Jean Roche

CDs Jean Roche performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (13)

1997 - Birds Awakening in Bresse

Genres: International Music, New Age, Pop
1997 - Bird Song-Birt Europe 4

Genres: International Music, New Age, Pop
1997 - Bird Songs-Birt Europe 3

Genres: International Music, New Age, Pop
1997 - Dawns of the World 4

1997 - Dawns of the World 5

1997 - Forests Mountains of Asia

1997 - Great Masters 1

1997 - Larks Ascending

1997 - Larger Thrushes

1997 - Marsh Melodies

1997 - Wailing Wolves
1997 - African Forests Savannas
1997 - American Forests Lakes