King's Consort

CDs King's Consort performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (10)

2010 - Oboe Concertos

Genre: Classical
2009 - Water Music/Music for the Royal Fireworks

Genre: Classical
2008 - Music From the Courts of Europe - London

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2002 - Eternal Source of Light

2002 - Vivaldi Sacred Music Vol 8

1997 - Celtic Strings Wings

1996 - Laudate Pueri Nisi Dominus

1994 - Secular Songs 1

1993 - Purcell Complete Odes and Welcom Songs Vol5 - Great Parent Hail / The Summer's Absence Unconcerned We Bear / Welcome Welcome Glorious Morn

1993 - Vivaldi Salve Regina / Telemann Easter Cantata / Pergolesi Salve Regina / Bach Cantata BWV 54

CDs King's Consort helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (85)

2009 - Mr Henry Purcell's Most Admirable Composures

Genres: Pop, Classical
2008 - Bach Cantatas BWV 54 169 170

Genre: Classical
2007 - Telemann Musique de Table

Genre: Classical
2007 - Schtz The Christmas Story Gabrieli Christmas Motets

2007 - Awake Sweet Love

2007 - Bach Telemann Oboe Oboe d'amore Concertos

2007 - Handel Neun deutsche Arien

2007 - Handel Italian Duets

2006 - Vivaldi Cello Concertos

2006 - Monteverdi Vespers (Hybrid SACD)

2006 - Monteverdi The Sacred Music Vol 4 (Hybrid SACD)
2006 - Monteverdi Vespers 1610
2006 - Handel An Ode for St Cecilia's Day (Hybrid SACD)
2006 - Mozart Exsultate Jubilate
2006 - Monteverdi The Sacred Music Vol 4
2005 - Antonio Vivaldi The Complete Sacred Music (Box Set)
2005 - Essential Handel
2005 - Monteverdi The Sacred Music Vol 3 (Hybrid SACD)
2005 - Michael Haydn Requiem Missa in Honorem Sanctae Ursulae
2005 - The King's Consort Collection
2005 - Monteverdi The Sacred Music Vol 3
2004 - Monteverdi The Sacred Music Vol 2 (Hybrid SACD)
2004 - Handel An Ode for St Cecilia's Day / King
2004 - Monteverdi The Sacred Music Vol 2
2004 - Vivaldi Laudate Pueri Nisi Dominus
2004 - Vivaldi Sacred Music Vol 10
2004 - Monteverdi The Sacred Music Vol 1 (Hybrid SACD)
2004 - Complete Secular Songs (3cd)
2003 - Monteverdi The Sacred Music Vol 1
2003 - Vivaldi Sacred Music Vol 9
2003 - Sacred Music by Jan Dismas Zelenka
2003 - Salve Regina Music by Vivaldi Telemann Pergolesi Bach
2002 - Coronation of King George II
2001 - Vivaldi Sacred Music Vol 7
2001 - Sacred Music by Johann Schelle
2001 - Boccherini Stabat Mater D'Astorga Stabat Mater (Hybrid SACD)
2000 - Vivaldi Sacred Music Vol 6
2000 - Knupfer Sacred Music /King's Consort King
1999 - Essential Bach
1999 - Vivaldi Sacred Music Vol 5
1998 - Vivaldi Concerti con molti istromenti
1998 - Kuhnau Sacred Music
1998 - Great Baroque Arias
1997 - Handel Telemann Water Music
1997 - Vivaldi Sacred Music Vol 3
1996 - Domenico Scarlatti Salve Regina / Hasse Salve Regina / Alessandro Scarlatti Su le sponde del Tebro / Oh di Betlemme altera povert / Infirmata vulnerata
1996 - Baroque Countertenor Arias - The Art Of James Bowman
1996 - Vivaldi Sacred Music Vol 2
1996 - The James Bowman Collection / Bowman The King's Consort
1996 - Pergolesi La Serva Padrona Salve Regina
1996 - Bach Six Trio Sonatas
1995 - Vivaldi Sacred Music Vol 1
1994 - Purcell The Complete Anthems and Services Vol 11
1994 - Purcell The Complete Anthems and Services Vol 9
1994 - The Secular Songs of Henry Purcell Vol 2
1994 - Purcell The Complete Anthems and Services Vol 5
1994 - Purcell The Complete Anthems and Services Vol 4 /King's Consort King
1994 - Henry Purcell The Complete Anthems and Services - 8
1994 - Purcell The Complete Anthems and Services Vol 3
1994 - Handel - Ottone / Bowman McFadden J Smith Denley Visse M George The King's Consort King
1994 - Henry Purcell The Complete Anthems and Services Vol 7
1993 - Henry Purcell The Complete Anthems and Services Vol 2
1993 - Purcell Complete Odes and Welcome Songs Volume 8 - Come ye sons of Art Welcome viceregent of the mighty king Why are all the Muses mute
1993 - Purcell Swifter Isis swifter flow What shall be done in behalf of the man Yorkshire Feast Song (Complete Odes and Welcome Songs, Vol. 7)
1993 - Purcell Love's goddess sure was blind Raise raise the voice Laudate Ceciliam From those serene and rapturous joy
1993 - Henry Purcell The Complete Anthems and Services Vol 1
1993 - Purcell Complete Odes Welcome Songs Vol 4 /Fisher Bonner Bowman Kenny Covey-Crump C Daniels George Pott King's Consort King
1993 - Handel Italian Duets
1993 - Purcell Complete Odes and Welcome Songs Volume 3 - Fly bold rebellion Sound the trumpet beat the drum Celebrate this festival
1993 - Bach Cantatas 54 169 170
1993 - Albinoni And Vivaldi Wind Concertos
1993 - Schtz The Christmas Story Gabrieli Christmas Motets
1993 - George Frideric Handel Coronation Anthems/Musick for the Royal Fireworks
1993 - Bach Violin Concertos
1993 - Mr Henry Purcell's Most Admirable Composures
1993 - Pergolesi Stabat Mater Salve Regina In Coelestibus Regnis
1993 - Purcell Royal and Ceremonial Odes
1993 - Handel Music for Royal Occasions
1993 - Bach Telemann Oboe Oboe d'amore Concertos
1993 - Telemann Musique de Table
1993 - Purcell The Complete Anthems and Services Vol 6 /King's Consort King
1993 - Discover The Classics Heroes and Heroines
1993 - Buxtehude Jubilate Domino Jesu Meine Freud und Lust
1992 - Countertenor Duets by Purcell and Blow
1992 - Lalande De Profundis / Confitebor tibi Domine/Miserere