Joshua Rifkin

CDs Joshua Rifkin performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (5)

2009 - Baroque Beatles Book

Genres: Pop, Classical
2005 - Ragtime Music of Scott Joplin

Genres: Jazz, Pop, Classical
1998 - JS Bach Actus tragicus - Cantatas BWV 106 131 99 56 82 158 (Germany)

Genre: Classical
1991 - Rags Tangos

Joshua Rifkin Plays Rags Tangos

CDs Joshua Rifkin helped create...

Currently Available CDs (3)

2000 - Classical Masterpieces of the Millennium Haydn

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
1997 - Bach 6 Favourite Cantatas /Bach Ensemble Rifkin (BWV 147, 80, 140, 8, 51, 78)

Genre: Classical
1990 - Joplin Digital Ragtime / Joshua Rifkin - Wall Street Rag / The Southland Stingers

Genres: Jazz, Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (16)

2019 - 101 Bach (6 CD)

Genre: Classical
2008 - Mozart Posthorn Serenade

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
2006 - The Baroque Beatles Book

Genres: Jazz, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2005 - The Art of Peter Hurford

2005 - Rags Tangos

2002 - Mozart Posthorn Serenade

2002 - Haydn Jagd-Symphonien (Hunting Symphonies)

2001 - Bach Weimar Cantatas

2001 - Mozart Collection 100 Masterpieces Vol 3

2000 - Mozart Collection 100 Masterpieces (Box Set)

1992 - Great American Piano II - Gottschalk Joplin Gershwin
1992 - Bach Mass in B minor BWV 232 (Rifkin)
1990 - Handel Organ Concertos Op 4
BachCantatas 51 140
Handel Organ Concertos Op 7 Nos 1-6 1516
Sunrise Music For Mellow Mornings