John Eliot Gardiner

CDs John Eliot Gardiner performed on...

Currently Available CDs (8)

2001 - Vivaldi - Gloria Handel - Gloria Dixit Dominus / English Baroque Soloists Monteverdi Choir Gardiner

Genres: Pop, Classical
2000 - Bach Whitsun Cantatas / Gardiner Monteverdi Choir

Genre: Classical
1997 - Haydn Die Schpfung / Gardiner The English Baroque Soloists (The Creation)

Genre: Classical
1995 - Anne Sofie von Otter - Speak Low Songs by Kurt Weill / Gardiner

1993 - Bach Advent Cantatas BWV 36 61 62

1990 - Mozart Requiem / Bonney von Otter Blochwitz W White Gardiner

1990 - Mozart Great Mass in C minor /McNair Montague Rolfe Johnson Hauptmann English Baroque Soloists Gardiner

1989 - JS Bach Christmas Oratorio / Gardiner (Arias and Choruses)

Currently Unavailable CDs (59)

2018 - JS Bach Cantatas BWV 106 BWV 140

Genres: Opera & Classical Vocal, Classical
2011 - Mozart Operas

Genre: Classical
2009 - Brahms Symphony No 3 Ich schwing mein Horn ins Jammertal Op 4/1 Es tont ein Voller Harflenklang Op 17/1 Nachtwache I Op 104/1 Einformig ist der Liebe Gram Op 113/13 Gesang der Parzen Op 89 Nanie Op 82

Genre: Classical
2009 - Bach Cantatas Vol 17

2009 - Purcell Theatre Music

2008 - Cantatas vol 5

2005 - Schutz Musikalische Exequien (Motetten Und Konzerte/Motets & Concertos)

2002 - Gluck - Orphe Eurydice / von Otter Barbara Hendricks Fournier Gardiner (Berlioz version)

2002 - Schpfungsmesse and Harmoniemesse

2002 - Elgar Enigma Variations

2001 - Offenbach - Les Brigands / Raphanel Alliot-Lugaz Raffalli Trempont Le Roux Dran Viala Pisani Opra de Lyon Gardiner
2001 - Rameau - Dardanus Orchestral Suite Les Ftes d'Hb 3me entre La Danse / Gomez Rodde Orliac Gardiner
2001 - Bruckner Mass No 1 in D minor / Motets - The Monteverdi Choir / Wiener Philharmoniker / John Eliot Gardiner
2001 - Verdi - Falstaff / Lafont Martinpelto Michaels-Moore Mingardo R Evans Palombi E James Gardiner
2000 - Bach - Cantatas BWV 199 179 113 / Kozen Towers Padmore Loges Gardiner
1999 - Schumann Revealed/Symphony 4
1999 - Beethoven The Piano Concertos - Choral Fantasy / Levin Gardiner
1999 - Stravinsky - The Rake's Progress / Bostridge York Terfel von Otter Howells LSO Gardiner
1999 - Robert Schumann Das Paradies und die Peri / Requiem fr Mignon / Nachtlied - The Monteverdi Choir / Orchestre Rvolutionnaire et Romantique / John Eliot Gardiner
1999 - Schubert - Mass in A-flat / York Bruce Payne Archer George Gardiner
1998 - Steven Isserlis plays Works for Cello and Orchestra
1998 - Anne Sofie von Otter - The Artist's Album
1998 - Berlioz - Romeo Juliette / Robbin Fouchecourt Cachemaille Gardiner
1998 - The Classic Love Album
1997 - Beethoven - Leonore / Martinpelto Oelze Begley M Best A Miles Hawlata Shade - Gardiner
1997 - Complete Beethoven Edition Vol 4 Fidelio/Leonore
1997 - Anne Sofie von Otter - Mahler Zemlinsky Lieder / Gardiner
1996 - Chabrier Espana/Suite Pastorale etc
1996 - Beethoven Piano Concerto No 5 Emperor - Choral Fantasy / R Levin Gardiner
1996 - Mozart - Die Zauberflte / Oelze Schade Sieden Finley Peeters English Baroque Soloists Gardiner
1996 - Monteverdi - L'incoronazione di Poppea / McNair von Otter Hanchard Chance Gardiner
1995 - Handel Hercules/Tomlinson Rolfe Johnson S Walker Smith Denley Gardiner
1995 - Mad About Love
1995 - Handel Semele (Highlights)
1995 - Mozart - Don Giovanni / Gilfry Orgonasova Margiono James Prgardien D'Arcangelo Gardiner
1995 - Gluck Iphignie en Aulide / Gardiner (Highlights)
1995 - Gardiner Purcell Collection - The Tempest / Monteverdi Choir Orchestra
1995 - Gardiner Purcell Collection - The Indian Queen
1995 - Gardiner Purcell Collection - Hail Bright Cecilia
1995 - Gardiner Purcell Collection - Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary Birthday Ode Come Ye Sons of Art
1994 - Mozart Le nozze di Figaro / Terfel Gardiner The English Baroque Soloists
1994 - Faure Requiem / Bott Cachemaille Gardiner
1994 - Gluck - Orfeo ed Euridice / Ragin McNair Sieden Gardiner
1993 - Highlights from the Julian Bream Edition
1993 - Mozart - Die Entfhrung aus dem Serail / Orgonasova Sieden Olsen Peper Hauptmann Minetti Gardiner
1992 - Domenico Scarlatti Stabat Mater / Cavalli Salve Regina / Gesualdo Ave dulcissima Maria
1991 - Mozart - Idomeneo / Rolfe Johnson von Otter Martinpelto McNair N Robson Winslade EBS Gardiner
1991 - Gluck - Iphignie en Aulide / Dawson von Otter van Dam Aler Deletr Cachmaille Schirrer Monteverdi Choir Opra de Lyon Gardiner
1991 - Cantats Bwv106 118 198
1991 - Complete Piano Concertos
1990 - Bach - Mass in B minor / Argenta Nichols Chance Stafford Milner W Evans Gardiner
1990 - Handel - Messiah / M Marshall Quirke Robbin Brett Rolfe Johnson Hale The Monteverdi Choir The English Baroque Soloists Gardiner
1990 - Purcell The Fairy Queen / Harrhy Nelson Priday Smith Thomas Varcoe Gardiner
1990 - Monteverdi - L'Orfeo / Rolfe Johnson Dawson von Otter Argenta M Nichols Tomlinson Chance Baird Gardiner
1990 - Handel - Solomon / Watkinson Argenta Hendricks Rolfe Johnson EBS Monteverdi Choir Gardiner
1990 - Bach St John Passion / Gardiner The English Baroque Soloists
1990 - Bach - Christmas Oratorio / Gardiner
1990 - Damnation of Faust
Bach Christmas Oratorio - Arias and Choruses

CDs John Eliot Gardiner helped create...

Currently Available CDs (21)

2004 - Best of Wiener Philharmoniker

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Classical
2002 - A Musical Tribute Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother

Genres: Jazz, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2001 - Vivaldi for Relaxation

Genre: Classical
2000 - Christmas Cantatas

1997 - Baby Sleep

1996 - Danny Boy Songs and Dancing Ballads by Percy Grainger

1995 - Holst The Planets Grainger The Warriors

1995 - Verdi Requiem - Quattro Pezzi Sacri

1995 - The Merry Widow

1995 - Beethoven The Revolutionary

1995 - Mozart for your Mind
1994 - Baby Dance A Toddler's Jump on the Classics
1993 - Musiques Nuptiales Wedding Music
1993 - Mozart Piano Concertos / Klavierkonzerte No 9 K 271-No 11 K 413
1993 - Beethoven Messe in C
1992 - Mad About Opera
1992 - Mozart Symphonies 40 41
1992 - Brahms Choral Works
1992 - Couperin Franois Apotheoses de Lully L'Apotheose de Corelli Concert Dans le Gout Theatrical
1991 - Beethoven - Missa Solemnis / Margiono Robbin Kendall Miles (Archiv)
JS Bach Ouverturen/Suites BWV 1066-1067

Currently Unavailable CDs (159)

2019 - Monteverdi Choir Love is Come Again - Music for the Springhead Easter Play

Genres: Opera & Classical Vocal, Holiday & Wedding
2018 - Monteverdi Il ritorno dUlissee in patria

Genre: Opera & Classical Vocal
2017 - Bach Magnificat in E Flat Missa in F

Genre: Classical
2016 - Mozart 225 The New Complete Edition (200 Box Set)

2015 - Purcell Hail Bright Cecilia

2014 - Vigilate

2014 - Stravinsky Oedipus Rex Apollon musagete

2014 - Beethoven Missa Solemnis

2013 - The Best of Jonas Kaufmann

2012 - The All Baroque Box From Monteverdi to Bach

2012 - Ein Deutsches Requiem
2010 - Bach Cantatas Vol 11 Genova/Greenwich
2010 - Sacred Masterpieces / Cantatas
2010 - Bach Cantatas Vol 2
2010 - Beethoven The Symphonies
2009 - England My England (Soundtrack)
2009 - Brahms Symphony 2 Alto Rhapsody Schubert Gesang der Geister uber den Wassern D714 Gruppe aus dem Tartarus D583 An Schwager Kronos
2009 - George Frideric Handel L'Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato Tamerlano Ballet Music
2009 - George Frideric Handel Semele Israel in Egypt The Ways of Zion Do Mourn Zadok the Priest La Resurrezione Dixit
2009 - Hndel Israel in Egypt Zadok the Priest The King Shall Rejoice
2008 - Mozart Body
2008 - Brahms Symphony 1 Bergrabnisgesang Op 13 Schicksalslied Op 54 Mendelssohn- Mitten wir in Leben sind Op 23
2008 - Bach Cantatas Vol 25 - John Eliot Gardiner Monteverdi Choir and English Baroque Soloists
2008 - Music of Spain
2008 - The Handel Experience
2008 - An Hour with Vivaldi
2007 - Purcell The Fairy Queen
2007 - Bach Cantatas Vol 6 Kthen/Frankfurt
2007 - Bach Cantatas Vol 16
2007 - Hndel Saul
2007 - Bach Cantatas Vol 23 Arnstadt/Echternach
2007 - Handel The Ultimate Collection
2007 - Handel Agrippina
2007 - Bach Cantatas Vol 22
2007 - Hndel Alexander's Feast
2007 - Haydn Die Schpfung (The Creation)
2006 - Pilgrimage to Santiago
2006 - Bach Cantatas Vol 15 New York For the Third Day of Christmas BWV 57 64 133 151
2006 - Brahms Choral Works
2006 - Handel Solomon
2006 - Chabrier - L'Etoile / Alliot-Lugaz Gautier Bacquier Raphanel Damonte Le Roux David Gardiner Opera de Lyon
2006 - Bach Cantatas Vol 26 Long Melford
2006 - Bach Cantatas Vol 21 Cambridge/Walpole St Peter
2006 - Else Paaske A Portrait
2006 - Gluck Don Juan
2006 - Bach Cantatas Vol 19 Greenwich/Romsey
2006 - Mozart Missae Requiem Organ Sonatas Solos (Box Set)
2005 - Bach Cantatas Vol 14 New York
2005 - Mozart Requiem
2005 - The Mozart Collection (Box Set)
2005 - Bach Cantatas Vol 10 Potsdam/Wittenberg
2005 - Bach Alles mit Gott
2005 - The Baroque Christmas Album
2005 - Music of Spain (Box Set)
2005 - Weber Oberon
2005 - Bach Cantatas Vol 24 Altenberg Warwick
2005 - Mozart Die Entfhrung aus dem Serail
2005 - Bach Cantatas Vol 8 Bremen Santiago
2005 - Bach Cantatas Vol 1 City of London
2005 - For April Showers
2004 - Bach Sacred Vocal Works (Box Set)
2004 - Gluck Iphignie en Tauride
2004 - In the Nursery Music for My Baby 2
2004 - Rodrigo Concierto de Aranjuez Fantasa para un gentilhombre
2004 - Messiah The Dream Cast
2004 - Haydn Six Great Masses
2003 - Schumann Symphonies Nos 1 4 Konzertstck for 4 horns ("Spring")
2003 - Beethoven Mendelssohn Violin Concertos /Mullova ORR Gardiner
2003 - Hector Berlioz Romantic Spirit
2003 - The 1 Mozart Album
2003 - Purcell Music for Queen Mary
2003 - Holst The Planets Grainger The Warriors
2003 - Handel Acis Galatea
2003 - Haydn Heiligmesse Paukenmesse
2003 - Handel Concerti Grossi Op 3
2003 - Haydn Nelsonmesse Theresienmesse
2003 - Hndel Messiah
2002 - Igor Stravinsky Symphony of Psalms/Lili Boulanger Du fond de l'abimePsalms 24 129 Vieille Priere bouddhique
2002 - Rameau Les Boreades / Gardiner
2002 - Purcell Le Roi Arthur (Highlights)
2002 - Bream Adagios
2001 - Chabrier - L'toile / Alliot-Lugaz Gautier Bacquier Raphanel Damonte Le Roux David Opera de Lyon Gardiner
2001 - Water Music and Music for the Royal Fireworks
2001 - Baroque Masterpieces
2001 - Gluck Iphignie en Tauride (Highlights)
2001 - Mozart The Piano Concertos
2000 - Berlioz Messe Solennelle
2000 - Bach Cantatas BWV 94 105 168
2000 - Bach Advent Cantatas
2000 - The Ultimate Sacred Christmas Album Ave Maria
2000 - Bach - Cantatas BWV 140 147 / Holton Chance Rolfe Johnson Varcoe The Monteverdi Choir The English Baroque Soloists Gardiner
2000 - Bach Cantatas BWV 98 BWV139 BWV16
2000 - Julian Bream The Ultimate Guitar Collection-Volume 2
2000 - Bach Cantatas BWV 82 83 125 200
2000 - Bach Cantatas Ascension Himmelfahrt
2000 - Bach Cantatas
2000 - Bach - Easter Cantatas BWV 6 66 / Fink Davislim Clarkson Chance Padmore Henschel The Monteverdi Choir The English Baroque Soloists Gardiner
1999 - Mozart for the Millennium
1999 - The Classic Wedding Album
1999 - Mendelssohn Symphonies Nos 4 Italian 5 Reformation
1998 - Schubert Symphony No 9 Gesang der Geister ber den Wassern
1998 - Centenary Collection 7 1988-1997
1998 - Tune Your Brain with Mozart Energize
1998 - Once As I Remember The Story of Christmas
1998 - Good Morning Mozart
1998 - Mozart for Monday Mornings
1998 - Schumann Complete Symphonies
1998 - Voices in Night Choral Works
1997 - Complete Beethoven Edition Vol 19 Large Choral Works
1997 - Tune Your Brain Music to Manage Your Mind Body and Mood (An Audio Companion to the Book by Elizabeth Miles)
1997 - Complete Beethoven Edition--Sampler / Kempff
1997 - Baroque For Brides To Be A Musical Bouquet for Your Wedding Day
1997 - Set Your Life To Music With Mozart
1997 - Mozart for the Morning Commute A Lively Bit of Traveling Music
1996 - Handel for the Holidays
1996 - Gardiner - Mozart Opera Highlights
1996 - Family Circle Best Ever Classics Sampler
1996 - Hector Berlioz Harold En Italie Op 16
1996 - Beethoven Symphony No 9 /ORR Gardiner
1996 - Heinrich Shtz Die sieben Worte Jesu Christi am Kreuz Vier Dialogue
1995 - Mad About Angels
1995 - Jean-Marie Leclair Scylla Et Glaucus (Highlights)
1995 - Purcell King Arthur
1994 - Monteverdi Vespro della Beata Vergine 1610
1994 - Beethoven 9 Symphonies - Orchestre Rvolutionnaire et Romantique / Gardiner
1994 - More Mad About Mozart
1994 - Guitar Greatest Hits
1993 - Mozart Cos fan tutte / Roocroft Mannion E James Gilfry Trost Feller Gardiner
1993 - Rodrigo Concierto de Aranjuez Fantasy for a Gentleman / Villa-Lobos Bachianas Brasileiras No 5 (RCA Victor Basic 100, Vol. 26)
1993 - Handel Semele /Burrowes Kwella Priday D Jones Denley Penrose Rolfe Johnson Davies Lloyd Thomas Monteverdi Choir English Baroque Soloists Gardiner
1993 - George Frideric Handel Concerti Grossi Opus 3
1993 - Bach Cantatas BWV 4 131
1993 - Massenet Scenes Dramatiques - Suite No 3 for Orchestra Scenes de Feerie - Suite No 6 for Orchestra Le Dernier Sommeil de la Vierge
1993 - Suites 4 7
1993 - Bach Motets BWV 225-231 Cantatas
1993 - Berlioz Symphonie fantastique /ORR Gardiner
1992 - Handel L'Allegro il Penseroso ed il Moderato
1992 - Handel Dixit Dominus Coronation Anthem No 1
1992 - Leclair Scylla Et Glaucus
1992 - The Tempest
1992 - L'Enfance Du Christ
1992 - Mozart - La clemenza di Tito / Rolfe Johnson Varady von Otter McNair Robbin Hauptmann English Baroque Soloists Gardiner
1992 - Joseph Haydn Die Jahreszeiten
1991 - Handel Saul
1991 - Joaquin Rodrigo Concierto de aranjuez Heitor Villa-Lobos Guitar Concerto 3 Preludes
1991 - Gluck Las Pelerins De La Mecque Ou La Rencontre Imprevue
1991 - Purcell Music for Queen Mary
1991 - Brahms Ein deutsches Requiem Op45
1991 - Bach Arias and Choruses from the St Matthew Passion
1990 - Hndel Messiah (Highlights)
1990 - Bach Magnificat BWV 243 Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen
1990 - Mozart Piano Concertos Nos 20 21 Malcolm Bilson English Baroque Gardiner
1990 - Music for the Royal Fireworks
1990 - Mozart Symphonies 29 33 on Period Instruments
1990 - Mozart Symphonies 31 Paris 34 John Eliot Gardiner
1990 - Monteverdi Vespro Della Beata Vergine
1990 - W A Mozart Piano Concertos Nos 20-27
1989 - Bach St Matthew Passion / Rolfe Johnson Bonney von Otter Chance Crook Gardiner
MozartPiano Ctos 16 17