"Avalancha, una obra de arte. Avalancha de emociones que nos hace sentir este gradioso disco..cada palabra, cada estrofa , cada coro, se grabaran en la mente de todo aquel que lo escuche. Bunbury aparece con una voz increible, una fuerza, una seguridad que lo hacen ser el mas grande rockero en la historia del rock en espanol." bueno esto ha sido todo...nos vemos en la gira del proximo milenio" y cuidense porque "puede ser uno de esto dias tu ultima batalla""
Heroes Rock
Sesh Venugopal | Highland Park, NJ USA | 04/17/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I don't speak Spanish. Playing Guitar Hero III, I chanced upon Avalancha in the bonus set and started playing it. By the time I was done, I wanted to play it again and again several times just to listen to the enthralling voice of the lead singer. Piqued by curiosity, I first went looking for Heroes del Silencio in YouTube, and found a couple of videos of Avalancha that showed Bunbury in full cry.
And then I went to Amazon to see what albums they had created. Came across Avalancha, and listened to the samples. The other songs didn't make much of an impression, but I figured I would order the CD anyway. So there it was at my doorstep a week later. Slipped it in and heard samples of all of the songs. I remember thinking, when Iberia Sumergida started, what an odd way to start a song. It sounded like they were tuning the sound system--a smoky reverberation, lot of echoing feedback--and then the harmonica kicks in, and lightens up the mood. After a few bars, the lead guitar picks in a dramatic way and the song really starts swinging. Reminded me of the best of Mark Knopfler, warm and lazy, full of feeling. I fell in love with Iberia Sumergida and listened to it over and over again about twenty times.
Bunbury's voice is so commanding, so passionate, I really wanted to know what he was singing, what it all meant. So as I listened to the songs, I started following along by reading the lyrics in the little songbook that came with the CD. I actually am thrilled that I know a few more Spanish words than I ever did, and have never enjoyed learning a new language as much! Iberia Sumergida is a beautiful rocking song, and Bunbury alternately snarls, cajoles, and trills. He and Valvidia take it to the max. One of the best rock songs I have heard in a long time, equaling the best of the great bands including U2.
After Iberia, I continued feeling my way around--I wanted another song to fall in love with. Desacher El Mundo crept up from left field. The first two or three times I heard it, I passed it after a few seconds. Later I played it again, determined to stay with it to the end. And the end was so divine, when Valvidia picked up with a grand solo that made it all come together for the song. This is one song where the lyrics really helped me get into it, and now I listen to Deshacer more than any other song on the CD. And once again, Bunbury's voice is so captivating, he simply forces you to listen to him. What a wonderful singer.
So, the Deshacer--Iberia--Avalancha sequence makes up the core of this album, and if the album had three songs alone, I would still have bought it. Chispa Adecuada is an interesting number. It starts out with an Indian sounding theme (I can almost certainly say it is Indian), sort of like what George Harrison did with the sitar for the Beatles in the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi days. The pace picks up toward the end of the song, and fleshes it out nicely. Not as good as the holy DIA trinity, but a nice contrast and a good change of pace. The next song after Chispa also starts with an Indian theme -- this time it is a little ditty that snake charmers in India play with this woodwind instrument that I don't quite know how to describe, sounds like a light, nasal, sweet version of the organ. After this start, Dias De Borrasca takes an unexpectedly dark turn and sounds all grungy and dark. Again, an interesting song, with Bunbury in full cry as always.
The other songs I listen to once in a while, just for variety. What makes the album one of a kind are the lyrics. I think the songwriting is of very high quality, and Bunbury has a great instinct for poetry--knowing exactly when to stretch syllables out, or when to cut them off in mid-stride. Even though I hardly understand any Spanish, I can still feel the majesty and power of his singing. Great music transcends all barriers of language and culture, and in Avalancha, Heroes del Silencio give all you can possibly want in a rock band.
El mejor grupo de rock en espa�ol!!
critico constructivo | PR | 07/19/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
Increíble!!! No hay ni una canción que se pase por alto, todas son muy buenas. En mi opinion este junto con "Senderos de traicion" son los mejores albums de este grupo español, que tanta buena cancion nos regalo. En rique Bunbury es un genio, sus liricas hablan de diferentes cosas, como lo sobrenatural. Si no lo tienes todavia, te lo recomiendo, es increible. Ademas te recomiendo "Senderos de traicion" y "El espiritu del vino"."
La locura nunca tubo maestro
carlos "romario" ramos | houston tx usa | 09/04/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"sin duda los heroes son el mejor grupo de rock en espanol y se refleja en esta su ultima gravacion como el maldito duende estas canciones te invitan a sonar a lugares lejanos y hasta otras galaxias canciones como la espuma de venus,opio,la chispa adecuada, tienen ese efecto de llevarte de tu abitacion al espacio exterior.los heroes sienpre evolucionaron con su musica nunca se estancaron en el mismo sonido como otros grupos de rock como mana por ejemplo. sus letras siempre an sidos como poemas que te asen sonar escuchalo y enpiesa a volar"
Electric guitars and poetry, good combination.
carlos "romario" ramos | 05/03/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is the best rock band from Spain. The music in this CD is far better and more interesting that anything from present day bands in the U.S and Europe. Heroes del Silencio are amazing, just hear for yourself. If you want to enjoy the songs to the maximum you should read the lyrics first because most are complex. These are not your typical and boring love songs that you hear on the radio. This is ROCK EN ESPANOL AT ITS BEST!"