John [Organ] Blow

CDs John [Organ] Blow helped create...

Currently Available CDs (1)

1992 - Jubilate Music for the Kings and Queens of England

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (47)

2009 - Music of Handel Bach and the English Renaissance

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
2008 - Crazy

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2008 - John Blow Venus and Adonis

Genre: Classical
2008 - Music of Henry Purcell (Box Set)

2008 - John Blow Venus and Adonis

2008 - John Blow Ode on the Death of Mr Henry Purcell

2008 - Baroquery

2007 - Songs from the Pleasure Garden

2007 - Andreas-Silberman-Orgel Ebersmunster Mario Hospache-Martini spielt Purcell Bhm de Grigny Blow Bach

2007 - Odes to Saint Cecilia

2007 - Elegeia
2007 - Music for the Coronation of James II 1685
2006 - The Ely Tradition Vol 1
2006 - Music for an Abbey's Year Vol 4
2006 - John Blow Anthems
2006 - John Blow On Ode on the Death of Mr Henry Purcell
2006 - Baroque England
2005 - Daniel Taylor Sings Purcell Dowland
2004 - L'Orgue Dom Bedos de Saint-Croix de Bordeaux
2003 - Deller's Choice
2003 - Counter-Tenor Duets and Song by Purcell and his contemporaries
2003 - John Blow Music for Harpsichord Spinet
2003 - First Recordings Paris 1936-1948
2002 - The Organ At Adlington Hall
2002 - Coronation of King George II
2001 - The Pleasures and Follies of Love
2001 - Wondrous Machine Early English Keyboard Music on the Organ of the Ospedaletto in Venice
2000 - Daniel Taylor Portrait
1999 - With Charming Notes
1999 - Music for Philip of Spain / Dixon Chapelle du Roi
1999 - Pepusch The Lonely Shepherd Cantatas
1998 - Private Musick
1998 - Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis Vol 14
1998 - A Treasury of Early Music Vol4 Music of the Baroque
1998 - Music for St Paul's
1998 - English Choral Music 1514-1682 (Box Set)
1996 - A Choice Collection
1995 - Hear O Heav'ns Chapel Royal Anthems
1995 - Baroque Chamber Music 'An Excess of Pleasure'
1995 - John Blow Henry Purcell Welcome Ev'ry Guest
1995 - Blow Fairest work of happy Nature - Songs and keyboard music /Ainsley Roberts Chateauneuf (English Orpheus, Vol 18)
1995 - Music For Queen Mary-A Celebration Of The Life And Death Of Queen Mary
1994 - Taverner To Tavener
1994 - The English Orpheus - A Series of English Discoveries 1600-1800
1994 - The Musical Life of Samuel Pepys
1993 - English Mad Songs And Ayres
1992 - Countertenor Duets by Purcell and Blow