The best Beethoven piano sonatas performance I ever heard
Pablo Pellegrini | Buenos Aires, Ciudad Aut�noma de Buenos Aires Arge | 03/18/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have this titel in LP and I hope I can get some day the CD.
I am a Rubinstein's, Horowitz's and Richter's fan, between others, but none of this pianists has the graceful, the emotion united to technic as Guiomar Novaes has. The version of the Sonata Nº 26 is unique, and the tempo of that of 32 is the one for me this Sonata must be played with. In this sonata some pianists play the 2nd movement very slow (Pogorelic)and in the variation IV almost all pianists play the "etereo" part too slow. The variation III is perfect, thers' s here no abuse of the pedal (like most pianists).
My LP still can be heard but I hope one day I can buy on CD this real jewel."
Beautifull and clear Beethoven
Gregorio | S�o Paulo, Brasil | 07/11/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The interpretation of Ms. Novaes are beautifull and clear. The emotion raise from the music itself. The noble beauty os this great pianist in your plenitude."