Esta es una gran obra de Luis Advis, en memoria de Violeta.
German Mollo Aguila | Santiago, Regi�n Metropolitana Chile | 05/15/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Conversando con Luis Advis, compositor chileno, me contó el trabajo que realizó con las "Décimas" de Violeta Parra, sacando parrafos o lineas de distintas partes de esa obra y haciendo además parrafos nuevos propios basandose en el estilo de Violeta, musicalizó los textos, añadió Gracias a la Vida e hizó este hermoso homenaje. Esta es la segunda cantata, continuando lo realizado en la Cantata Santa María junto al Quilapayún, y luego terminaría la trilogía con "Los Tres Tiempos de América", que grabaron en 1988 Paloma San Basilio y Quilapayún."
Canto para una Semilla: Homage to Violeta Parra
Mauricio Cordero Manzo | Santiago de Chile | 02/05/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Es un disco espectacular que refleja muchas de las tradiciones Chilenas, que incluso muchas de ellas aun existen en los pueblos campesinos."
(5 out of 5 stars)
"i'm sure this is a fine album, but to really appresiate this band you MUST hear they first 2 albums "la nueva cancion chilena". forget rock'n'roll- this is the real music of fight- against opression, dictatorship, bloody terror. too bad if those jems are out of print."
Isabel's extraordinary talent relates the tale of her mother
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Isabel Parra and Inti-Illimana as well as Mares Gonzalez musically and poetically relate the life story of Isabel's mother, Violeta. Heart rending beauty contrasts with the grief-stricken tale of an artistically gifted woman caught in difficult times. This CD is a two-fold, wonderful example of the Canciones Nuevas that came from Chile as it contains not only the story of one of the movements founders, but is told by artists that picked up the torch and continued in Violeta's footsteps. Wonderfully written, beautifully performed and masterfully told production."
The most elegant and professional display of Musica Andina | Miami FL | 06/20/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Inti-Illimani is by far the BEST ambassador of this type of music, which isn't known to everyone; Only a lucky few can actually understand, vibrate and dream with this music. Listening to Inti-Illimani is a pleasure, seeing them on stage is a privilege."