the Time of the Crusades 2006 - The Chants of Easter - Ad Missam In Die and The Octave of Easter (for Easter Sunday) 2005 - Gombert Credo Media Vita Haec Dies vae vae Babylon Etc 2005 - Mozart Sacred Works (United Kingdom) 2005 - Le Chant des premiers chrtienes 2005 - Grgorien 1000 ans de chant 2005 - Discover Early Music 2005 - From Silence to Light Gregorian Chant 2005 - Vivaldi Vespers of Sorrow 2005 - Nol Carols Chants for Christmas - Anonymous 4 (4 CD Set) 2005 - Saint Benedict-Mass Proper To The Benedictine Order 2005 - Gregorian Chant 2005 - In Paradisum 2005 - Ave Maria Gregorian Chants 2005 - The King's Noyse dir David Douglass Royal Delight 17th Century Ballads Dances 2005 - XL Choral Works for 40 Voices (Hybrid SACD) 2005 - The Chants of Christmas 2005 - Sundays in Ordinary Time 2005 - The Gregorian Calender Advent Christmas Marienfeste 2005 - The Voice of the Psalms 2005 - Leonin Perotin Sacred Music from Notre-Dame Cathedral 2005 - Soror mea Sponsa mea Canticum Canticorum nei Conventi 2005 - Vox Naturalis 2005 - Rituel 2005 - Alleluia 2005 - Canto Gregoriano 2005 - One Day in Thy Courts Settings of the Psalms (by Poulenc, Howells, Tallis, Rameau, Mendelssohn, Purcell, Berkeley, Palestrina, etc.) 2005 - Maiestas Dei 2005 - Pnksd Pentecost in Central Europe 2005 - The Origin of Fire Music and Visions of Hildegard von Bingen (Hybrid SACD) 2005 - The Best Choral Album in the WorldEver 2005 - Shining Like the Sun 2005 - Gregorian Chant for Meditation 2005 - A Scarlatti Messa per il SSmo Natale 2005 - La Messe de Tournai Polyphonic Pieces from the Codex Musical de las Huelgas 2005 - La Messe de Tournai Polyphonic Pieces from the Codex Musical de las Huelgas 2005 - Ave Maria Music in Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2005 - O Magnum Mysterium 2005 - Marcel Dupr Le Chemin de la Croix (Hybrid SACD) 2005 - Tallis Scholars sing Palestrina 2005 - Passion Easter 2005 - Easter Gregorian Chant 2005 - Matheo Romero Office Pour l'Ordre de la Toison d'Or 2005 - The Origin of Fire Music and Visions of Hildegard von Bingen 2005 - Pierre de la Rue Requiem Missa de Beata Virgine 2005 - Thomas Tallis The Complete Works (Box Set) 2005 - Peace Pure Classical Calm 2005 - Compline Service with Anthems Motets 2005 - Serene Spirit Divine Harmonies for Mind and Soul 2005 - Easter Gregorian Chants 2005 - Gregorianische Gesnge An Marienfesten 2005 - Passion Gregorian Chants 2004 - Sacred Songs Vol 2 Gregorian Chants 2004 - Healing Spirits Gregorian 2004 - Puer natus in Bethlehem Alleluia / Elmer Iseler Singers (CBC) 2004 - The Ultimate Classics Divine Sacred Music 2004 - Gregorian Christmas 2004 - Canti Gregoriani Visitatio Sepulchri 2004 - Kunigunde Nova Historia (Gregorian Chants for an Empress) 2004 - A Season of Passion (Box Set) 2004 - Gloria 2004 - Ars Gregoriana Supplementum 12 In Assumptione Beata Mariae Virginis 2004 - Ars Gregoriana Supplementum 11 In Assumptione Beata Mariae Virginis 2004 - Music for Charles V Holy Roman Emperor 2004 - Auf Jakobs Wegen Medieval Pilgrimage to Santiago 2004 - Ars Gregoriana Supplementum 10 In Assumptione Beata Mariae Virginis 2004 - Canto Gregoriano - the tones of music /Ensemble Gilles Binchois Vellard (Gregorian Chant) 2004 - Orff Carmina Burana 2004 - Alfred Deller - Portrait of a Legend 2004 - The Great Festivals of the Church Year 2004 - War and Faith 2004 - Gesualdo Tenebrae Responsories for Maundy Thursday 2004 - Christ's Passion and Resurrection 2004 - The Story of Job in Gregorian Chant Polyphony 2004 - The Medici Wedding 2004 - Heinrich Isaac Missa Paschalis 2004 - Ave Maria / The Soul of Chant 2004 - Fortuna Clestia 2004 - Sabbaye de Solemes Sanctoral 1 2004 - Hic est Chorus - Liturgical Music from the Cathedrals of the Kingdom of Galicia from medieval codices to the classical romantic period 2004 - Marc'Antonio Ingegneri Feria Quinta in Cna Domini ad Matutinum 2004 - Funeral Music 2004 - Juan de Anchieta Missa Sine Nomine Salve Regina 2004 - Regina Pretiosa Una Celebrazione Mariana del Trecento Fiorentino 2003 - Monastic Chant 12th 13th C European Sacred Music 2003 - Vivaldi Vpres Pour La Nativit de la Vierge 2003 - Thomas Stoltzer Missa Kyrie Summum Marian Motets 2003 - Remembrance 2003 - Old World Christmas 2003 - The Silver Swan 2003 - Bel Canto - Magnificat 2003 - Gregorian Melodies Popular Chants Vol 2 2003 - Best of Christmas Tradition 2003 - When Wind Comes to Sparse Bamboo 2003 - Gregorian Melodies Popular Chant 1 2003 - Gregorian Chant 2003 - Boni Pueri 2003 - Campus Stellae 2003 - Josquin Missa Pange Lingua Motets 2003 - Guillaume de Machaut Je Guillaumes dessu nommez (Box Set) 2003 - The Offertory Gregorian Chant and Palestrina 2003 - From Monteverdi to Vivaldi (Box Set) 2003 - 1000 Years of Sacred Music (Box Set) 2003 - Morales Mass for the Feast of St Isidore of Seville 2003 - Gregorian Chant 2003 - Morales Office des Tnbres 2003 - Holy Voices Gregorian Chant 2003 - Arnold de Lantins Missa Verbum Incarnatum 2002 - Pilgrim Path of Silence 2002 - Eya Pueri Medieval Christmas Songs 2002 - Ars Gregoriana Appendix B Missa pro sponsis 2002 - Guillaume de Machaut La Messe de Nostre Dame 2002 - Monteverdi Musica Sacra Le Passioni dell'Anima 2002 - Vpres Vnitiennes Cavalli Monteverdi Vespro Della Beata Vergine 2002 - Cathedral Dreams Choral Classics for Your Soul 2002 - Ars Gregoriana 18 Litania / Passio 2002 - Lost in Meditation (Box Set) 2002 - Palestrina Missa Viri Galilaei 2002 - Szymanowski Poulenc Stabat Mater 2002 - Music for the Duke of Lerma 2002 - Ars Gregoriana 17 Historia 2002 - Sumer is icumen in Medieval English Songs 2002 - Classical Evolution Famous Gregorian Chants 2002 - Palestrina Music for Holy Saturday 2002 - Ave Maria 2002 - Coronation of the First Elizabeth 2002 - Palestrina Missa Nigra sum 2002 - Monastery Voices 2002 - Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst Music For Solo Violin And For Violin And Piano 2002 - Sound of a Cathedral Gregorian Chant and Saxophone Improvisations 2001 - Ravenna the City of Mosaics 2001 - Alleluia Chants 2001 - Cristbal de Morales Assumption Mass 2001 - 100 Heavenly Classics 2001 - Alleluia Nativitas Medieval Christmas 2001 - Classical Dreams Music to Inspire 2001 - Christmas Celebration 2001 - Christmas 2001 - Venetian Christmas 2001 - Gregorian Chant Monks Monastery Sao Bento 2001 - Andrea Gabrieli Missa Apostolorum 2001 - Palestrina Le Vergini 2001 - Quem Quaeritis 2001 - Palestrina Masses Missa Assumpta est Maria / Missa Sicut lilium 2001 - Ars Gregoriana 16 Sequence 2001 - Perillo's Magnificat 2001 - Salve Regina 2001 - The Ultimate Sacred Music 2001 - Josquin Desprez Messes de L'homme arm 2001 - Ars Gregoriana Supplementum 7 Missa Pro Defunctis 2001 - In Honour of Our Lady 2001 - Gregorian Chant Requiem (Vol. 3) 2001 - Praise to the Holiest Hymns from Saint Paul's Parish K Street Washington DC 2001 - Johann Michael Haydn Mass Vespers for the Feast of the Holy Innocents 2001 - Catholic Classics vol V Simple Gift of Praise 2001 - Stadtpfeiffer Music of Renaissance Germany 2001 - Chant in Honour of Anglo Saxon Saints 2001 - Victoria - Missa Ave Regina for 8 Voices 2001 - Panorama Gregorian Chant 2001 - Sacred Music 2000 - Under the Dome 2000 - Gregorian Chants (Box Set) 2000 - Pilgrimage of Faith 2000 - Canti Gregoriani Vir Dei Beatus 2000 - Blessed Spirit Music of the Soul's Journey 2000 - Dancing Day 2000 - Catholic Latin Classics 2000 - Canti Gregoriani Nicolaus 2000 - Palestrina Missa de Beata Virgine 1 (1567) 2000 - Chants and Psalms 2000 - Compline and other chant 2000 - Chant Gregorien 2000 - Jean de Castro Polyphony In a European Perspective 2000 - A Hilliard Songbook New Music for Voices 2000 - Hildegard von Bingen O Vis Aeternitatis Vesper in der Abtei St Hildegard 2000 - Gregorian Chants (Box Set) 2000 - Dialogo Pastorale 2000 - Josquin Missa Pange Lingua Motets 2000 - The Old Hall Manuscript - English Music c 1410-1415 /The Hilliard Ensemble Hillier 2000 - Oh Flanders Free Music of the Flemish Renaissance 2000 - The Orthodox Collection 2000 - Golgotha The Passion of Christ 2000 - The Visitation 2000 - The Exaltation of the Cross 2000 - The Collection 2000 - Easter Collection 2000 - Ecumenical Evening 2000 - The Catholic Collection 2000 - Lent on the Mount of Olives 2000 - The Upper Room 2000 - Cantico Della Terra 2000 - Jerusalem Gregorian Chant and Early Polyphony 2000 - Behold and See The Best of Millenium of Music Vol3 (Robert Aubry Davis Presents) 2000 - I Sing of a Maiden A Mosaic of Motets to the Virgin Mary 2000 - Chant Mosaic - Organ Music Inspired By Chant 2000 - Gesualdo Tenebrae Responses for Good Friday 2000 - Gregorian Book of Silos 2000 - Palestrina Music for Good Friday 2000 - The World of Early Music 2000 - The A-La-Mi-Re Manuscripts - Flemish Polyphonic Treasures 2000 - Mexico Barroco Puebla II 2000 - Gregorian Chants 1999 - Heinrich Isaac Virgo Prudentissima 1999 - Heinrich Isaac Motets for Emperor Maximilian I 1999 - Time of the Dawn Medieval Renaissance Music 1999 - Musica Espanola Misa a 5 1999 - World Festival of Sacred Music Europe 1999 - Canti Gregoriani 1999 - Gregorian Chant 1999 - Ambrosian Liturgical Chants 1999 - Officium Sancti Severi 1999 - Chant Cistercien - Monodies of the 12th Century /Ensemble Organum Peres 1999 - Gregorian Chant Sequences 1999 - Music for Men's Voices 1999 - In a Cloister Novices' Gregorian Chants 1999 - Musical Moods (Box Set) 1999 - A Mediaeval Banquet Music from the Age of Chivalry 1999 - The Marriage of England and Spain 1999 - Organi Storici d'Italia 1999 - Sol y Sombra Baroque Music of Latin America 1999 - Gregorian Chant Early Recordings 1999 - Music for Philip of Spain / Dixon Chapelle du Roi 1999 - Gloria In Excelsis Deo Chant Hymns And Sequences (National Public Radio Milestones Of The Millennium) 1998 - 17th Century German Harpsichord Music The Stylus Phantasticus 1998 - Gregorian Missa / Eben Suita Liturgica 1998 - Locus Iste - Vokal Romantiker (Querstand) 1998 - Jerusalem Vision of Peace 1998 - Gregorianische gesnge 1998 - The Promise of Ages A Christmas Collection 1998 - Choral Moods 1998 - Noels Populaires Du Canada Francais 1998 - The Virgin's Lament (Caoineadhi Na Maighdine) 1998 - Gregorian Chants 1998 - Hildegard von Bingen Saints 1998 - Provenzale Vespro 1998 - Inner Voices Soothing Music for the Soul 1998 - Codex Faenza Instrumental Music of the Early 15th Century 1998 - Obrecht Missa Caput Salve Regina 1998 - Passio Domini Gregorian Chant from St Gall 2 1998 - Canti Nel Chiostro 1998 - Ockeghem Missa L'homme arm Ave Maria Alma Redemptoris Mater Josquin Memor esto verbi tui 1998 - Musicalis Scientia 1998 - English Choral Music 1514-1682 (Box Set) 1998 - Stabat Mater / Parrott 1998 - Liturgical Year - Schola Gregoriana Pragensis 1998 - Gregorian Chant for Easter 1997 - Ave Glorioso Mater 14 15 Century 1997 - Best of the Classics 1997 - Christmas Past 1997 - Veni Domine Gregorian Chant for the Church Year Advent 1997 - Masterpiece Collection Chant 1997 - Collegium Musicum - Baroque Works - Hasse Salve Regina Crucifixus / Capricornus Domine Jesu Christe / A Scarlatti Solitudini Amene / Caldara Quell'usignuolo / Platti Sonata II in G Op 3 for Flute / Merula Gaudeamus Omnes / Telemann Sage Mir Doch 1997 - Tune Your Brain Music to Manage Your Mind Body and Mood (An Audio Companion to the Book by Elizabeth Miles) 1997 - Ars Gregoriana 9 - Offertorium 1997 - Ars Gregoriana 5 Antiphon 1997 - Ars Gregoriana 11 1997 - Ars Gregoriana 8 Introitus 1997 - XXXIX Concorso Polifonico Internazionale Guido d'Arezzo 1991 1997 - Musica Polofonica 1992 1997 - XXXVIII Concorso Polifonico Internazionale Guido d'Arezzo 1997 - He Was Placed In The Tomb 1997 - Anno Domini 997 1997 - Anno Domini 997 1997 - Ars Gregoriana Supplementum 9 Mariendonker Offizium 2 1997 - Paschale Mysterium Gregorian Chant for Easter 1997 - Ars Gregoriana 6 Responsorium / Cantus ad processionem 1997 - The Essential Classics Collection 1997 - 1000 Years of Great Music for Great Cathedrals 1997 - Garrick Ohlsson - The Complete Chopin Piano Works Vol 8 Masterpieces Miniatures 1997 - Messe de Notre Dame / Ensemble Organum (Guillaume de Machaut) 1996 - Gregorian Chants A Beautiful Collection of Chants and Liturgies by the Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos 1996 - The Medieval Experience 1996 - Catholic Classics Vol 2 1996 - Music for Holy Week at the Chapel of the Dukes of Braganza 1996 - Celestial Christmas Special Collection Seasonal Music 1996 - Stillness And Sweet Harmony 1996 - Gregorian Jubilation 1996 - Early Music Collection 1996 - On Angels' Wings - 27 Gregorian Chants 1996 - Gregorian Chant Mass for the Dedication of a Church - The Monk's Choir of Our Lady of Fontgombault / Ambrosian Chant - Chant for Masses - Cappella Musicale of the Duomo of Milan 1996 - The Best of Naxos 9 1996 - Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber Marienvesper 1693 1996 - Eya Mater 1996 - Close Encounters in Early Music Le Temps des Legendes Medieval and Renaissance Music from Byzantium Spain Italy France Flanders Russia 1996 - Easter Chants 1996 - Miserere 1996 - Crusaders in nomine domini 1996 - Eastertide Gregorian Chant 1996 - Feasts of Our Lady 1996 - Miracles of Sant'iago Music from the Codex Calistinus 1996 - Ego sum Resurrectio Gregorian Chant for the Dead 1996 - Requiem Mass Office for the Dead 1996 - Best of Gregorian Chants 1996 - The Chants of Christmas 1996 - Vespers And Compline 1996 - Sunday Morning Classics Spiritual Awakening 1996 - Gregorian Requiem 1995 - Gregorian Chant Pentecte Pontigny Music in honour of 3 Archbishops of Canterbury 1995 - Hell brennt ein Licht Taiz Songs Vol 3 1995 - Mass of the Angels 1995 - Advent En Kerst 1995 - Gregorian Vespers 1995 - Geistliche Musik 1995 - Martin Luther The Music 1995 - Les tres riches heures du Moyen Age A Medieval Journey (Box Set) 1995 - Tears of Stone (Music from the Motion Picture) 1995 - Christmas in Royal Anglo-Saxon Winchester - 10th Century Chant from the Winchester Troper 1995 - RCA Victor Basic 100 Vol 71- Gregorian Chant 1995 - Gregorian Sampler (incl. VHS video "Gregorian Chant: The Monks and Their Music") 1995 - Lamenti Barocchi Vol 1 1995 - An Introduction to Early Music 1995 - Gregorian Sampler (incl. VHS video "Gregorian Chant: The Monks and Their Music") 1995 - Christmas Meditation Vol 2 1995 - Bohemian Saints 1995 - Christmas Meditation Vol 3 1995 - The Christ Story-Gregorian Chants 1995 - Ave Maria 1995 - Beyond Plainsong Tropes and Polyphony in the Medieval Church 1995 - Hildegard von Bingen 1995 - A Child Is Born A Chant Christmas 1995 - The Sistine Chapel Choir in Concert at the Vatican 1995 - Gregorian Chant Rediscovered 1995 - Dufay Missa L'homme arm Supremum est mortalibus bonum 1995 - Missa Et Officium De Beata Maria Virgine 1995 - Bless the Lord 1995 - Gregorian High Days 1995 - Gregorian Chant 1995 - Gregorian Chant from St Gall 1995 - Gregorian and Polyphonic Chants from Medieval Hungary Vol 6 Chants of the Blessed Virgin Mary Funeral Chants 1995 - Gregorian Chants from Medieval Hungary Vol 2 1995 - Gregorian Chants from Medieval Hungary Vol 3 1995 - Gregorian Chants from Medieval Hungary Vol 4 1995 - From Evening to Evening with Gregorian Chant 1995 - Gregorian Choral 1995 - Ars Gregoriana 10 Kyrie 1995 - Ars Gregoriana 13 Sanctus / Agnus Dei 1995 - Ars Gregoriana 12 Credo 1995 - The Angelic Choir 1995 - Ikos - Choral Music by Gorecki Tavener Prt - interleaved by Plainchant 1995 - Choruses The Greatest Hits 1995 - A Women's Celebration of Chant Harmony 1994 - Greatest Hits Chant 1994 - From the Ends of the Earth 1994 - Advent Carols from St John's 1994 - Lost in Meditation Meditative Gregorian Chants 1994 - Lost in Meditation Meditative Gregorian Chants 1994 - Messe du Dimanche Saint-Wandrille / Choir des Moines L'Abbaye Saint-Wandrille (BMG) 1994 - Gregorian Chant for the Feast of St Thomas of Canterbury 1994 - Music from Renaissance Coimbra 1994 - Morales L'Homme arm 1994 - Gregorian Chants 1994 - In Passione et Morte Domini Gregorian Chant for Good Friday 1994 - World of Gregorian Chant 1994 - Music of the Middle Ages Vol 2 - Notre Dame Organa De Santa Maria 1994 - Tranquility 1994 - Old Roman Liturgical Chants 1994 - Venite Ad Me 1994 - Medieval Carols 1994 - Discover the Classics 1994 - Salve Feste Dies Gregorian Chant for Seasons of the Year 1994 - Adorate Deum 1994 - Gregorian Chants 1994 - Most Beautiful Gregorian Chants 1993 - The Complete Works Of Scott Joplin 1993 - Palestrina Missa Aeterna Christi Munera 1993 - Victoria Requiem - Officium defunctorum (1605) 1993 - With Joyful Voice Christmas Music of Eight Centuries (Box Set) 1993 - Evensong From Truro Cathedral 1993 - The Cambridge Singers Collection 1993 - Gilles Requiem 1993 - Moreschi - The Last Castrato 1993 - Complete Operatic Acoustics 1992 - American Chamber Music 1992 - Ave Gracia Plena Music In Honor of the Virgin Mary 1992 - A Baroque Christmas 1992 - Sunlit Reverie 1991 - Nol Nol French Christmas Music 1200-1600 1991 - Frederic Chopin Greatest Hits 1991 - The Hilliard Ensemble The Old Hall Manuscript Palestrina Masses (Box Set) Ars Gregoriana Supplementum 4 Missa in Die Pascae Oriente/Occidente Gregorian Chant Qawwali Music Credo 1000 Years of Sacred Music (Box Set) Chant Gregorien Elegies pour les Rois les Princes Ad coenam agni providi Chants grgoriens Les plus beaux choeurs populaires Gregorian Chants Advent The Marriage of England and Spain Ars Gregoriana Supplementum 7 Missa Pro Defunctis |