amazon.comCreate a relaxing and stress free environment with the droning harmonic sounds of an ancient Indian instrument -the tamboura. The atmosphere becomes serene as the tamboura sounds produce overtones natural to the body and mind.Master Tamboura Player, Betty McKeon, brings her experience of 25 years playing and teaching to these remarkable 7 series CD collection of Keys to the Heart Meditation. When playing she enters into a deep state of calmness. This deep state is conveyed through the myriad of sounds and the steadiness of her playing. With this combination, Keys to the Heart Meditation draws the listener inside to a place of inner peace.Keys to the Heart Meditation CDs aligns with Sound Wave Therapy as each CD produces frequencies resonating with different parts of the body and mind. This recording of the Tamboura centers on the note D which resonates Enthusiasm and is beneficial to the pelvis, adrenals, and nervous system.The Tamboura produces sounds that can be beneficial to an individual's energy and sense of peace.