Harold Adamson

CDs Harold Adamson performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (3)

1999 - Born To Dance / Going My Way / Road To Utopia / Bring On The Girls (1936 Film)

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Soundtracks, Broadway & Vocalists
1998 - Lady Be Good / Four Jills In A Jeep (1941 Film)

Genres: International Music, Special Interest, Pop, Soundtracks, Broadway & Vocalists
1997 - Higher And Higher / Step Lively (1944 Film)

Genres: Jazz, Special Interest, Pop, Soundtracks, Broadway & Vocalists

CDs Harold Adamson helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (2)

2014 - Pages from An Imaginary Life

Genres: Jazz, Pop
2014 - Now I Know

Genres: Jazz, Pop