| Karaoke Karaoke: Nashville Star Best Female Country Hits 2 Genres: Country, Special Interest, Latin Music
Track Listings (16) - Disc #1- Complicated [Radio Version]
- Blessed [Road Version]
- Bring on the Rain [Stereo Performance] - Darling, Helen
- Cry [Stereo Performance] - Aparo, Angie
- There Is No Arizona [Stereo Performance]
- Mendocino County Line [Stereo Performance]
- What I Really Meant to Say [Stereo Performance]
- I'm Gonna Getcha Good! [Stereo Performance]
- Complicated [Radio Version]
- Blessed [Radio Version]
- Bring on the Rain
- Cry
- There Is No Arizona
- Mendocino County Line
- What I Really Meant to Say
- I'm Gonna Getcha Good!