Guillaume Dufay

CDs Guillaume Dufay performed on...

Currently Available CDs (1)

2001 - Guillaume Dufay Missa Ecce Ancilla Domini - A 15th Century Mass from the Cathedral of Cambrai /Ensemble Gilles Binchois Vellard

Genre: Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (16)

2005 - Isabel I Reina de Castilla (Hybrid SACD)

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2004 - Isabel I Reina de Castilla

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2002 - Voices Of Ascension From Chant To Renaissance

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2001 - Cancionero De Montecassino

2001 - O Tempo Bono Aragonese Court Naples 15th Century

2000 - Guillaume Dufay Missa Se la face ay pale Magnificat quinti toni Missa Ecce ansilla Domini

2000 - Dufay O gemma lux

2000 - O Lux Beata Renaissance Harp Music

1999 - Officium

1998 - Dufay Music for St James the Greater

1996 - Mass
1996 - Dufay Chansons
1996 - Dufay Mass for St Anthony of Padua / Pomerium
1995 - Popes Antipopes
1994 - Dufay Missa Se La Face ay Pale Missa Sancti Jacobi Rite Maiorem Ecclesiae Militantis
1994 - Jeanne la Pucelle / Jordi Savall (Joan of Arc)

CDs Guillaume Dufay helped create...

Currently Available CDs (1)

1994 - Officium - Jan Gabarek The Hilliard Ensemble

Genres: Jazz, Special Interest, Pop, Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (123)

2014 - Guillaume Dufay The Masses for 1453

Genre: Opera & Classical Vocal
2014 - Missa Latina

Genres: Opera & Classical Vocal, Classical
2009 - Il Poverello Medieval and Renaissance Music for Saint Francis of Assisi

Genre: Classical
2009 - Guillaume Du Fay Missa Sancti Jacobi

2009 - Guillaume Dufay Voyage en Italie

2009 - Nox Lux France Angleterre 1200-1300

2009 - Dufay and the Court of Savoy

2008 - A Boston Camerata Christmas

2008 - Delectamentum The Feast of Corpus Christi

2008 - Hilliard Live The Collection (Box Set)

2008 - Karl der Khne und die burgundische Hofmusik
2008 - Serenity Beautiful Choral Music (Box Set)
2008 - Musica del XV Secolo in Italia
2008 - Von edler Art
2008 - La Cappella Sistina
2008 - Guillaume Dufay Quadrivium
2008 - Scattered Rhymes
2008 - Guilaume Dufay Supremum est mortalibus bonum
2008 - Guilaume Dufay Supremum est mortalibus bonum
2008 - Dufay Music for St James the Greater
2008 - Guillaume Du Fay Missa Se la face ay pale
2008 - Guillaume Dufay
2008 - The Medieval Romantics French Songs Motets (1340-1440)
2008 - Guillaume Dufay Fragmenta missarum
2008 - Guillaume Du Fay Mille Bonjours
2008 - Dufay Music for St Anthony of Padua
2007 - Souls Reflections
2007 - The Song of Songs
2007 - Les Champion des Dames
2007 - The Garden of Zephirus
2007 - L'amore ostinato
2007 - In Memoria
2007 - 100 Best Sacred Works
2007 - The Castle of Fair Welcome
2007 - Triste Plaisir Guillaume Du Fay and the Music of Burgundy - Lena Susanne Norin / Randall Cook / Susanne Ansorg
2006 - Pilgrimage to Santiago
2006 - The Fall of Constantinople
2006 - Gothic Voices Gramophone Award Winners Collection
2006 - Guillaume Dufay Miss
2006 - Leonardo Da Vinci
2006 - Tempio dell'Onore e delle Vert Chansons by Guillaume Dufay
2006 - Hosanna in Excelsis - Texts and music from the spiritual world of the Middle Ages
2006 - Delectatio angeli Music of Love Longing Lament
2006 - Flower of Chivalry Tranquil Medieval Music
2006 - Les Miracles de Saint Nicholas
2006 - El Noi de la Mare Mother and Son
2006 - Sacred and Secular Music from Renaissance Germany
2005 - Ars subtilior Dawn of the Renaissance
2005 - Flos Florum
2005 - Discover Early Music
2005 - Guillaume Dufay Quadrivium
2005 - Rituel
2005 - Maiestas Dei
2005 - O Magnum Mysterium (Box Set)
2005 - Dufay Mass for St Anthony Abbot Binchois Mass movements
2005 - Europa Treasures of European Music (6 CD Set)
2005 - Les Champion des Dames
2004 - Dufay Missa Se la face ay pale /Diabolus in Musica Guerber
2004 - Metropolitan Museum of Art Music of Byzantium
2004 - Music at the time of Leonardo da Vinci
2004 - Sacred and Secular Music from Six Centuries
2004 - L'Arbre de Mai Chansons dances au temps de Guillaume Dufay
2004 - Guillaume Dufay Missa Se la face ay pale
2003 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Maria Glavany
2003 - Guillaume Dufay Missa Ave regina celorum
2003 - Le Jardin de Plaisance Songs from Late 15th-Century French Manuscripts
2003 - Dufay Music for St James the Greater
2003 - A Song for Francesca Music in Italy 1330-1430
2003 - Old World Christmas
2003 - Dufay Missa Puisque je vis Loyset Compere Omnium bonorum plena
2003 - Jeanne La Pucelle
2003 - Pomerium Musical Book of Hours
2003 - 1000 Years of Sacred Music (Box Set)
2003 - Allegri Miserere and Other Sacred Music of the Renaissance / Walker
2002 - Cathedral Dreams Choral Classics for Your Soul
2002 - Le Roman de la Rose Musiques medievales 13-15 sicle
2001 - Popes Antipopes
2001 - Bella Imagine Medieval and Renaissance Songs and Dances (Box Set)
2001 - Dufay Missae
2000 - The Glory of Early Music
2000 - Musiche Per Van Dick
2000 - Musica Mensurabilis 1 Dufay Missa Ecce Ancilla Domini Ockeghem Missa Pro DeFunctis
2000 - Middle Ages Music
2000 - Renaissance of the Spirit the music of Orlando di Lasso and his contemporaries
2000 - Behold and See The Best of Millenium of Music Vol3 (Robert Aubry Davis Presents)
2000 - The World of Early Music
2000 - Jeanne La Pucelle
1999 - Time of the Dawn Medieval Renaissance Music
1999 - Joan of Arc Music Chants from the 15th Century (Jade)
1999 - Bassano Viva l'amore 16th - 17th century
1999 - Mnemosyne / Garbarek Hilliard Ensemble
1999 - Benedictus Classical Music for Reflection and Meditation
1999 - Sanctus
1999 - Gloria Classical Music for Reflection and Meditation
1999 - Vox Neerlandica 1 Flemish Renaissance Choral Music
1998 - Sing Choirs of Angels
1998 - The Great History of Belgian and Dutch Classical Music
1998 - Beaute Parfaite - Alla Francesca Pierre Hamon Emmanuel Bonnardot
1997 - Ther Is No Rose - Renaissance Music For The Christmas Season
1997 - Passion
1996 - The Medieval Experience
1996 - Gothic Winds
1996 - SanctusMeditations For The Soul
1996 - Purcell Airs Duets
1996 - The Art of Courtly Love - David Munrow The Early Music Consort of London
1996 - On the Way to Bethlehem (Music of the Medieval Pilgrim)
1996 - Guillaume Du Fay Missa Ecce Ancille Domini
1995 - Geistliche Musik
1995 - The Art of the Lute
1995 - Jeanne La Pucelle
1995 - Dufay Missa L'homme arm Supremum est mortalibus bonum
1995 - The Artistry of Clas Pehrsson
1995 - Hildegard von Bingen Lieder und Antiphonen (1098-1179)
1995 - Dufay Missa Se la face ay pale / 3 Chansons / Di Lasso Penitential Psalms 1 6 / Senfl / Isaac
1994 - Diversions
1993 - Dufay Missa Sine Nomine Missa Ecce Ancilla Domini
1993 - A Song for Francesca
1993 - With Joyful Voice Christmas Music of Eight Centuries (Box Set)
1993 - Harp Collection the Development of the Harp from Medieval to Modern Times - Frances Kelly
1991 - Nol Nol French Christmas Music 1200-1600
1991 - The Pleasures of the Royal Courts
Sacred Choral Music
Popes Antipopes