| Zoltan Kodaly, Peter Erdei Kodály: Works for Mixed Choir, Vol. 1 (1903-1936) Genres: Folk, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
Track Listings (14) - Disc #1- Miserere (Psalm 51), for double chorus
- Este (Evening), for soprano & chorus
- T?r?t eszik a cig?ny (See the Gypsies Munching Cheese), folksong for female chorus or mixed chorus
- ?j esztendot k?sz?nto (A Christmas Carol), for high voice or mixed chorus
- Nagyszalontai k?sz?nto (A Birthday Greeting), folksong for high voice chorus or mixed chorus
- M?trai k?pek (M?tra Pictures), for chorus
- ?regek (The Aged), for chorus
- Akik mindig elk?snek (Too Late), for chorus
- J?zus ?s a kuf?rok (Jesus and the Traders), for chorus
- Horatii Carmen II. 10 (Rectius Vives), for chorus ('A sz?p ?neksz? m?zs?j?hoz,' 'To the Muse of Beautiful Singing')
- Sz?kely keserves (Transylvanian Lament), folksong for chorus
- Moln?r Anna (Annie Miller), for chorus
- Liszt Ferenchez (Ode to Liszt), for chorus
- A magyarokhoz (Song of Faith), canon for 4 voices