Brazil?s KRISIUN have been forging their brand of amphetamine-fueled death metal for almost ten years now and are universally regarded as one of the tightest live bands in all of metal. With Works Of Carange, their newest ... more »album, KRISIUN have one goal: total annihilation. The new material is a saturating blitzkrieg of unrelenting death metal fury that is a true testament to the band?s abilities and further cements their status as one of the leading death metal bands in the world today. - Fifth full-length release from Brazil?s premiere death metal act. - Mixed and mastered by Pierre Relimilard (Cryptopsy, Gorguts). - Features an amazing rendition of the Venom classic "In League With Satan". - Works Of Carnage features some of the most striking artwork to ever grace a KRISIUN cover.« less
Brazil?s KRISIUN have been forging their brand of amphetamine-fueled death metal for almost ten years now and are universally regarded as one of the tightest live bands in all of metal. With Works Of Carange, their newest album, KRISIUN have one goal: total annihilation. The new material is a saturating blitzkrieg of unrelenting death metal fury that is a true testament to the band?s abilities and further cements their status as one of the leading death metal bands in the world today. - Fifth full-length release from Brazil?s premiere death metal act. - Mixed and mastered by Pierre Relimilard (Cryptopsy, Gorguts). - Features an amazing rendition of the Venom classic "In League With Satan". - Works Of Carnage features some of the most striking artwork to ever grace a KRISIUN cover.
"Okay, where to we begin with krisiun ?Let's begin by saying that this guys can play fast as f*ck!!!I have not had the plesure to actullie catch krisiun live yet but i been told that its worth it...I assume if you made it this far is either because your into great music or you kno your deathmetal pretty damn good! Krisiun's works of carnage is an music assult with nonstoping brutaly that if your into pure fast non forgiven deathmetal you'll love this album period! I quess listining to krisiun takes me back to my slayer days..ha!"
serious metal dude | Colchester, CT United States | 10/12/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"extremely brutal, extremely tight, and extremely fast. 3 piece brazilian band that blow the doors off most any band out there. you'd be hard pressed to find a heavier disc. krisiun delivers with a fury that can't be matched. the guitar playing is outstanding with a unique riffage style. easily one of my favorite DM discs, and i've heard and own tons. the production is great and the drums sound much better than their last release. if you like extreme death metal, you will love this album. utterly intense. even the venom cover song.......thats right, venom. out of place, but great. buy this"
New Standard Bearers
Adam Hell | New York, USA | 10/31/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"On this album Krisiun improves on some of their riffing creativity and also improves on the production from their last album. I consider "Ageless, Venemous" to be a masterpiece, and I don't think this album tops it or equals it, however it is strong and reaffirms Krisiun as the new standard in death metal. They are paralyzing and have a unique approach to writing riffs; their songs envelope you in a psychotic whirlwind.
I give only 4 stars though because the albums seems short, there is too much filler, and the song "Murderer" seems to me a complete re-hash of the song "Ageless Venemous"...come on guys, you don't have to repeat ideas so blatantly. Also the lyrics are pretty unoriginal.
I am slightly disappointed that they didn't improve upon what they have accomplished thus far, but I still think this band is one of the best in death metal of the last few years. I am just wondering who will step up next, because they don't seem to be progressing that much any more."
Better then Ageless
Bj�rn Everfrost | North From Here | 07/25/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Lets set this straight, Conquerors of Armagedon is one of the best death metal albums ever released. While not that original, it takes the superb riffing of Morbid Angel and the sheer intensity of early Deicide and mash it into a single piece of audio destruction. Works of Carnage, however, is a whole diffrent story.
While this is probabaly my second favorite Krisiun release, behind Conquerors, it is alot better then Ageless and Assissination, which I feel are Krisiuns weaker albums. Ageless was good, but the drums were too triggered, and Assissination was boring. But not on this. Works' is a perfect representation of Krisiun, and I definately recommend this to anyone hoping to check out Krisiun.
Favorite tracks include Murderer, Ethereal World, Scourged Centuries, and Wolfen Tyranny, but there isnt one bad track.
I also recommend Deicide's Legion, for a nice slab of pure death metal."