A Pretty Good Acoustic Thunders Collection
A. Woodley | 04/21/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"As the definite acoustic Thunders album, Hurt Me, becomes harder and harder to find, we have to turn elseware to try and find our acoustic Thunders fix. This is an album will hold you over for a while. Live acoustic Thunders performances turn up in various places and on various collections. This entire collection is dedicated to acoustic Thunders performances. From what I can tell, this album is pulled from two seperate performances and are pretty good. As with any Thunders live album, the sound quality isn't great. It isn't horrible but it's not top notch either. This album does have some highlights as well, like "Ask Me No Questions" and "Lonely Planet Boy." For some reason, I like it when Johnny dusts off an old Dolls tune. I'm not saying it's better. I'm just saying I like it. Overall, this is one of the better more affordable collections of acoustic Thunders out there."