| Karaoke Pro Artist: Billy Ray Cyrus Genres: Country, Special Interest, Pop
Track Listings (15) - Disc #1- Achy Breaky Heart - VonTress, Don
- Wher'm I Gonna Live - Cyrus, Billy Ray
- You Won't Be Lonely Now [DB/AB/Eb/BB] - Bettis, John
- Burn Down the Trailer Park - MacDonald, Pat
- Words by Heart - Nielson, Reed
- Busy Man [G] - Regan, Bob [2]
- She's Not Crying Anymore [d] - Cannon, Buddy
- Could've Been Me [G] - Nielson, Reed
- Talk Some - VonTress, Don
- We the People [Eb] - Powell, Monty
- It's All the Same to Me [F] - Laseter, Jerry
- Crazy 'Bout You Baby [d] - Phillips, Kerry Kur
- Give My Heart to You [d] - Aldridge, Walt
- Southern Rain [G] - Cyrus, Billy Ray
- Always Sixteen [AB/BB] - Dodson, Marty